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News for Kids 國小 | Posted on 2019-10-04 | ![]() |
Mummies Are Real!
Narrator: Do you like scary stories about ghosts, monsters and mummies?
Narrator: Of course, you do! You can see mummies in comics, video games and
movies! 你應該有看過木乃伊的電影吧? In the movies, mummies are like monsters.
They have bandages all over their bodies. They usually walk slowly and chase
people. 電影裡面的木乃伊有點像殭屍。對吧?
Well, I have a true story to tell you about real mummies! Yes, there really
are mummies in the world. But they aren't like the scary ones in the
A lot of real mummies have been found in Egypt over the years. And recently,
30 were found!
Female: Oh no! Mummies! Run away!
Narrator: Don't worry. These mummies may be real, but real ones can't hurt
People found these mummies by digging in the ground. Imagine finding 30
mummies! That would be so exciting, right? 如果一次挖到30個木乃伊會很刺激吧
Female : Don't open the coffins! Isn't that bad luck???
Narrator: No! Of course, not! 木乃伊的詛咒不是真的啦。They are just dead
people wrapped up in bandages, not monsters. These real mummies are about
2,400 years old. That's over 2,000 years old! They can't walk or hurt you.
That only happens in the movies and in stories.
Now, here's something that's very interesting. People think there are even
more mummies buried in the ground.
Isn't history fun? 歷史是很有趣的 Maybe you'll get a chance to visit
Egypt.你會想去埃及嗎? If you do, you'll love the many old, old buildings. And
if you see a mummy or two in a museum, don't worry.
在博物館看到木乃伊其實不用擔心的They can't hurt you!
Many comic books are about monsters and mummies.
1) Comic books漫畫書,comics 漫畫。Kevin reads comics in the newspapers every
day 凱文每天都看報紙上的漫畫。
2) Monster怪物。You can dress up as a monster for
3) Hurt傷害。Don't hurt me不要傷害我! I'll never hurt you我絕對不會傷害你的。
4) In the ground. Mummies are buried in the ground 木乃伊埋在地底下。Potatoes
grow in the ground馬鈴薯在地底下生長。
5) Interesting 有趣的。Your story is very interesting 你的故事真有趣! Did you
find the movie interesting 你們覺得那部電影有趣嗎? No, not really談不上。
今天的單字你記住了嗎? Comics漫畫 monster怪物 hurt傷害 in the ground地底下
1) Where were the mummies found?
A: In America B: In Egypt C: In Europe
2) What are real mummies?
A: Monsters B: People who find dead bodies. C: Bodies wrapped in bandages.
3) How old are the mummies that were found?
A: About 1,000 years old B: 1,500 years old C: More than 2,000 years old
1, B 2, C 3, C
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News for Kids 國小 | Posted on 2019-10-07 | ![]() |
The Longest Boat Trip Ever
Narrator: Hey everybody - all aboard!上船的時候船長的會這樣說: "All aboard!"
Well, we're not really sailing on a boat today. But, I am going to tell you
about an exciting boat trip.
A huge boat named the Viking Sun left England on August 31 of this year. It
is on a trip that will last for 245 days. That's eight months! 你能想像嗎?
Student: Eight months is a long time. Where will the boat go?
Narrator: That's a very good question.這是好問題 It will sail around the
world and visit 51 countries. The trip will return to England in May of the
year 2020. This makes it the longest boat trip ever!明年5月才會回英國
Student: Will passengers get bored?
Narrator: Are you kidding? 一點都不會無聊! There are lots of things to do on
the ship. Of course, there are swimming pools on the boat. There's also a
movie theater. There are lots of places to relax.有好多地方可以放鬆 There's a
library, too! There's also a gym if you want to exercise.
Oh, I almost forgot the best part - the excellent food! Oh, I wish I could be
on that boat!
Student: Does it cost a lot of money?
Narrator: Yes, it does. 其實,超級貴的! The cheapest ticket is 81,000 US
dollars. 最便宜的票就是8萬一千塊美金喔How much is 81,000 US dollars? A
McDonald's cheeseburger costs about 1 dollar, so that's 81,000 cheeseburgers!
Student: Wow! I think I'll just stay home.
Narrator: Yeah, that's too expensive for me, too.我也是覺得太貴了 Oh well.
It's nice to dream about a trip like that. Dreaming is free! 做夢就是免費
Did you dream about me last night? Probably not!
1. Dream作夢,夢想。I'm dreaming about sailing a boat to New
Zealand我夢想駕帆船去紐西蘭。You're kidding, you can't even
2. Kid開玩笑。He's not really hurt; he's just
kidding.他沒有真的受傷,他只是在開玩笑。I'm not kidding我不是開玩笑。
3. Exciting讓人興奮的。What an exciting baseball game好精采的棒球賽! That's
an exciting news真讓人高興的消息!
4. Exercise運動。Children need an hour of exercise a day小朋友一天需要
cheap便宜的。The cheapest ticket costs $1,000NT
最便宜的票也要台幣一千元。That's expensive 很貴呢!
Now let's read the words again. Dream夢想 kid開玩笑 exciting讓人興奮的
exercise運動 cheap便宜的。
1) What is this story about?
A: The biggest boat in the world B: A boat accident C: The longest boat trip.
2) In the story, what is the number 245?
A: The people on the boat. B: The days of the trip. C: The price of the
3) Where did the boat leave from?
A: England B: Canada C: The United States
1, C 2, B 3, A
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News for Kids 國小 | Posted on 2019-10-10 | ![]() |
Taiwan wants 20 million visitors a year by 2030
Narrator: Wow, there are so many people! 人山人海!
A lot of people must have come to watch the parade!
A parade is when a lot of people walk together down the street in celebration.
Do you know why there is a parade today?
To celebrate October 10th - Double Ten!
Double10 - 雙十節 - is another name people in Taiwan use to say October 10th.
What's so special about the date of October 10th?
October 10 is Taiwan's National Day.
And every year, on this day, many people come to the Presidential Building to
watch the parade. 雙十節遊行很熱鬧!
There will be music, marching, and a lot of people waving the National flag.
And guess what? Important politicians from Taiwan and other countries will be
there too!
Even the president will be there to watch the parade!
It's a huge celebration! 國慶日要盛大慶祝!
And we have a lot to celebrate.
And there are so many cool things too!
We have beautiful rivers and mountains.
We also have great food! Especially at the night markets.
We have delicious food like stinky tofu, bubble milk tea, and mango shaved
ice desserts! 這些美食,你最喜歡吃哪一個?
Everyone wants to come visit Taiwan.
Well, according to the government, over 10 million people from other
countries visit Taiwan every year.
So many people come here because it's such a great place to visit!
And guess what, we might even get more people to visit.
The government hopes the number of people visiting Taiwan will double by the
year 2030.
That means in about 10 years, there might be more than 20 million people
visiting Taiwan a year!
I can't even count that high! 兩千萬外國遊客,數都數不完呢!
I hope there's going to be enough room for everyone!
Have you ever seen a Double-Ten Day parade? It's a lot of fun!
1) Double兩個,雙份。Double-Ten Day雙十節。What would you like for
dessert你想吃什麼甜點? I'd like a double scoop of ice cream我想吃雙份冰淇淋。
2) Night market夜市。Night夜晚,market市場。We went to Fengjia Night Market
last night and ate so much food我們昨晚逛逢甲夜市,吃了好多東西!
3) Food食物。Chinese food中國菜,French food法國菜。Don't eat too much junk
4) Visit拜訪。Taiwan is a great place to visit台灣是觀光的好地方!
5) Million百萬。Taipei city has 3 million people台北市有三百萬人。
So try to use these words when Double-Ten Day comes around!
Double兩個,或是雙份 night market夜市 food食物 visit拜訪 million百萬
1. What is Double Ten?
a. Two number tens side by side.
b. October 10.
c. Ten multiplied by ten.
2. What is so special about Double Ten?
a. It's a fun thing to say.
b. It's the number ten, twice.
c. It's Taiwan's national day.
3. How many people visit Taiwan every year?
a. Over 10 million.
b. Just a few people.
c. A few thousand.
1. B 2. C 3.A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2020-12-29 | ![]() |
Tiger Bought by Accident
Have you ever bought anything by mistake? 你曾經買錯東西嗎? Like the wrong
flavor of ice cream or a weird toothpaste?
I have! I've bought the wrong thing before, but even if it wasn't what I
wanted, it was never dangerous or against the law!
Unlike a couple in France who wanted a new pet. They were looking for a
special kind of cat called a Savannah
They found what they thought was a Savannah cat online and paid a lot of
money for it.他們在網路上找到了,並且花很多錢買下來。
They got the cat but after a few days, they thought something wasn't quite
The cat... wasn't actually the cat they thought it was… It was… a tiger!
Okay, it was only a little tiger cub but still… it was a tiger!
Tigers are endangered. Which means there are not a lot of them left in the
world. 世界上的老虎已經不多了。
So this is serious. The people that sold the tiger to the couple in France,
are in big trouble with the police. 賣老虎給這對夫妻的人,後來被警察抓了!
Don't worry about the tiger, it's now safe and healthy.
But, from now on, remember, always check before you buy!
1. Mistake 錯誤。
Oh no, I made a big mistake! 糟了,我犯了大錯。What did you do? 你做了什麼? I
typed the wrong bank account number. 我打錯了銀行帳戶號碼。Now that's a BIG
mistake. 那真的是大錯。
2. Wrong 錯的。
It's wrong to kill endangered animals.獵殺瀕臨絕種的動物是不對的。
3. Safe 安全的。
Is it safe to go fishing at night? 晚上釣魚安全嗎? Yeah, it should be safe.
應該安全。We will all wear life jackets. 我們都會穿救生衣。
4. Think 以為。
I thought she likes mango ice cream。我以為她喜歡芒果冰淇淋。And I thought
she prefers chocolate. 我以為她比較喜歡巧克力。We were both wrong!
mistake 錯誤 wrong 錯的 safe 安全的 think 以為
1. Where are the couple in the story from?
a. Taiwan
b. Germany
c. France
2. What animal did the couple want to buy?
a. A Savannah cat
b. A sausage dog
c. A goldfish
3. What animal did the couple actually get?
a. A tiger
b. A lion
c. An elephant
1: c 2: a 3: a
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2020-12-31 | ![]() |
New York City New Year's Ball Drop Going Virtual
3... 2...1... happy new year! 大家新年快樂!
2020 is coming to an end. 2020年今天晚上就要結束了!
And wow, a lot has happened this year! So many different things have
happened, but the biggest of them all is the coronavirus pandemic.
People all over the world are living with different restrictions; some have
to stay at home, while others can go out but can't be in large groups. And
because of the coronavirus, many places have to change their New Year's Eve
plans, including New York City and their famous ball drop.
This year, in New York City the event will be virtual, not live.
That means no one will be allowed in Time Square, where it usually happens.
Guests and performers will be shown on screens only!
However, this does mean that you don't have to be in New York City to enjoy
the event. 不過,線上舉辦,全世界的人都可以參加!
You can watch everything live from a computer or mobile phone from anywhere,
including here in Taiwan!
Remember, whether you watch the New York event online or go to a party in
Taiwan, 不管你是在台灣參加跨年,還是看紐約的跨年直播。You still need to wear
a mask outside and wash your hands!
Stay safe, and we'll see you next year! 我們明年見!
1. End結束。
(sigh..) The festival is coming to an end. 節日要結束了。You don't want it to
end? 你不想要它結束嗎? Of course not! I haven't had enough fun.
2. Plan計畫。
Come to our party tonight, Ryan! 今天晚上來參加我們的派對吧。I can't. I have
other plans. 我不能去,我有別的計畫。
3. Event事件,活動。
Have you been to Taipei's New Year's Eve party? 你有去過台北市的跨年晚會嗎?
No. What's it like? 沒有。它是什麼樣子? It's a huge event! 它是很盛大的活動。
4. Mean表示,意思。
I'm not going. 我不去。What do you mean? 你是什麼意思? I mean what I said.
I'm not going. 我的意思就是我說的,我不去。But I spent 3,000 NT on these
tickets! 但是我花了三千塊買這些票!
end 結束 plan 計畫 event 事件,活動 mean 意思。
Happy New Year, everyone!
1. What year is ending?
A. 2020
B. 1010
C. 5050
2. What city is taking their New Year's celebration online?
A. Taipei
B. New York
C. London
3. How can people watch the party?
A. In person in Times Square
B. On their computer or mobile device
C. Using a telescope
1. A 2. B 3. B
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