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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2024-03-04 | ![]() |
Stolen and Found Bikes
In a city in Iceland, many people love cycling. But something bad was
happening. Some people were stealing bikes! This worried bicycle owners. Some
people stopped using their bikes.
One man loves biking. He wanted more people to love it too. So he was very
angry. He looked for the stolen bicycles. They were hard to find. But he
didn't give up.
Sometimes he found stolen bikes where a group of people lived. He talked to
them. He didn't like them because they stole things. But now they're his
friends. They stopped stealing. Some help him find bikes now!
The man returns bicycles to their owners. Now, after four years, he's famous.
People call him the "bike whisperer." He's very good at finding bicycles!
He uses social media to help people.
Are you in Iceland? Did someone steal your bicycle? Ask the bike whisperer
for help. Sometimes he finds bikes in two days!
你在冰島嗎?有人偷了你的單車嗎? 趕快找單車救星幫忙,有時候只要兩天就可以找到。
This man wants more people to love bicycling. He finds stolen bikes and he
stops people from stealing them. He makes having a bicycle safer. He's the
bike whisperer!
1. bike 腳踏車
My friend just told me he stole a bike yesterday.
What did you say? 你怎麼說呢?
I asked him why he did it.我問他為什麼要那樣。
2. steal 偷竊
He said it's because he loves biking. 他說因為他喜歡騎車。
So he decided to steal it? 所以就決定用偷的?
Yeah, I know it's a bad reason. 對,我知道這是個糟糕的理由。
3. angry 生氣的
Did you get angry? 你有生氣嗎?
No, why would I get angry? 沒有,我怎麼會生氣?
He didn't steal my bike. 他又不是偷我的車。
4. return 歸還
I did tell him to return it to the owner.我有告訴他把車子還給主人。
But he didn't know who the owner was. 但是他不知道主人是誰。
He said he'll put the bike back where he found it.
1. Where does the man live?
a. Iceland
b. Finland
c. England
2. What do people call the man?
a. The bicycling whistle
b. The bike whisperer
c. The bicycle wheel
3. What is the man good at?
a. Selling bikes
b. Fixing bikes
c. Finding bikes
1. a
2. b
3. c
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2024-03-18 | ![]() |
Sunshine Kettle
It's spring! The sun is shining. It makes flowers bloom. It makes the weather
Electricity makes TVs and lights work. Fuel makes planes and cars move. What
makes the sun shine?
The sun is made of many very small things called atoms. These atoms like to
bounce around very fast. Sometimes, they hit each other hard and stick
together! When this happens, the atoms become one bigger thing!
Lots of energy comes out. It makes the sun shine! This is nuclear fusion!
We need this kind of energy. It's good energy. It won't make the environment
dirty. So scientists are trying to copy the sun. But it's hard!
Scientists used many strong lights called lasers. They used lasers to shoot
at atoms. This made the atoms bounce around very fast and hit each other -
just like a mini sun!
Some energy came out. The electricity from this energy can boil water in a
kettle. Scientists are trying to make better mini suns. The world needs lots
of energy!
Scientists are working on nuclear fusion so we can have a better world!
1. each other 彼此
Do you see that boy and girl? 你看到那個男孩跟女孩嗎?
Do you see how they look at each other? 你有看到他們怎麼看彼此嗎?
2. happen 發生
Yeah, what about it? 看到了,又怎樣呢?
Their eyes are shining. 他們的眼睛發亮。
So they're in love. 所以他們在談戀愛。
No, that's not what's happening. 不對,不是那樣。
3. energy 能源、能量
Then what do you think is happening? 那你覺得發生了什麼事?
There's this energy between them. 他們之間有一種能量。
4. light 光線
Right, the energy of love. 對,愛的能量。
No, it's the energy of light. 不對,是光的能量。
You're weird, you know that? 你是個怪人,你知道嗎?
each other彼此
1. What makes planes and cars move?
a. Electricity
b. Fuel
c. Wind
2. What are the scientists trying to copy?
a. Lasers
b. Electricity
c. The sun
3. What can the mini sun do now?
a. Light rooms
b. Cool food
c. Boil water
1. b
2. c
3. c
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2024-03-22 | ![]() |
Helping Kids Sleep Better
Sleep is important. People need comfortable beds to sleep well. But some
people don't have beds. They don't sleep well.
Two or three percent of kids in the USA don't have beds. Are you shocked?
One man in the USA was very shocked. Sleep helps kids do well in school. He
wanted to help these kids sleep well. First, he built a bed for one kid. Then
he asked a good friend to help him. They built more beds for more kids.
The man started a group to make beds. Families can help build their own beds.
Sometimes young kids help build the beds.
The group has made beds for more than one hundred forty thousand families.
That's a lot of beds! But many more kids need beds. There's a lot of work to
Why does this man help kids have beds? He doesn't do it to make money. It's
because he likes to help people. This makes him feel good.
This man helps kids have beds. Now they can sleep well! Sweet dreams,
1. feel 感覺
You look a bit pale. 你看起來有點蒼白。
Don't feel well? 不大舒服嗎?
No, didn't sleep well. 不是,沒睡好。
2. family 家人
Yesterday my sister and her family came to visit.
昨天我妹妹和她的家人來看我。 I love my nieces, but they wanted to sleep with
me! 我很愛我的外甥女,但是她們要跟我一起睡!
3. ask 請求
You could ask them to sleep on the sofa.你可以要她們睡沙發啊。
Well, I gave them my bed. 結果我給她們睡床。
I slept on the floor. 我睡地上。
That's tough! 這有點麻煩。
4. thousand 千
And then they asked me to tell them stories. 然後她們要我講故事。
From One Thousand and One Nights. 一千零一夜的故事!
That's a lot of stories! 那是很多故事呢!
Exactly. 就是啊。
1. What percentage of kids in the USA don't have beds?
a. 2 or 3
b. 12 or 13
c. 20 or 30
2. Who did the man first ask to help him?
a. A group
b. A family
c. A friend
3. Why does the man make beds for kids?
a. To be shocked
b. To help people
c. To make money
1. a
2. c
3. b
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2024-03-28 | ![]() |
Out of Gas But Unstoppable
People love ordering food online. Food delivery drivers are busy! In India,
one delivery driver uses his scooter to deliver food orders. But one day, it
needed gas. He went to the gas station.
At that time, everyone was worried about gas. Was there enough? Maybe not! So
everyone wanted to buy gas. The line at the gas station was very long!
The man waited... three hours! Then he got a new food order. This was a big
problem. He didn't want his hungry customer to wait! But his scooter needed
The man had an idea. He used his friend's horse! He got the food. He put the
red delivery bag on his back. Then he rode the horse to deliver the
customer's order.
他有個主意,他可以騎朋友的馬送餐! 他騎著馬、揹著紅色外送袋去送客人訂的餐點。
The road was busy and noisy. But the horse walked calmly.
People were amazed to see a delivery driver riding a horse! Some posted
pictures online of this unstoppable food delivery driver. He became famous!
His scooter was out of gas, but this delivery driver found a cool way to do
his job! Giddyap, horsey!
1. famous 著名的
What's that long line for? 那麼長的隊伍在做什麼?
Don't you know? That's the famous pancake store. 你不知道嗎?那是有名的鬆餅店。
2. wait 等待
People are lining up for pancakes? 大家為了鬆餅排隊?!
Yeah, I once waited one hour standing there.
3. amazed 驚訝的
I'm amazed you'd do something like that. 我很驚訝你會做那種事。
Well, you've never tasted their pancakes. 因為你沒吃過他們的鬆餅。
4. deliver 運送
No, I'm amazed you didn't have it delivered to you. 不,我是驚訝你沒有叫外送。
For pancakes, you have to eat it nice and hot. 鬆餅一定要吃熱呼呼的啊。
1. What is the man's job?
a. Camera operator
b. Horse trainer
c. Food delivery driver
2. How long did the man wait for gas?
a. 3 minutes
b. 30 minutes
c. 3 hours
3. What was the man's idea?
a. Order food
b. Ride a horse
c. Become famous
1. c
2. c
3. b
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2024-04-01 | ![]() |
Scarves Warm Hearts
Something wonderful happens in cities in Canada and the U.S. every year. It
started long ago with a surprise! On a very cold day in a Canadian city,
fourteen statues of great heroes... wore scarves?!
The colorful scarves were handmade. Each scarf had a message that warmed
people's hearts. And the scarves were free!
Some people took pictures of the statues that day. They posted the pictures
online. Many people liked the idea of leaving scarves for anyone to take!
They called it "scarf bombing."
So who scarf bombed the statues? Some kind students did!
The kindness didn't stop. Lots of people need scarves. So scarf bombers in
many cities make scarves all year. They're making hats, gloves, jackets, and
blankets right now! Other people help by giving the scarf bombers yarn.
When cold weather comes, they make scarf bombs. They put the things they made
on fences, benches, and many other places.
Small acts of kindness are important. Leaving warm scarves for people makes
them happy. And it brings people together!
1. jacket 夾克
It's freezing today! 今天冷死了!
Where's your jacket? 你的夾克呢?
I didn't bring one. 我沒帶。
I didn't know it'd be so cold! 我不知道會這麼冷!
2. kind 好心的
Here, let me at least offer you my scarf. 來,至少讓我借你我的圍巾。
Thank you. You're so kind! 謝謝,你人真好!
3. wear 穿戴
How did you know to wear a heavy coat? 你怎麼知道要穿厚外套?
Yesterday was so warm.昨天那麼溫暖。
4. online 上網
I just happened to see an online weather forecast.
Don't worry. It'll warm up tomorrow. 別擔心,明天就會變溫暖。
That's good to know. 這是好消息。
1. Where does scarf bombing happen?
a. Taiwan
b. Canada
c. Japan
2. Where can people find these scarves?
a. Fences
b. Desks
c. Libraries
3. What do people give to help scarf bombers?
a. Money
b. Yarn
c. Food
1. b
2. a
3. b
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