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News Bites 文字檔 (國中) | Posted on 2022-02-11 |
Hello everybody, and welcome to a new episode of News Bites!
I'm Trevor Tortomasi...
And I'm Ryan Drillsma.
In today's news:
Gender equality in Taiwan, a volcano in the Pacific Ocean, and thoughts on
the internet.
All that and more, coming up next.
立院女性出頭天 42.5%立法委員是女性
Taiwan's 42.5% Female Legislature Sets Record
For a lot of human history, the leaders (領袖) of many countries have been
But nowadays, many countries around the world are seeing a lot more gender
equality (男女平等)...
Especially Taiwan!
Last month, a woman named Lin Ching-yi (林靜儀) won an election to join
Taiwan's Legislative Yuan (立法院).
With her joining, the Legislative Yuan is now 42.5% women.
That means Taiwan has broken its own record for gender equality in its
We call people working in the Legislative Yuan "lawmakers", because they make
laws (法律) for everyone in the country.
And if all the people making laws are the same, it can make life harder for
people who are different.
So the proportion of men to women is very important in government!
Of course, there is still a lot of inequality (不平等) around the world.
We need to work together on making sure all kinds of people are represented
(代表) in governments and society.
The good news is, starting with Taiwan's Legislative Yuan is a great first
Tonga Volcano Erupts
Last month, our planet Earth saw its biggest volcanic eruption (火山爆發) in
more than 30 years.
The volcano is on a small island in the country of Tonga (東加), which is an
archipelago (群島).
Okay... here's the bad news first.
Because the volcano is surrounded (被包圍) by water, it caused a lot more
problems than just a loud noise.
The eruption caused an earthquake so big that it caused a giant tidal wave to
move out in all directions.
The tidal wave moved for thousands of kilometers across the Pacific Ocean
And it hit the beaches of countries all around the Pacific, like Japan, New
Zealand, and Peru.
But most importantly, it hit the islands of Tonga, and destroyed (摧毀) many
people's houses.
It even washed mud (泥土) into Tonga's clean water, so many people didn't
have enough to drink.
After the tidal wave's waters were gone, the volcano's smoke came back down
and filled the air with ash (火山灰).
On top of all these problems... the volcanic earthquake broke a very
important internet cable (網路海底電纜), deep under the ocean.
That cable was one of the only things letting many people in Tonga connect to
the rest of the world!
Okay, finally... here's some good news!
Many countries moved quickly to help Tonga recover (恢復).
Planes flew and ships sailed to Tonga from all around the world, bringing
clean water, food, and medical supplies (醫療設備) to help as many people as
And this month, even more people are going to Tonga, to fix the cable and
connect its islands to the world again!
If we can learn anything from this story, it's that we can't control how
dangerous Earth can be...
But we can control how many people we help!
癱瘓男子動動腦 推特留言傳心聲
Paralyzed Man Makes Post With His Thoughts
Have you ever wanted to talk to someone using only your mind?
It might be possible sooner than you think!
One man from Australia has recently made a "tweet" (推特網站上留言), using
only his brain!
This man is paralyzed (癱瘓), so he can't move very much of his body.
That's why scientists wanted to create something for people like him, to help
them communicate (溝通) more easily.
Thanks to science, this man can now use a "brain chip" to send signals to a
computer, and write words on the internet.
The brain chip is only about the size of a paperclip (迴紋針), but took four
hours to carefully put into the man's head.
And we may see even more tests with brain chips later this year!
It may sound weird or scary, but this man can now communicate more easily
with his family, and even play some simple games.
Let's be happy for him, and hope this is a step in the right direction for
the rest of us, too!
So, in today's News Bites:
Taiwan's Legislative Yuan is now 42.5% women.
That means Taiwan has broken its own record for gender equality in its
If all the people making laws are the same, it can make life harder for
people who are different, so the proportion of men to women is very important
in government!
Last month, an island in Tonga had Earth's biggest volcanic eruption in more
than 30 years.
The eruption created an earthquake, a giant tidal wave, and clouds of ash,
and even cut Tonga off from the internet.
Thankfully, countries all around the world have already started to help Tonga
One paralyzed man in Australia can now use a brain chip to send signals to a
computer, and write words on the internet.
The brain chip is only about the size of a paperclip, but took four hours to
carefully put into the man's head.
Scientists wanted to create something for people like him, to help them
communicate more easily.
And that's today's episode of News Bites!
Have Your Say
Welcome back!
We hope you've had a good Lunar New Year holiday...
Since this is everyone's first day back to school, we won't ask any Have Your
Say questions until next week.
Still, we'd like to thank the K-12 Education Administration 國民及學前教育署
of the Ministry of Education 教育部 for their incredible support.
If you have any comments or questions about the show, please send us an email
We hope to hear from you again next week!
News Bites 文字檔 (國中) | Posted on 2022-04-22 |
Hi there, and welcome to a new episode of News Bites!
I'm Nancy Sun...
And I'm Trevor Tortomasi.
In today's news:
The Taipei Performing Arts Center uses food for promotion, Bangladesh
celebrates New Year's, and a female baseball coach takes to the field for the
first time ever.
All that and more, coming up next.
Taipei Performing Arts Center Promotes Itself with Delicious Food
The Taipei Performing Arts Center is a new building, near the Shilin Night
The building has three theaters (劇院).
It will host concerts (音樂會), plays (戲劇), and other performances.
The modern-looking building was designed (設計) by a famous architecture
company (建設公司).
And many people have praised (稱讚) the design.
But about a month ago, some people on the internet noticed that the building
looked like some popular Taiwanese snacks.
They created a funny meme (迷因).
For parts of the building, they added pictures of a meatball (貢丸), a pork
blood cake (豬血糕), and tofu (百頁) .
The meme went viral (瘋傳).
Lots of people saw the picture on social media (社交媒體).
Many people thought it was especially funny (特別好笑), because the theater
is so close to the famous night market.
So the performing arts center decided to use this meme.
They worked with a famous braised food restaurant to design a dish which
looks just like the meme!
The restaurant is famous for their recipe (食譜) that includes caramel (焦糖).
The recipe is a family secret (祖傳秘方) and it is over 60 years old.
The caramel plus their special blend of spices (特殊混合香料) gives their
food a sweet and spicy (又甜又辣) flavor.
The dish was available for three days, from April 8th to 10th.
It was only sold at the performing arts center.
Bangladesh Celebrates New Year's for the First Time in Two Years
Thursday April 14th was a holiday in Bangladesh.
That's because it was New Year's Day according to (根據) their country's
The Bengali calendar was invented (發明) in the 16th century (十六世紀).
It is the year 1492 according to the Bengali calendar (日壢).
To celebrate the New Year, people wore red clothing and they marched, sang
and danced.
The night ends with a big feast (盛宴).
It was the first time in two years that the people of Bangladesh celebrated
the New Year.
The last two years of celebrations were suspended (暫停) due to the COVID-19
MLB Sees First Woman to Coach on the Field
Alyssa Nakken is the first female coach in Major League Baseball.
She was hired in 2020.
Alyssa Nakken於2020年被聘為美國職棒大聯盟首位女教練。
Gabe Kapler, the manager (經理) of the San Francisco Giants (舊金山巨人)
chose her to be one of his assistants (助理).
And on April 12th, she made history again.
She became the first woman to ever coach on a Major League Baseball field.
The Giants' regular first base coach was ejected from the game after he got
into an argument.
So, the manager asked Nakken to take over (接管) for him.
But first she had to find her uniform (制服)!
Then she put on her helmet (安全帽) and ran onto the field.
She received loud applause from the home team crowd.
After the game was over, Alyssa said that it was a "big deal", and that it
was also an "honor".
So, in today's News Bites:
Some people noticed that the Taipei Performing Arts Center looked like some
popular Taiwanese snacks.
They created a funny meme, using pictures of a meatball, a pork blood cake,
and tofu.
The performing arts center then worked with a famous braised food restaurant,
to design a dish which looks just like the meme!
Thursday April 14th was New Year's Day according to the Bengali calendar.
The Bengali calendar was invented in the 16th century.
To celebrate the New Year people wore red clothing and they marched, sang,
and danced.
Alyssa Nakken is the first female coach in Major League Baseball.
On April 12th, she made history again by being the first woman to coach on
the field.
She said it was a "big deal" and an "honor".
And that's today's episode of News Bites!
Have Your Say
This week, we asked you where you would like to travel in time.
10-year-old Athena Chang from Guang-fu Elementary School in Taichung wants to
know more about her future career.
And 14-year-old Sunny from Chihshan Junior High School in Taichung City
wanted to go a lot further.
And that does it for this week's Have Your Say.
Remember, if your comment was chosen for the show this month, we'll be
sending you a gift in the mail.
Make sure to tune in again next week for an all new question!
News Bites 文字檔 (國中) | Posted on 2022-09-05 |
Hey there, and welcome to News Bites!
I'm Trevor Tortomasi...
And I'm Paz Bueno.
In today's news:
Treasure becomes trash, a barefoot man makes money, and things to know in the
summer heat.
Stay tuned for those stories, coming up next!
裝滿現金的紙袋 失而復得
Big Bag of Money Gets Thrown Away
What should you do if you accidentally throw a large amount of money into the
Imagine this… you have over 80,000 NT in cash (現金), and you want to
deposit it in the bank (存進銀行) in the morning.
You can't find anywhere to keep the money safe, so you put it in a paper bag
But when the garbage truck (垃圾車) drives by your house, your family throws
the paper bag away!
This might seem like a scene from a movie (電影片段), but it's actually what
happened to a family in Hsinchu last month.
The Hsinchu Bureau of Environmental Protection (新竹環保局) received a phone
call one day, saying that an elderly member of the family (家裡的長輩)
accidentally threw away a paper bag with 80,000 NT inside.
They quickly called the garbage truck workers, who then told the family to go
to the landfill (掩埋場) as soon as possible.
Luckily, after one hour of searching (尋找), the family found their paper bag
with the money.
The garbage truck crew later explained (解釋) that if someone accidentally
throws away something important, they can most likely still recover it (尋獲)
in the first hour.
But after one hour has passed, the garbage truck may have already arrived at
the incinerator (焚化爐).
So remember, always keep your valuables in a safe place…
And if they ever get thrown away, you'd better hurry up!
赤腳英國男子 獲得捐款
U.K. Man Makes Money Being Barefoot
Would you ever leave your house and go out into the public without any shoes
Nowadays, shoes are not just a necessity (必需品).
Some people mix and match shoes with different outfits (服裝), and some
people even wear shoes to show off their wealth.
So can you imagine living without shoes for a month?
Well, believe it or not, this is exactly what one man in the U.K. did.
George, a 20-year-old man from Cambridge, England, got rid of his shoes in
October of 2021.
He was originally a "religious shoe-wearer" (鞋子狂熱分子), wearing shoes
both indoors and outdoors.
One day, he suddenly started to question why he needed shoes, and searched
online (網路上尋找) for an answer.
But instead, he found the many benefits (好處) of NOT wearing shoes.
And from that moment on, he decided he was never going to wear shoes again.
After that, many people on the streets looked at him with disdain
(厭惡的表情), and store workers wouldn't let him inside.
But George said he felt happier than he had ever been before, and shared his
experiences on social media.
Since then, millions of people have seen his videos, and his fans (粉絲) have
even sent him money to support his barefoot lifestyle.
Now, George is optimistic (樂觀) about the future, saying that it's only a
matter of time before he makes more money.
But if you're going to go somewhere without shoes, just remember to watch
where you walk!
What Makes People Happy in Different Countries?
There's no doubt that this summer has been one of the hottest in history.
There has been lots of research that strongly suggests the weather affects
our moods and emotions.
A lot of people think that hot and humid weather makes a person cranky
(暴躁易怒), and that cold, dark winters can easily make a person depressed
And results from one study show that people who live in places where the
average monthly temperature is around 18 degrees Celsius are usually the
But does this mean people who live in countries near the equator (赤道), or
in very cold countries, are never happy?
Of course not!
So what makes people happy to live in a country?
According to research by the World Values Survey (世界價值觀調查), the level
of people's happiness in a country comes mainly from three things.
Those three things are strong economic development (蓬勃的經濟), democracy
(民主化), and inclusiveness (包容度).
Researchers say that together, these three things help people to feel "free".
So, the next time you are feeling moody or cranky about the weather, think
about these things, before you wish you lived in a different country!
So, in today's News Bites:
One man in Hsinchu accidentally threw away a paper bag with 80,000 NT inside.
His family quickly called the garbage truck workers, who then told the family
to go to the landfill as soon as possible.
Workers say if you ever accidentally throw something important in the trash,
you may have about one hour before it's gone forever!
One man in England got rid of his shoes in October of 2021.
Now, he says he feels happier than ever before, and has shared his
experiences on social media.
Since then, millions of people have seen his videos, and his fans have even
sent him money to support his barefoot lifestyle.
Researchers say the level of people's happiness in a country comes mainly
from three things.
Those three things are strong economic development, democracy, and
They say that together, these three things help people to feel "free".
And that's today's episode of News Bites!
Have Your Say
This week, we want you to have your say about coming back to school.
We're heading into a whole new year of school! Maybe it was a little bit hard
to get up early in the morning at first. But now that you've been back for a
while, you're getting used to the change in your daily routine again.
So, what have you enjoyed the most about coming back to school so far?
Record your message and send it to with your name and
age, and if you'd like, the name of your school.
Make sure to send us your recording by Thursday at noon, and you might hear
your message on our show on Friday!
News Bites 文字檔 (國中) | Posted on 2022-09-07 |
Hey there, and welcome to News Bites!
I'm Trevor Tortomasi…
And I'm Clifford Chu.
In today's news:
A thirsty Taiwan, underground schools, and Vitamin B.
Stay tuned for more on those stories, coming up next.
Taiwan and the Worldwide Drought
2022 has been a very challenging year for climates all over the world, Taiwan
News of country-wide droughts have been heard from all over the world,
including the U.S., China, and many countries in Europe.
And at first (最開始), Taiwan began this year with plentiful rainfall
(豐沛的降雨), in the rainy season between May and June.
But by late August, the water in many of Taiwan's reservoirs (水庫) was very
That's because rainfall (降雨) from July to August this year has been 60%
less than average.
Some of the reservoirs even dropped under 50% of the water storage capacity
Many reservoirs in northern Taiwan had already decided to save water, too, by
providing less water pressure (水壓) to homes.
Luckily (幸好), Typhoon Hinnamnor (颱風軒嵐諾) came just in time!
Typhoon Hinnamnor brought lots of water to reservoirs all over the country.
And through the cooperation of Taiwan's homes and water providers (水公司),
the country's water levels were finally able to recover (恢復).
Who knows how much worse things would have gotten if Typhoon Hinnamnor had
decided to bypass Taiwan?
秘密學校 協助阿富汗女性就學
Secret Schools for Afghan Women
Since the U.S. military left Afghanistan, the majority of Afghan girls
haven't been to school in over a year.
The U.S. military (美軍) left Afghanistan on August 30th, 2021, after 20
years of war (戰爭).
But that also left the country to the Taliban (塔利班), who now rule
Afghanistan (在阿富汗執政).
And according to Taliban tradition, many women are not allowed to have an
That means many women and girls in Afghanistan have been banned (禁止) from
going to school.
In light of so much oppression (壓制), many people started to look for their
own ways of educating young women.
One such person is Sodaba Nazhand, who started an informal school with her
friends in Kabul (喀布爾), Afghanistan's capital (首都).
Sodaba and her friends secretly teach English, math, and science to girls and
young women.
Sodaba says they want to use education as a way to protest (反抗) against the
She says they are teaching girls and young women to stand up for their rights
Going to school can be a lot of hard work... but not everyone has the chance
to learn new things every day.
So try to remember how lucky you are, to be getting an education!
How Many Kinds of 'Vitamin B' Are There?
"Vitamin B" can be an important vitamin to help people focus... but which
kind is best?
There are a total of 8 different kinds of vitamin B, and they can each help
with different bodily functions (生理機能).
To improve energy levels, many people take vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B7.
These can help with metabolism (代謝), and are also found in nuts, eggs, and
Meanwhile, vitamin B1, B3, B6, and B12 can help with protecting the nervous
system (神經系統).
These vitamins can be found in chicken, pig liver, and also most kinds of
There is also one more category of vitamin B, which helps keep red blood
cells healthy.
They are vitamins B6, B9, B12, and they are found in citrus fruits
(柑橘類水果), like oranges, grapefruit, and lemons, and also in spinach and
So vitamin B can be easily found in many of the foods we have for breakfast,
lunch, or dinner!
However, it's important to remember that it doesn't help to take more than
one vitamin B pill per day.
That's because our bodies can only digest and absorb (消化並吸收) a little
So before you take any vitamins, ask your parents and your doctor which ones
can help your body the most.
And remember, nothing is better than a well-balanced diet, so no matter which
vitamins you take, make sure to eat healthy food every day!
So, in today's News Bites:
The water in many of Taiwan's reservoirs was very low this summer, after very
little rainfall from July to August.
Luckily, Typhoon Hinnamnor came just in time, and brought lots of water to
reservoirs all over the country.
And through the cooperation of Taiwan's homes and water providers, the
country's water levels were finally able to recover.
Since the U.S. military left Afghanistan, many Afghan girls have been banned
from going to school.
So people like Sodaba Nazhand have started secret schools in Afghanistan to
teach English, math, and science to girls and young women.
She says this is a way to protest against the Taliban, and to teach young
women to stand up for their rights.
There are a total of 8 different kinds of vitamin B, and they can each help
with different bodily functions.
They can help with energy levels, metabolism, protecting the nervous system,
and keeping red blood cells healthy.
But remember, no matter which vitamins you take, nothing is better than
eating healthy food every day!
And that's today's episode of News Bites!
Have Your Say
This week, we want you to have your say about coming back to school.
We're heading into a whole new year of school! Maybe it was a little bit hard
to get up early in the morning at first. But now that you've been back for a
while, you're getting used to the change in your daily routine again.
So, what have you enjoyed the most about coming back to school so far?
Record your message and send it to with your name and
age, and if you'd like, the name of your school.
Make sure to send us your recording by Thursday at noon, and you might hear
your message on our show on Friday!
News Bites 文字檔 (國中) | Posted on 2022-09-12 |
Hi there, and welcome to a new episode of News Bites!
I'm Nancy Sun...
And I'm Hope Ngo.
In today's news:
A different kind of race, a different kind of camel rider, and one of the
coolest streets in the world.
All that and more, coming up next.
Off to the Races! At the Siraya Go Soapbox Derby
Tainan is hosting a special race.
One part of the race is just for children.
And the children must build their own "cars"!
The Siraya Go CreCar soap box derby will take place November 6th.
A soap box derby is a fun race that gets a bit crazy sometimes.
Racers must drive a "car" that they made themselves.
These "cars" do not have an engine (引擎).
And most of the time, only one person can sit in the car.
The racers drive their homemade car down a downhill race track (賽道).
This year is the ninth year the Siraya Go CreCar race has been held.
The race for adults will take place on November 6th, at the Tsou Ma Lai Farm
in Danei District.
Racers start at the top of a ramp (坡道).
They will also face many challenges.
There are jumps on the track.
And there's even a parking challenge at the end.
There's also a race for kids age 6 to 12.
That race will be held in October.
Women Lead Dubai's First Camel Riding School
The United Arab Emirates, UAE for short, is a country in the Middle East.
When you think of the Middle East, what do you see?
Tall cities, dry desert, and maybe camels (駱駝)?
Camel-riding is a big part the UAE.
People sometimes ride camels to get around, and it's a big part of UAE
But here's something that might surprise you...
The UAE just got its first school for camel-riding.
Last month, the "Arabian Desert Camel Riding Center" got its official license
And here's another surprise...
One of the people who started the school is a woman.
The UAE has lots of traditions (傳統) for women and men.
For example, most of the time, only men ride camels.
A woman can work, but only if a male guardian (男性監護人), like her father
or husband, gives permission (同意).
This is why it's surprising that the camel-riding school was started by a
30-year-old Linda Krockenberger comes from Germany.
She moved to the UAE in 2015 for work.
Linda wanted to try riding camels.
But she couldn't find someone to teach her.
She says some said they would teach her, but only if they ride at night, in
the dark.
Some even asked her to dress like a boy.
Finally she found an Emirati man who would teach her.
52-year-old Obaid Al Falasi has worked with camels all his life.
And together Linda and Obaid decided to open a camel-riding school.
And the school would teach anyone who wanted to learn.
Linda says the licensed school is the only way women can ride camels.
Otherwise (否則), women riding camels would not be acceptable (不可接受的) in
UAE culture.
Now, Linda says the school has around 30 students.
She says most of them are women.
And the women have even formed the UAE's first women's camel racing team!
全球最酷街道 台北永康街奪第4名
Taipei Street Named 4th Coolest in the World
A street in Taiwan has been named one of the coolest streets in the world.
A company called Time Out asked 20,000 people around the world this
"What is the coolest street in your city?"
33 streets around the world are on the list.
And Taipei's Yongkang Street (永康街) was listed as number 4!
So, in today's News Bites:
Tainan is hosting the Siraya Go CreCar soap box derby on November 6th.
A soap box derby is a fun race that gets a bit crazy sometimes.
Racers must drive a "car" that they made themselves.
The UAE just got its first school for camel-riding.
Last month, the "Arabian Desert Camel Riding Center" got its official license.
One of the people who started the school is a woman.
A company called Time Out asked 20,000 people around the world, "What is the
coolest street in your city?"
And it came up with a list of 33 coolest streets around the world.
Taipei's Yongkang Street was listed as number 4!
And that's today's episode of News Bites!
Have Your Say
This week, we want you to have your say about being a space explorer.
Going out into space is a dream for many people. The idea of going to other
planets might seem really exciting to some people, but it might seem scary
and dangerous to others.
If you were asked to volunteer to go out into space and explore another
planet, would you go?
Record your message and send it to with your name and
age, and if you'd like, the name of your school.
Make sure to send us your recording by Thursday at noon, and you might hear
your message on our show on Friday!
News Bites Special-Have Your Say!聽聽你怎麼說!
同學們!最近你有聽到任何趣聞(fun fact)、笑話或者有趣的新聞嗎?
趕快用英語錄下你的 30 秒回答,Email 到, 詳細投稿方式請參考:,你的回答內容就有可能在週五節目中 Live 播出,還有機會獲得 ICRT 精選禮品哦!