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News for Kids 國小 | Posted on 2019-09-18 | ![]() |
Mosquitoes - What are they good for?
AHHH! ….. Oww ! Oh, my! That mosquito bit me, like, five times!
Oh, mosquitos are so annoying! I really don't like mosquitoes!
Oh, hi everybody! What do you think about mosquitoes? --Yeah! They're no fun.
They wake me up at night with that buzzing ….
They bite and it's soooo itchy! 被蚊子咬很癢呢And, they can make people very
Every year in Taiwan …. and all over the world, people get sick with dengue
fever … from mosquito bites!
Dengue fever makes you feel hot …with a fever … and your whole-body hurts
… and you feel really bad!
We should be careful of mosquitoes and not get a mosquito bite … because we
don't want to get Dengue Fever! 不想有登革熱就不要被蚊子咬到喔
BUT … you might not know …. most of the time, mosquitoes actually help the
world! That's right! 蚊子其實對世界是有幫助的,很難想像吧
Some plants and flowers need mosquitoes!
Why? Because some mosquitoes pick up tiny seeds from plants and flowers …
then the mosquitoes spread the seeds so more plants and flowers can grow!
It's cool that mosquitoes help plants and flowers, right?
But mosquitoes don't help people at all. Sometimes they give us Dengue
Fever! -- So, don't let them bite you!
Oh, guess what? Mosquitoes like dark colors 知道嗎? 蚊子喜歡黑色… so if you
wear bright clothes … like a white shirt … maybe the mosquitoes won't bite
so much!
AHHHH! That's another mosquito! OK … I'm going inside to put on mosquito
Nobody likes mosquitos because they bite!
1) Bite咬。Your dog bit me你的狗咬了我! No, it didn't牠才沒有呢! People may
get dengue fever from mosquito bites 被蚊子咬可能會得登革熱。
2) Annoying很煩人。Mosquitos are annoying, especially when you're asleep
3) Feel感覺。I feel bad when I see dead plants and flowers
我看到枯死的花花草草都覺得不舒服。 Do you feel better now你現在好些了嗎?
4) Help 幫助。Could you help me please? 可以幫我一下嗎? Yes, of course!
5) Dark 黑暗的。Mosquitos like dark colors蚊子喜歡深色的顏色。It's getting
We've just heard about mosquitos, now let's say the words: bite咬
feel感覺 help幫助 dark黑暗的。
1. Dengue fever makes you feel___?
A: Hot
B: Cold
C: Silly
2. What is one good thing mosquitoes do?
A: Do your homework
B: Sing beautiful songs
C: Spread flower and plant seeds
3. What colors do mosquitoes like?
A: Dark colors
B: Light colors
C: White
1 A, 2 C, 3 A
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News for Kids 國小 | Posted on 2019-09-20 | ![]() |
921 Earthquake
Narrator: 地震! Hurry up, take cover! ………Phew … is everyone all right?
Thank goodness everyone is all right. 我最不喜歡地震了。 And that was a big
But it still wasn't as big as the 921 Earthquake.
Have you heard of the 九二一大地震? The 921 Earthquake was one of the biggest
earthquakes to ever hit Taiwan.
That earthquake happened on September 21, 1999.
That means it happened exactly twenty years ago. 剛好20年前發生
It was a magnitude 7.3 earthquake, which means it was a very, very strong
It was was so strong that it knocked down power lines in Taiwan,
然後全台灣就大停電! There was a blackout!
The blackout lasted a long time. There was no electricity for days.
我們過了好多天都沒有電,都停電了During the day people could not turn on their
fans or air conditioners, so everyone was very sweaty under the hot sun.
And at night, there was no electricity for lights, so everything was very
Sadly, more than two-thousand people were also killed in the earthquake.
And thousands of buildings were damaged.
…….Uh oh, aftershock!........
Everyone still ok? That was just an aftershock. That is when the ground
shakes again after an earthquake.
Hopefully there won't be any more aftershocks. 拜託不要再來餘震了!
Anyway, the 921 Earthquake was a terrible thing to happen, but experts are
studying how we can be ready for other earthquakes in the
future.未來如果我們能預測地震的話, 我們就可以先準備了
And hopefully, we will be!
Earthquakes are scary, aren't they? They can cause a blackout for a lot of
1) Blackout 停電。Black黑色的,blackout就是停電。Typhoon Maria caused a
blackout in Tainan颱風瑪麗亞讓台南停電了。
2) Power力量,或者是電力。Taiwan Power Company台電公司, The earthquake left
5 hundred homes without power地震讓五百戶居民沒有電。
3) Electricity電。Why is it so dark 為什麼這麼暗? Because there's no
electricity for lights因為沒有電來點亮電燈。
4) Building建築物。Taipei 101 is the tallest building in
5) Happen發生。What happened發生了什麼事? Nothing 沒事兒。
We've learned some good words about earthquakes, now let's review them.
Blackout停電 power力量或是電力 electricity電 building建築物 happen發生
1. When did the 921 Earthquake happen?
a. 20 years ago
b. Yesterday.
c. It hasn't happened yet.
2. What is a blackout?
a. When the power goes out.
b. When you use a black marker.
c. When it's night time.
3. What is an aftershock?
a. When you are shocked by electricity.
b. When the ground shakes again after an earthquake.
c. When you are surprised by something.
1. A 2. A 3. B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2020-12-31 | ![]() |
New York City New Year's Ball Drop Going Virtual
3... 2...1... happy new year! 大家新年快樂!
2020 is coming to an end. 2020年今天晚上就要結束了!
And wow, a lot has happened this year! So many different things have
happened, but the biggest of them all is the coronavirus pandemic.
People all over the world are living with different restrictions; some have
to stay at home, while others can go out but can't be in large groups. And
because of the coronavirus, many places have to change their New Year's Eve
plans, including New York City and their famous ball drop.
This year, in New York City the event will be virtual, not live.
That means no one will be allowed in Time Square, where it usually happens.
Guests and performers will be shown on screens only!
However, this does mean that you don't have to be in New York City to enjoy
the event. 不過,線上舉辦,全世界的人都可以參加!
You can watch everything live from a computer or mobile phone from anywhere,
including here in Taiwan!
Remember, whether you watch the New York event online or go to a party in
Taiwan, 不管你是在台灣參加跨年,還是看紐約的跨年直播。You still need to wear
a mask outside and wash your hands!
Stay safe, and we'll see you next year! 我們明年見!
1. End結束。
(sigh..) The festival is coming to an end. 節日要結束了。You don't want it to
end? 你不想要它結束嗎? Of course not! I haven't had enough fun.
2. Plan計畫。
Come to our party tonight, Ryan! 今天晚上來參加我們的派對吧。I can't. I have
other plans. 我不能去,我有別的計畫。
3. Event事件,活動。
Have you been to Taipei's New Year's Eve party? 你有去過台北市的跨年晚會嗎?
No. What's it like? 沒有。它是什麼樣子? It's a huge event! 它是很盛大的活動。
4. Mean表示,意思。
I'm not going. 我不去。What do you mean? 你是什麼意思? I mean what I said.
I'm not going. 我的意思就是我說的,我不去。But I spent 3,000 NT on these
tickets! 但是我花了三千塊買這些票!
end 結束 plan 計畫 event 事件,活動 mean 意思。
Happy New Year, everyone!
1. What year is ending?
A. 2020
B. 1010
C. 5050
2. What city is taking their New Year's celebration online?
A. Taipei
B. New York
C. London
3. How can people watch the party?
A. In person in Times Square
B. On their computer or mobile device
C. Using a telescope
1. A 2. B 3. B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-01-14 | ![]() |
Man Flies with Balloons
Hi! Everybody loves balloons. Balloons are fun, especially balloons that can
fly up in the air. Can people fly in the air by holding balloons?
We see that in cartoons on TV and in movies. But can that really happen?
The answer is "yes!" A man did that above a desert in America. He held about
50 big balloons - and he flew in the air over the desert! And he went really
high up into the air, too. 在美國,有人抓著50顆氣球,飛越沙漠,而且飛得很高!
So, how did he come back down to Earth? 可是,要怎麼降落呢?
Did the 50 balloons pop? 是氣球破了嗎?
No, the balloons didn't pop. Did the air come out of the balloons?
No, that didn't happen, either. The man let go of the balloons…
他在空中把氣球放掉... and fell from the sky.
Don't worry; the man had a parachute. 別擔心,他有降落傘。He opened the
parachute and landed safely on the ground.
The man said it was really fun to fly with balloons. What do you think?
Sounds pretty scary to me!
1. Air 空氣,in the air在空中。Spring is in the air.
空氣中已經有春天的氣息了。Can you smell it? 你聞得到嗎? Yes, I can smell
cherry blossoms in the air. 可以,我聞得到空氣裡櫻花的香氣。
2. Land 降落。We'd better hurry! 我們最好快一點。His plane will land soon.
他的班機就快降落了。Don't worry. Landing takes quite a while.
3. Ground 地上。What will you do during your vacation? 你度假時要做什麼? I'll
just lie on the ground and watch the sky. 我只會躺在地上看天空。That sounds
nice. 聽起來很好。
4. Happen 發生。What's happening? Why the cheering? 發生什麼事?
為什麼大家歡呼? The teacher says we can leave school after 1PM.
Okay, today's words are easy. Let's read them together.
in the air 在空中 land 降落 ground 地上 happen 發生
1: How many big balloons did the man hold?
A: About 15
B: About 25
C: About 50
2: Where did he fly with the balloons?
A: Over a town
B: Above a desert
C: Near the ocean
3: How did the man come back down to Earth?
A: He popped the balloons
B: The air came out of the balloons
C: He let go of the balloons
1: C 2: B 3: C
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-02-23 | ![]() |
Parrot Saves Man from Fire
Do you have any pets? Having a pet is awesome.
You can feed them, play with them, cuddle with them, maybe walk or exercise
with them, and pets can be really great friends too.
But did you know that a pet could even save your life? 你知道寵物會救人嗎?
It's true, a man in Australia, called Anton, was saved by his pet!
What kind of pet does Anton have?
He has a parrot! Some parrots, like Anton's parrot have been trained to talk.
Anton 的寵物,是一隻會說話的鸚鵡!
And one night, when Anton was asleep...... his house caught fire!
Luckily, his parrot noticed the fire and started calling Anton's name.
鸚鵡發現火災,一直大叫Anton 的名字。
Anton heard his parrot calling and he woke up.
He could smell smoke so he took his parrot, left his house, and called the
fire department.
It was a big fire but luckily Anton and his parrot are okay, and luckily the
parrot woke Anton up so they could get out!
And that's another reason why pets are great!
1) Save 拯救。I almost drowned. 我差點淹死。Kevin saved my life!
凱文救了我一命! So he's a good swimmer? 所以他很會游泳? No, he threw me a
lifejacket. 不是。他丟給我救生衣。
2) Pet 寵物。Do you have a pet, Jane? 你有養寵物嗎? I do. I have a fish tank
with 3 fish. 我有,我有個金魚缸,裡面有三條魚。Fish are perfect pets.
金魚是最好的寵物了。They really are. 真的是。
3) Wake up 醒來。Wake up, Ryan. It's already 8! 快醒醒,萊恩。已經八點了。Oh
no, I'm going to be late. 糟糕,我要遲到了。You should have woken me up
earlier. 你應該早點叫我。
4) Luckily 幸運地。There was a big earthquake last night.
昨晚發生大地震。Luckily nobody got hurt. 幸運的是沒有人受傷。
Would you like to keep a pet? Please read with me.
Save 拯救 pet 寵物 wake up 醒來 luckily 幸運地
1. What kind of pet does Anton have?
a. A cat
b. A rabbit
c. A parrot
2. What happened to Anton's house?
a. It caught fire
b. The door came off
c. The windows smashed
3. What did Anton's pet do?
a. It flew away
b. It called the fire department
c. It called Anton's name to wake him up
1: c 2: a 3: c
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