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News for Kids 國小 | Posted on 2019-09-16 | ![]() |
Eating Bugs!
Hi Everybody! What do you think about eating a sandwich -- of BUGS!
(SFX: ;SCREAM!!!!) What??? A bug sandwich! Ya think I'm crazy??
Nope! Eating bugs is actually a really good idea! Let me tell you why!
Lots of people around the world don't have enough food to eat.
That's really sad, right? So many people are hungry … and then they get sick
and have a sad life! 很多人沒有東西吃,肚子餓 ,生病還過著悲慘生活
They need more food!
Hmm… where can we get more food? Where does food come from?
Well, we can grow more food … we can grow more vegetables like carrots and
tomatoes ... and we can get more animals for food … like more chickens …
more cows and more pigs.我們要生產更多的蔬菜和肉類
But there's a problem! Vegetables and chickens and cows and pigs need space
… and we don't have much space! 空間都不夠啊
Bugs are small! They don't need much space. And they are healthy. Bugs are
good for you.
You can cook the bugs … and make a bug hamburger!
Bugs actually taste good. Some bugs even taste sweet!
Cool, yeah? Sweet bugs!
Eating bugs is a good idea that can help people. 可以幫助人類.
Wow! Maybe I'm ready to try a bug burger! How about you? Bugs for lunch?
哇,我已經等不及要吃吃蟲子漢堡, 你會想試試看嗎?
Ha! Maybe someday!!
Hi, would you like to have a bug sandwich for lunch?
1) Sandwich 三明治。A sandwich is two pieces of bread with things like meat,
cheese and tomatoes in between 三明治就是兩片麵包,中間夾著肉片,起司和番茄。
2) Chicken 雞,所以營養好喝的雞湯就是chicken soup. Chicken soup is good for
you when you're sick生病時喝一點雞湯對你有好處。
3) Sick 生病。Hungry people often get
sick餓肚子的人經常會生病,並且過得不好They have a sad life.
4) Sad悲慘的,傷心的。That's a sad story那個故事真慘!
Let's review the words we've learned today: sandwich三明治 chicken雞
sick 生病 sad悲慘的。So don't eat too many sandwiches, you may get sick!
1. What do vegetables ... and even people need?
A: They need space! B: They need dogs! C: They need pigs and carrots!
2. Why is eating bugs a good idea?
A: Bugs are vegetables B: Bugs are good for you …
C: Chickens like bugs!
3. What do all people need everyday?
A: Food! B: Monkeys! C: Bugs!
1, A 2, B 3, A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-04-19 | ![]() |
Sofa Bikes for Old People and Disabled
Hi, everyone. Do you like riding a bike for fun? I do. I really enjoy
cycling. That's another name for bike riding... "cycling".
Lots of people like cycling. But some people can't do it. Some people are too
old to ride a bike anymore. Some old people are very weak. Also, some people
are not old, but they are disabled.
It is hard for them to go anywhere. They might get lonely and sad.
There is a group that can help all these people. It's called Cycling Without
Age. Cycling Without Age has many volunteers. These volunteers give old
people and disabled people rides on bikes.
This is a great, free service.
The volunteers can take them to a park. Or they can take them to a beautiful
The bikes they use are special. They have three wheels. They are like a "sofa
bike." Two people can sit on chairs in front of the bike. They don't have to
pedal. They just sit and relax. Another person sits behind them and does all
the work. That is the volunteer.
There is a Cycling Without Age group in about 50 countries around the world.
Maybe Taiwan will have one someday. That would be great!
1. Group 團體
This group helps people go outdoors. 這個團體幫助人走出戶外。
It's a wonderful idea, isn't it? 真是個好主意,不是嗎?
2. Enjoy 喜歡
I don't enjoy cycling when it's cold. 天氣冷的時候我不喜歡騎車。
Really? I enjoy it a lot! 真的?我很喜歡呢!
I just put on warm clothes. 我就穿上暖和的衣服。
3. Disabled 身體有障礙的
This hotel is very friendly for the disabled. 這家旅館對身體障礙人士很友善。
How so? 怎麼說?
It uses sign language for room numbers. 它用手語來表示房間號碼。
4. Volunteer 志工
Would you like to be a volunteer at the Taipei Zoo? 你想當台北動物園的志工嗎?
Can I? That would be great! 我可以嗎?那太棒了!
group 團體
enjoy 喜歡
disabled 身體有障礙
volunteer 志工
1. Who is Cycling Without Age for?
A: People who are old and weak.
B: People who have problems with their body.
C: Both A & B.
2. Who does all the work with a Cycling Without Age bike?
A: People who sit in the front seats.
B: Family members of old people.
C: The person sitting in the back.
3. How many countries have Cycling Without Age?
A: 15
B: 50
C: 150
1. C
2. C
3. B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-09-05 | ![]() |
Rubber Ducks Race Through Chicago
Hi there! Today is the International Day of Charity.
Charity is when people do things to help the causes they care about. Maybe
you want to look after sick people, or help stop global warming, or help save
Good causes around the world need all kinds of charity. Some people need help
making money, to pay for things that help people. This is called
Fundraising 就是募款,有一些人會募款幫助其他的人。
Last month there was a big charity fundraising event in the USA, called the
"Chicago Ducky Derby"!
Anyone who wanted to take part had to pay for a toy duck first.
75,005 toy ducks were thrown into the river, and they made lots of money for
They were raising money for a charity called the 'Special Olympics', which
helps people with learning difficulties take part in sports.
It's a great charity, because it helps people get active, feel good, and make
lots of new friends!
Would you like to help a charity too? Think about some causes that you care
about, and have a look online. Charities always need help, and helping others
makes you feel really great too!
1. take part 參加
I want to take part in this race. 我要參加這個比賽。
What? A race of ducks? 什麼啊,鴨子比賽?
Yeah, I pay for the ducks. 對啊,我替鴨子付錢。
2. pay 付錢
So you don't run. 所以你不跑。
You pay for the ducks to run. 你給錢讓鴨子跑。
No, the ducks swim. 不是跑,鴨子游泳。
3. charity 慈善
They swim for charity. 牠們為了做善事而游泳。
What kind of charity? 哪一種善事?
A charity for protecting animals.是保護動物慈善團體。
4. raise money 募款
You raise money for animals by making ducks swim? 你們讓鴨子游泳來替動物募款?
Yeah, sort of. 算是吧。
They are good swimmers, you know. 牠們很會游泳呢。
take part 參加
pay 付錢
charity 慈善
raise money 募款
1. What holiday is today?
A: Halloween
B: New Year's Day
C: The International Day of Charity
2. How many ducks were racing in the Chicago Ducky Derby?
A: 5
B: 75,000
C: 75,005
3. What were all the ducks racing on?
A: A road
B: A river
C: A giant's foot
1. C
2. C
3. B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-11-14 | ![]() |
Kind Boy Gives Food to Others
It's World Kindness Day today!
Happy World Kindness Day everyone!
Yes, there is a day that celebrates being kind.
It's important to be kind to others.
I want to tell you about a very kind boy. His name is Isaac Winfield, and he
lives in England.
Isaac has a nice life in England.
But he worries about people who don't have much money.
Some families don't have enough money to buy food.
英國有一個小男孩叫做 Isaac Winfield,他擔心沒有足夠的錢可以買食物的家庭。
These people need to use a food bank.
People don't put money in a food bank.
A food bank gives food to people who don't have much money.
Isaac wanted to do something to help poor people.
So, he started a food bank at his family's home.
He gets food from other nice people.
These kind people donate food to Isaac.
Isaac then gives this food to people who need it.
Isaac 成立了一個食物銀行,很多好心人會捐食物給他,他再把食物給有需要的人。
Isaac has a page on Facebook so people can learn about what he does.
They can contact Isaac through his Facebook page, and send him food, or
money, so he can help more people eat well this winter.
Isaac 有一個粉絲專頁,大家可以看到他做的事,也可以連絡他,捐錢或是食物。
It's great that there are so many kind people in the world.
What about you guys?
Is there a way you can be kinder to others?
I'm sure there is.
1. food 食物。
I'm starting a food bank. 我要成立一家食物銀行。
Why? The supermarket is right next door. 為什麼? 超市就在隔壁。
No, the food bank is not for me. 不,食物銀行不是為了我。
It's for people in need. 是為了有需要的人。
2. worry 擔心。
Why do you worry about them? 你怎麼會擔心他們?
I've been hungry before. 我自己挨餓過。
3. donate 捐贈。
Okay, I'll donate my instant noodles. 好吧,我可以捐泡麵。
Thank you, but I'll take donated food through my Facebook.
4. contact 聯絡。
So should I contact you on Facebook? 所以我應該聯絡你的臉書?
Yes, please. 對,拜託你。
These are very useful words.
1. What is true about Isaac?
A: He gives food to poor people.
B: He works at a bank.
C: His family is very poor.
2. Where does Isaac get the food?
A: Other people give it to him.
B: His parents give it to him.
C: He buys it from a supermarket.
3. According to the story, how do people contact Isaac?
A: By calling him on the phone
B: By using Facebook
C: By talking to his parents
1. A
2. A
3. B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-11-30 | ![]() |
People in Nairobi Make Small Gardens
At my grandma's house, there is a big garden, where she grows potatoes,
tomatoes and greens.
But I live in the city. My house is very small, so I don't have a garden.
What can I do?
To solve this problem, let's look to Nairobi, a city in Africa. Every day,
lots of people come from the countryside to live in that city.
There are people everywhere. It's so busy, and there is not enough land to
grow food. What can all of these people eat?
Recently, many people in Nairobi have planted small gardens in their homes!
They might plant some potatoes on the balcony, or grow some tomatoes right by
the kitchen window.
These small gardens are very helpful. People say it's convenient, because
they don't have to go to the supermarket. They can save time and money.
What's more, growing food at home is cleaner. People with home gardens don't
have to worry about harmful chemicals on their vegetables.
Let's take a lesson from Nairobi. We don't need lots of space to make a
garden. We can grow some healthy food right in our own homes.
1. countryside 鄉下
I hope I can live in the countryside. 我希望能住在鄉下。
You'll have no 7-11 or bookstore. 你會沒有便利商店或是書店。
But I can grow my own food. 但是我可以自己種食物。
2. grow 種植
You're already growing tomatoes in your house! 你已經在自己家種番茄了!
That's not enough. 那不夠。
I want to grow more. 我想要種更多。
3. garden 花園
I'd like to have a big garden. 我想要有個大菜園。
There are vegetable gardens in the city, too. 城市裡也有菜園啊。
4. space 空間
You can rent a space in the garden. 你可以在菜園租一個空間。
It'll be a lot easier than living in the countryside. 那比住在鄉下容易多了。
你喜歡親手種菜嗎? 來讀讀單字。
1. Where is the city of Nairobi?
A: Asia
B: Africa
C: Australia
2. Where are people planting small gardens?
A: By the street
B: At the market
C: In their homes
3. Why are small gardens convenient?
A: They can make your house bigger
B: They can help you in school
C: They save time and money
1. B
2. C
3. C
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