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News for Kids 國小 | Posted on 2019-09-05 |
Steepest Street in the World
Ahh! Finally! I made it…. Wooo!
Climbing mountains is fun, but it is hard work! 爬山好玩也好累!
While climbing is a lot of fun... I wouldn't want to do it every day!
But, what about people who live on mountains, hills, and steep roads?
住山上或陡坡上 怎麼辦?That must be tiring.
Do any of you live on a steep street? Maybe your school is at the top of a hill?
你們家或學校在山上嗎? That's tough, but you'll grow up with really strong legs!
那腿一定很強壯! Like… superhero legs!……………. You'll be able
to run faster than a train, ……………. and jump over houses…... and…….
Okay, maybe not… But people who have to climb and walk on hills and steep
roads will still be in good shape. 常常爬坡的人會很健康, right? It's good exercise!
Oh, and did you know there's a new steepest street in the world?
Background voice 1: Where's that?
全世界最陡的街在哪裡? Well, it used to be in a country called New Zealand!
For 32 years they had a street that everyone thought was the steepest in the world!
But then on the other side of the world, a country called Wales said their
street was even steeper! And it was!
另外一個叫做威爾斯的國家他們說他們的街更陡! 結果是真的!
Background voices: Woooow!!!
Well, if you decide to go to see the steepest street in the world, whatever
you do, don't drop your grocery shopping...
Aghhh… My groceries! Oh no! 我的番茄! Whoa! And my apples! Watch Out!
………. oweee Sorry!
Ugh! Got my fruit and vegetables back… But… Now I have to
walk all the way back up again. 又要走上去.... Ughhhoooowww!
Hi, everyone, do you live on a steep street or on a flat road?
1) Steep 陡峭的,a steep hill 陡峭的山坡,steeper 更陡. People in Wales said
their street was steeper 威爾斯人說他們的街道更陡,比起紐西蘭的更陡. It's the
steepest street in the world 那是全世界最陡的街道! Steepest 最陡峭的。So you
see, we have 3 words here: steep, steeper, and steepest.
2) Mountain高山。我家住在山上 I live on the mountain. 我很喜歡爬山 I love to
climb mountains.
3) Climb爬, 我們爬到山頂上We climbed to the top of the mountain. It was
tough 很不簡單呢!
4) Tough 困難的。Climbing high mountains is tough, and you need to be in good
shape 攀登高山是很難的,需要身體狀況很好。In good shape 就是狀況很好。
So what are the words we learned today? Steep 陡峭的,
steeper更陡,steepest最陡的。 Mountain 高山, climb 爬, 所以爬山就是climb
How might you go up a mountain?
A: By climbing
B: By shouting
Or C: By dancing
Wales has the new what street in the world?
A: The shortest
B: The longest
Or C: The steepest
Climbing and walking is good what?
A: Music
B: Exercise
Or C: Food
1. A. Climbing. 2. C. The steepest. 3. B. Exercise.
News for Kids 國小 | Posted on 2019-09-16 |
Eating Bugs!
Hi Everybody! What do you think about eating a sandwich -- of BUGS!
(SFX: ;SCREAM!!!!) What??? A bug sandwich! Ya think I'm crazy??
Nope! Eating bugs is actually a really good idea! Let me tell you why!
Lots of people around the world don't have enough food to eat.
That's really sad, right? So many people are hungry … and then they get sick
and have a sad life! 很多人沒有東西吃,肚子餓 ,生病還過著悲慘生活
They need more food!
Hmm… where can we get more food? Where does food come from?
Well, we can grow more food … we can grow more vegetables like carrots and
tomatoes ... and we can get more animals for food … like more chickens …
more cows and more pigs.我們要生產更多的蔬菜和肉類
But there's a problem! Vegetables and chickens and cows and pigs need space
… and we don't have much space! 空間都不夠啊
Bugs are small! They don't need much space. And they are healthy. Bugs are
good for you.
You can cook the bugs … and make a bug hamburger!
Bugs actually taste good. Some bugs even taste sweet!
Cool, yeah? Sweet bugs!
Eating bugs is a good idea that can help people. 可以幫助人類.
Wow! Maybe I'm ready to try a bug burger! How about you? Bugs for lunch?
哇,我已經等不及要吃吃蟲子漢堡, 你會想試試看嗎?
Ha! Maybe someday!!
Hi, would you like to have a bug sandwich for lunch?
1) Sandwich 三明治。A sandwich is two pieces of bread with things like meat,
cheese and tomatoes in between 三明治就是兩片麵包,中間夾著肉片,起司和番茄。
2) Chicken 雞,所以營養好喝的雞湯就是chicken soup. Chicken soup is good for
you when you're sick生病時喝一點雞湯對你有好處。
3) Sick 生病。Hungry people often get
sick餓肚子的人經常會生病,並且過得不好They have a sad life.
4) Sad悲慘的,傷心的。That's a sad story那個故事真慘!
Let's review the words we've learned today: sandwich三明治 chicken雞
sick 生病 sad悲慘的。So don't eat too many sandwiches, you may get sick!
1. What do vegetables ... and even people need?
A: They need space! B: They need dogs! C: They need pigs and carrots!
2. Why is eating bugs a good idea?
A: Bugs are vegetables B: Bugs are good for you …
C: Chickens like bugs!
3. What do all people need everyday?
A: Food! B: Monkeys! C: Bugs!
1, A 2, B 3, A
News for Kids 國小 | Posted on 2019-09-18 |
Mosquitoes - What are they good for?
AHHH! ….. Oww ! Oh, my! That mosquito bit me, like, five times!
Oh, mosquitos are so annoying! I really don't like mosquitoes!
Oh, hi everybody! What do you think about mosquitoes? --Yeah! They're no fun.
They wake me up at night with that buzzing ….
They bite and it's soooo itchy! 被蚊子咬很癢呢And, they can make people very
Every year in Taiwan …. and all over the world, people get sick with dengue
fever … from mosquito bites!
Dengue fever makes you feel hot …with a fever … and your whole-body hurts
… and you feel really bad!
We should be careful of mosquitoes and not get a mosquito bite … because we
don't want to get Dengue Fever! 不想有登革熱就不要被蚊子咬到喔
BUT … you might not know …. most of the time, mosquitoes actually help the
world! That's right! 蚊子其實對世界是有幫助的,很難想像吧
Some plants and flowers need mosquitoes!
Why? Because some mosquitoes pick up tiny seeds from plants and flowers …
then the mosquitoes spread the seeds so more plants and flowers can grow!
It's cool that mosquitoes help plants and flowers, right?
But mosquitoes don't help people at all. Sometimes they give us Dengue
Fever! -- So, don't let them bite you!
Oh, guess what? Mosquitoes like dark colors 知道嗎? 蚊子喜歡黑色… so if you
wear bright clothes … like a white shirt … maybe the mosquitoes won't bite
so much!
AHHHH! That's another mosquito! OK … I'm going inside to put on mosquito
Nobody likes mosquitos because they bite!
1) Bite咬。Your dog bit me你的狗咬了我! No, it didn't牠才沒有呢! People may
get dengue fever from mosquito bites 被蚊子咬可能會得登革熱。
2) Annoying很煩人。Mosquitos are annoying, especially when you're asleep
3) Feel感覺。I feel bad when I see dead plants and flowers
我看到枯死的花花草草都覺得不舒服。 Do you feel better now你現在好些了嗎?
4) Help 幫助。Could you help me please? 可以幫我一下嗎? Yes, of course!
5) Dark 黑暗的。Mosquitos like dark colors蚊子喜歡深色的顏色。It's getting
We've just heard about mosquitos, now let's say the words: bite咬
feel感覺 help幫助 dark黑暗的。
1. Dengue fever makes you feel___?
A: Hot
B: Cold
C: Silly
2. What is one good thing mosquitoes do?
A: Do your homework
B: Sing beautiful songs
C: Spread flower and plant seeds
3. What colors do mosquitoes like?
A: Dark colors
B: Light colors
C: White
1 A, 2 C, 3 A
News for Kids 國小 | Posted on 2019-10-01 |
Walking Backward to Save the Forests
Hi Everybody!
A forest is a place with lots of trees! The trees are good homes for
Lots of animals need the forest! They live there!
But people also need forests and trees!
(Laughs) No, people don't live in the trees … but the trees give us fresh
air! 人類也是需要森林,因為森林製造很多氧氣。
That's right! Trees help make the air we breathe! (Huge gasp of intake of
fresh air sound)
--Thank you, trees!
But, what if we cut down too many trees in the forest? No … trees … no ..
air … we need trees … and we need air …
Cut down too many trees, but we won't have good air to breathe!
That's not good, right? What can we do to help?
Well, there's a man in Indonesia -- and he wants people to stop cutting down
so many trees! 有一個印尼人叫大家停止砍森林。
..So... he's taking a very long walk. I mean, really, long!
The man is walking 700 kilometers … that's like walking from Taipei to
Kaohsiung ... and then from Kaohsiung back to Taipei!
Whoa! That's a long walk!
And …… He's walking …… Backwards! … Yeah, walking the whole way …
Backwards! 他用倒退走路的方式來吸引大家注意。
Walking backwards is not easy! You can try it … But be careful!
It's easy to fall down walking backwards.
But why is the man in Indonesia walking backwards? 但是他為什麼要倒退走呢?
The man says he wants people in Indonesia to think back … think back and
remember all the old trees and old forests.
So, he's walking backwards … understand? Walking backward to save the
(Sighs) I hope we can save the forests ...I love forests in Taiwan and
forests all over the world!
Let's all try to save the forests … save the trees!!!! (said with loud
Trees are beautiful to see and we also need trees for fresh air.
1) Fresh新鮮的。Fresh air新鮮空氣,fresh fruit新鮮水果。This apple is not
fresh any more這顆蘋果不新鮮了。
2) Need需要。People need air, water and food人類需要空氣,水和食物。Do you
need any help需要幫忙嗎? No, I'm fine不用,我可以。
3) Walk走路。Take a long walk很長的散步。Do we walk there or take a
4) Backwards往後的。這個字來自back返回. He will walk to Taipei and come
back他會走路去台北,然後再回來. Backwards 是往後的,He's walking
5) Careful小心。Please be careful 請小心!
So please be careful if you want to walk backwards. Let's read today's words:
Fresh新鮮的 need需要 walk走路 backwards往後的 careful小心
1. What is this man doing?
A: Walking a long way.
B: Eating ice-cream.
C: Swimming to America.
2. How is the man walking?
A: In a circle.
B: Forward.
C: Backward.
3. Why is he walking backwards?
A: For fun!
B: To save the forests.
C: To see a friend.
1. A 2. C 3. B
News for Kids 國小 | Posted on 2019-10-15 |
Gel to help teeth repair themselves
Narrator: Oh no! The dentist! 又要看牙醫了。I hate getting my teeth checked!
It's so painful!
It's my own fault. 我好多顆牙齒都蛀牙了。
I don't take very good care of my teeth.
I like eating sweet things too much! I really enjoy eating cakes and candies.
But eating all these sweet things makes my teeth hurt, because doctors say
too much sweet stuff is bad for teeth.
Also, I don't like to brush my teeth, and I really hate cleaning between my
teeth. 我覺得用牙線好麻煩喔。
But when I don't take care of my teeth, the dentist says they might all fall
醫生幫我補牙也沒用 … The doctor tries to fix the problem, but it doesn't
help …
But guess what I heard?
There are smart people who are making something that might fix my tooth
problems forever!
Some scientists are trying to create a special gel that could help teeth fix
themselves! 很酷吧!
(laughing) It obviously won't help you grow new teeth, it just helps the
teeth you already have.
If this gel can help teeth fix themselves, then I won't have to worry about
going to the doctor!
My bad teeth will just heal all by themselves!
然後我就可以繼續吃糖果跟蛋糕 ... and I will still be fine!
But … scientists are still doing a lot of tests before they can let people
use this special gel.
So it might be a long time before I can use this amazing gel on my own teeth.
So, I guess right now, I should just take better care of myself. I guess I
will go brush my teeth right now.
1. 牙齒 teeth. Do I need to get my teeth checked我需要去看牙齒嗎? Why? Do
they hurt為什麼? 你牙痛嗎? Yes they do是啊,會痛。
2. Hurt痛。Ouch, it really hurts真的好痛! She hurt my
3. Sweet甜的。Cakes and candies are sweet蛋糕和糖果都是甜的。 That's so sweet
of you你人真好!
4. Fix修理,或是解決。The doctor has fixed my problems醫生解決了我的問題。
5. Problem問題。No problem沒問題。 Is air pollution a big problem in
Taipei台北的空氣汙染是個大問題嗎? Yes, it is確實是。
Okay, protect your teeth and don't eat too many sweets! Let's read the words
together. Teeth牙齒 hurt痛 sweet甜的 fix修理 problem問題
1. Is sugar good for your teeth?
a. Yes, of course.
b. No, obviously not.
c. Yes, it helps teeth grow stronger.
2. How can you protect your teeth?
a. By chewing really hard.
b. By brushing and flossing your teeth.
c. By eating more sweet candy.
3. What kind of gel are scientists inventing?
a. Something that will help grow new teeth.
b. Something that will help teeth repair themselves.
c. Something that hurts your teeth.
1. B 2. B 3.B
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