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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-04-07 | ![]() |
Balloon Will Take People High Above Earth
Hey, students! Do you want to fly in a rocket? You can do that!
There is a new way to fly high. A Japanese company is making a balloon. The
balloon can take people very high.
Some rockets go up to 400 kilometers. The balloon doesn't go up 400
kilometers. Space is 100 kilometers up, but the balloon doesn't go up 100
So… how high can the balloon fly? It can fly up to 22 kilometers. That's
higher than jets fly. Twenty-two kilometers up… People can see the Earth!
它只能飛到 22 公里,但這樣已經比噴射機還要高,可以看到地球!
The balloon takes two hours to fly up 22 kilometers. It flies high for one
hour. It takes one hour to come down.
這顆氣球上升到 22 公里的高度需要兩個小時。一小時之後,還要花一個鐘頭降落。
Two people can sit in the balloon. One person is the pilot. The other person
is the passenger. The balloon ride is $175,000 US dollars, about 5 million NT
The first trip is in October. That's very soon!
1. high 高的
Have you ever flown in a hot air balloon? 你有坐過熱氣球嗎?
No. How high do they go up? 沒有。 它可以飛多高?
2. kilometer 公里
Some can go up to a few kilometers. 有的可以飛到好幾公里高。
Wow, that's pretty high! 哇,那很高呢!
How many kilometers can a rocket go up? 火箭可以飛幾公里高呢?
A rocket can fly much higher. 火箭就高得多了。
3. Earth 地球
Some rockets can go up to thousands of kilometers.
That's crazy! 好狂喔!
4. trip 旅行
It would be amazing to see the Earth from there. 從那裏看地球會很棒!
Yeah, that'd be a real space trip. 對,那是真正的太空旅行。
high 高的
kilometer 公里
earth 地球
trip 旅行
1. How high will the balloon fly?
A: 22 kilometers
B: 100 kilometers
C: 400 kilometers
2. How long will the balloon take to fly up?
A: 1 hour
B: 2 hours
C: 4 hours
3. Who can ride in the balloon?
A: One pilot and two passengers
B: Three passengers
C: One pilot and one passenger
1. A
2. B
3. C
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-04-14 | ![]() |
Floating Toilets for Floating Villages
Ahh! That's better… now I need to wash my hands!
Toilets are great! They take our germs away. That helps us to be healthy.
Without toilets, people can get very sick. But toilets cost money. Some
people don't have money for a toilet.
In Cambodia, there's a big lake. It's called the Tonle Sap. It's the biggest
fishing lake in the world!
About 100,000 people live on the Tonle Sap. They live in floating villages.
They have houses and schools. But they do not have toilets. The lake water is
very dirty.
The people there are very poor. They use the lake water for everything. They
use it for cleaning.They use it for cooking.Some use it for drinking. That
can make them very sick.
A company wants to help these people. It wants them to use floating toilets!
These floating toilets are called "HandyPods". HandyPods clean the dirty
toilet water. They help make the lake water safe.
Now there are 100 HandyPods on the Tonle Sap. The company wants 200 more
HandyPods there by 2025. That's 300 HandyPods!
Floating toilets for floating villages, to help people stay healthy! What a
great idea!
1. floating 漂浮的
Have you heard of a floating house? 你有聽過漂浮房屋嗎?
Yes, I have. They are homes that float on the water.
2. in the world 世界上
That's right. 沒錯。
There are many floating houses in the world. 世界上有很多漂浮房屋。
Like in the Netherlands. 就像荷蘭。
Exactly. 正是。
3. people 人們
I can imagine why the Dutch people like them. 我可以想像為什麼荷蘭人喜歡它。
Oh, why? 為什麼呢?
They can just float away if they don't like their neighbors.
4. fish 釣魚
Or it's because they can go fishing anytime they want.
That too. 也是。
floating 漂浮的
in the world 世界上
people 人們
fish 釣魚
1. What is the world's biggest fishing lake?
A: The Tonle Pod
B: The Tonle Sap
C: The Toilet Sap
2. Where are these floating villages?
A: On the water
B: In the sky
C: In trees
3. How many HandyPods are on the lake now?
A: 100
B: 200
C: 300
1. B
2. A
3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-04-25 | ![]() |
Scientists Test New 'Smart Bandages'
Ouch! A cut! It's so small… It's tiny! But this tiny wound hurts so much! I
need a bandage.
我割傷了!傷口好小,可是好痛!我需要一條 OK 繃。
Do you know about the new "smart bandages"?
The smart bandages are stretchy. These stretchy bandages are easy to use. You
can put one on any wound.
These smart bandages have tiny computers. These tiny computers look for heat
and germs. They look for changes too. Good changes mean the wound is healing.
Bad changes mean it needs more help. The tiny computers send this information
to a big computer.
Tiny bits of electricity help wounds heal faster. The tiny computers can give
wounds tiny bits of electricity!
Medicine is also in these smart bandages. Does a wound need more help? A
smart bandage can put medicine on it!
My tiny wound doesn't need a smart bandage. It can heal quickly with no help.
These smart bandages are for big wounds. Some people get big wounds from
fires. These bandages can help big wounds a lot.
Scientists are testing these smart bandages now. The bandages are not ready
Many people have big wounds. These are the people who need smart bandages.
The smart bandages are pretty cool. But I don't want to need one!
1. hurt 痛
Hey, what happened to you? 發生了什麼事?
It must hurt a lot! 一定很痛吧!
You're telling me. 還用你說。
2. look for 尋找
How did you get hurt? 你是怎麼受傷的?
I fell down the stairs looking for my glasses. 我找眼鏡時摔下樓梯。
You really need your glasses to see the stairs. 你真的需要眼鏡來看樓梯。
I know that! 我也知道!
3. wound 傷口
Okay, okay, but you should cover the wound. 好啦,不過你應該把傷口蓋起來。
No, I'm fine. 不用,我很好。
Here, let me put this bandage on it. 來吧,我把這個OK繃貼上去。
4. heal 癒合
Will it help me heal? 它會讓我癒合嗎?
That's what the ad said. 廣告是這麼說的。
hurt 痛
look for 尋找
wound 傷口
heal 癒合
1. What do the smart bandage's tiny computers look for?
A: Heat and germs
B: Scientists
C: Some medicine
2. What can the smart bandage give a wound?
A: Fire
B: Tiny bits of electricity
C: Tiny computers
3. What kind of wounds are the smart bandages for?
A: Tiny wounds
B: Big wounds
C: Smart wounds
1. A
2. B
3. B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-05-09 | ![]() |
Don't Look at Your Cell Phone So Much!
Do you like cell phones? I think they're great. We can use them anywhere! We
can do many things with cell phones. We can call people. We can text our
friends. We can take pictures.
The first cell phone was super big. It was heavy. It weighed one kilogram!
People could only talk for 25 minutes. That is very short!
Martin Cooper is called the 'father of the cell phone.' He made the world's
first cell phone. He made it in 1973. That was 50 years ago!
Martin Cooper 在 1973 年,也就是 50
Mr Cooper's cell phone was about 5,000 US dollars. That's over 150,000 NT
Mr. Cooper is 94 years old now. He has a brand new cell phone. He is happy
that people use cell phones. Mr. Cooper likes them. He uses lots of APPS! But
he thinks people look at their cell phones way too much!
Some people eat dinner and look at their cell phones. They cross the street
and look at their cell phones. That isn't good. A car can hit them.
What do you think? Do people look at their cell phones too much?
1. brand new 嶄新的
Come see my brand new bike. 你來看我全新的腳踏車。
Wow, it looks great! 哇,看起來很棒呢!
2. pay for 付錢
How much did you pay for it? 你花了多少錢買?
About 40,000 NT. 大約四萬塊。
That's a lot of money for a bike. 以腳踏車來說很貴。
I know, but I'll make the most out of it. 我知道,不過我會儘量多用。
3. anywhere 任何地方
I'll take it anywhere I go. 我不管去哪裡都會騎。
Anywhere? It's quite heavy! 不管去哪裡? 它很重呢!
But it's super easy to ride. 不過超好騎的。
4. think 想
I'm thinking of riding it up Yangmingshan. 我想騎上陽明山。
I'll go with you. In my car. 我跟你去。坐我的車去。
brand new 嶄新的
pay for 付錢
anywhere 任何地方
think 想
1. What is Mr. Cooper called?
A: "Brother of the cell phone"
B: "Father of the cell phone"
C: "Uncle of the cell phone"
2. How many kilograms was the first cell phone?
A: 1
B: 25
C: 50
3. What did Mr. Cooper say about cell phones?
A: People look at them too much
B: He doesn't have one
C: People like them
1. B
2. A
3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-06-29 | ![]() |
Hi-tech Knitting Stops Mosquitoes
Taiwan is a tropical country. Tropical countries are where the sun is the
hottest. Southeast Asia is tropical too.
Tropical countries are perfect for mosquitoes. Mosquitoes love wet places!
They live on water. They love hot, humid weather too. It makes people sweat.
Mosquitoes like sweaty people. They smell very tasty to mosquitoes!
Mosquitoes bite people all day. They drink lots of blood. Mosquitoes carry
many diseases. People can get very sick from a mosquito bite.
Scientists want to stop mosquitoes from making people sick. They made a new
kind of fabric. Clothes are made of fabric. Mosquitoes can bite through most
clothes. But they can't bite through this fabric!
This new fabric is made with a hi-tech knitting machine. The machine knits
the fabric very tightly! A mosquito's very thin mouth can't get through!
This new fabric is perfect for tropical countries. It's light and comfortable
in hot weather. And it stops mosquito bites! Not as many people will get
sick! Hooray for science!
1) humid 潮濕的
Come over tonight for my barbecue. 今晚過來吃烤肉吧。
On a hot and humid day like this? 在這麼濕熱的天氣吃?
Yeah, why not? 對啊,有何不可?
2) bite 叮咬
There'll be lots of mosquitos! 會有很多蚊子耶!
I'm not afraid of them. 我不怕牠們。
Of course you're not. They never bite you! 你當然不怕,蚊子從不叮你!
3) tasty 美味的
You mean they'll bite you? 你是說牠們會咬你?
Oh yeah, apparently I'm very tasty. 會,顯然我很好吃。
4) comfortable 舒服的
Okay, no barbecue. 好吧,不要烤肉了。
A light and comfortable dinner inside the house.
Hurray! 好耶!
你常被蚊子叮嗎? 來讀單字。
humid 潮濕的
bite 叮咬
tasty 美味的
comfortable 舒服的
1. What is the weather in tropical countries?
A: Sunny and cold
B: Sunny and wet
C: Cold and wet
2. What do mosquitoes drink?
A: Water
B: Blood
C: Sweat
3. What are clothes made of?
A: Plants
B: Animals
C: Fabric
1. B
2. B
3. C
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