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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2024-01-10 | ![]() |
This Ferryboat Flies
People in Sweden made a flying ferryboat! Wait... what's a ferryboat?
Ferryboats are buses on water. They carry many people. People use them to go
to work or school. Some ferries carry cars too.
Ferries need to push lots of water so they can move. That takes a lot of
energy. All that water makes ferries slow. It also makes ferries move side to
side and up and down. Many people feel seasick.
The flying ferry from Sweden can carry thirty people. It doesn't carry cars.
It starts in the water. Then it flies close above the water!
This flying ferry doesn't need to push water to move, so it doesn't use a lot
of energy. It's very fast. And it doesn't move side to side or up and down.
People don't get seasick.
And this ferry is electric! That helps the Earth. Electricity costs ninety
percent less than the fuel for other ferries. What a huge saving! That helps
ferry companies.
Electric flying ferries are good for people, ferry companies, and the Earth!
Can we have them in Taiwan?
1. seasick 暈船
A flying ferryboat. 一艘飛行渡輪。
What a good idea! 好棒的主意!
Yeah, I've never liked taking boats. 對啊,我從來就不愛搭船。
They make me feel seasick. 會讓我暈船。
2. carry 搭載
But this one seems different. 但是這艘好像不一樣。
I just hope it can carry my bike, too. 我只希望它也能載腳踏車。
3. need 需要
Why do you need your bike? 為什麼需要腳踏車?
I need it to go to school. 我需要騎車上學啊。
4. water 水
It lands on water… 它降落在水上...
So how do you ride your bike? 所以你要怎麼騎車?
It should get close to a dock. 它應該會靠碼頭。
Then I can ride it down the ramp. 然後我就可以騎車下坡道。
你有搭過渡輪嗎? 來讀單字。
1. What does the flying ferry carry?
a. Cars and people
b. Cars
c. People
2. What is good about the flying ferry?
a. It's very fast.
b. It moves side to side.
c. It makes people seasick.
3. What makes the flying ferry fly?
a. Water
b. Electricity
c. Wind
1. c
2. a
3. b
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2024-03-07 | ![]() |
A Day for the World's Readers
Scientists found a new kind of giant worm. They were thirty centimeters long!
They swam in the ocean more than five hundred million years ago. Many ocean
animals were small then. These giant worms ate lots and lots of them!
But today isn't World Worm Day. It's World Book Day! It's a day for
bookworms! What are bookworms? Are they worms that eat books? No! Bookworms
are people who love reading. Bookworms read lots and lots of books!
This funny name wasn't nice. People said, "Oh, she's a bookworm." But now,
bookworms are cool! Reading helps us know about things. When scientists find
something new, they write about it.
Now we know about those giant worms. Why? It's because a bookworm scientist
wrote about them.
World Book Day is a special day for bookworms! You can be a bookworm too!
世界閱讀日對書蟲來說是特別的日子! 你也可以成為書蟲!
Today is World Worm Day!! Uh… Wait… That's not right. It's World Book Day!
Read more books!
1. read 閱讀
Are you reading again? 你又在看書了?
Did you go to the Book Fair? 你有去書展嗎?
Of course I did. How could I miss it? 當然有啦,我怎麼可能錯過?
2. interesting 有趣的
So you found something interesting? 所以你找到一些有趣的東西?
Oh yes, I found lots of fun books. 有,我找到很多好玩的書。
Like this one.比如說這一本。
3. learn 學習
Let me see. 我看看。
"How to Learn More without Trying?" 《如何不費力卻學更多》?
Do you really believe this? 你真的相信這個喔?
Don't know. I haven't finished reading it yet. 不知道。我還沒看完。
4. kind 種類
But it's my kind of book. 不過這種書很適合我。
Learning without trying. 不用努力就學會。
1. What are people who love reading called?
a. Earthworms
b. Book hippos
c. Bookworms
2. What kind of new worm did scientists find?
a. A very small worm
b. A giant worm
c. A worm that eats books
3. What is today?
a. World Water Day!
b. World Book Day!
c. World Worm Day!
1. c
2. b
3. b
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2024-03-19 | ![]() |
Gachapon's Words from Sounds
Gacha gacha! That's fun to say! The sound of the crank on a gachapon machine
is called gacha gacha!
Gachapon machines are full of small toys. You put money in, you twist the
crank, and a plastic pod falls onto the tray. The toy is in the pod!
Gachapon toys are part of a set. There are anime sets, manga sets, wacky
cartoon sets, and more. Most people aren't happy with one toy. They want the
whole set!
You never know which toy you'll get. And the toy you want almost never comes
out! To get the whole set, you have to put money in again and again and
again. It's easy to spend lots of money on gachapon toys!
The world's biggest gachapon store is in Tokyo, Japan. It has more than 3,000
machines and millions of toys!
Gacha gacha … What a great word! It cranks and clanks, and winds and grinds!
What else is named for the sound it makes? Hey! That was a "pon." Ohhhh!
1. full of 充滿的
Hey, I've been watching this anime series. 我最近都在看動漫影集。
It's full of adventure! 它裡面有好多冒險!
Cool! Which one? 真酷,是哪一部?
It's called Detective Conan. 叫做《名偵探柯南》。
2. Again and again 一次又一次
I've watched it again and again. 我看了一遍又一遍。
Is it really that good? 真的有那麼好?
It's great! I really enjoy it. 它很棒,我看得很開心。
3. have to 一定要
But I usually just read manga. 不過我通常只看漫畫。
No, you have to give this one a try. 不,你一定要試著看這一部。
4. know 知道
I don't know.我不知道。
I guess I'll watch it after I finish reading One Piece.
Do you like manga or anime? 來讀單字。
full of充滿的
again and again一次又一次
have to一定要
1. What are gachapon machines full of?
a. Toys
b. Books
c. Games
2. Where is the world's biggest gachapon store?
a. Tokyo
b. Kyoto
c. Osaka
3. What is the sound of the crank on a gachapon machine called?
a. Crank clank
b. Wind grind
c. Gacha gacha
1. a
2. a
3. c
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2024-03-20 | ![]() |
Telling Stories Again and Again and Again
Narrator: Everyone has a favorite story. Some people love The Three Little
Pigs …
Big Bad Wolf: Little pig … I'll blow your house down!!!
Little Pig: Oh no! Ahhhh!
Narrator: … Some people love the Chinese story about the Monkey King.
Other people love Cinderella …
Prince Charming: Whose shoe is this?
Narrator: … Snow White …
Evil Witch: Yessss! Eat the apple!
Narrator: … or Humpty Dumpty.
Humpty Dumpty: I'm an egg, and I fell off a wall! Oh no!
Narrator: These wonderful stories are with us because people told them again
and again and again. Many years later, people put these stories in books.
Then more people told these stories!
Some of our favorite stories are very, very old. Today's Cinderella story is
more than 300 years old! It came from France. But people in China told a
Cinderella story too - more than 1,000 years ago! And people in Greece told a
Cinderella story - more than 2,000 years ago!
People told Cinderella's story again and again and again and again. Maybe it
went from Greece to China to France and then to us!
Today is World Storytelling Day! Tell someone your favorite story!
1. tell story 講故事
Tell me a story, Paz. 講故事給我聽。
Okay, what would you like to hear? 好,你想聽什麼?
A story about your childhood? 你童年時候的故事?
2. come from 來自
Okay. I have this uncle who loved to take us out to sea.
Where does he come from? 他是哪裡人?
He's from DR, a fisherman. 多明尼加人,是個漁夫。
3. wonderful 奇妙的
And one time he took us out fishing for lobsters. 有一次他帶我們去抓龍蝦。
Wow!! 哇!
Yeah, it was a wonderful experience! 對啊,很奇妙的經驗。
We caught more than 10 lobsters.我們抓到10多隻龍蝦。
4. put 放置
Did you cook them right away? 有沒有馬上煮熟?
No, we put them in a bag, 沒有,我們把牠放在袋子裡,and cooked and ate them
on the beach. 在沙灘上煮了吃。
tell story講故事
come from來自
1. Where is the Monkey King story from?
a. Chile
b. Chad
c. China
2. What country has a Cinderella story?
a. Greece
b. The USA
c. Canada
3. What day is today?
a. World Cinderella Day
b. World Storytelling Day
c. Wonderful Story Day
1. c
2. a
3. b
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2024-03-22 | ![]() |
Helping Kids Sleep Better
Sleep is important. People need comfortable beds to sleep well. But some
people don't have beds. They don't sleep well.
Two or three percent of kids in the USA don't have beds. Are you shocked?
One man in the USA was very shocked. Sleep helps kids do well in school. He
wanted to help these kids sleep well. First, he built a bed for one kid. Then
he asked a good friend to help him. They built more beds for more kids.
The man started a group to make beds. Families can help build their own beds.
Sometimes young kids help build the beds.
The group has made beds for more than one hundred forty thousand families.
That's a lot of beds! But many more kids need beds. There's a lot of work to
Why does this man help kids have beds? He doesn't do it to make money. It's
because he likes to help people. This makes him feel good.
This man helps kids have beds. Now they can sleep well! Sweet dreams,
1. feel 感覺
You look a bit pale. 你看起來有點蒼白。
Don't feel well? 不大舒服嗎?
No, didn't sleep well. 不是,沒睡好。
2. family 家人
Yesterday my sister and her family came to visit.
昨天我妹妹和她的家人來看我。 I love my nieces, but they wanted to sleep with
me! 我很愛我的外甥女,但是她們要跟我一起睡!
3. ask 請求
You could ask them to sleep on the sofa.你可以要她們睡沙發啊。
Well, I gave them my bed. 結果我給她們睡床。
I slept on the floor. 我睡地上。
That's tough! 這有點麻煩。
4. thousand 千
And then they asked me to tell them stories. 然後她們要我講故事。
From One Thousand and One Nights. 一千零一夜的故事!
That's a lot of stories! 那是很多故事呢!
Exactly. 就是啊。
1. What percentage of kids in the USA don't have beds?
a. 2 or 3
b. 12 or 13
c. 20 or 30
2. Who did the man first ask to help him?
a. A group
b. A family
c. A friend
3. Why does the man make beds for kids?
a. To be shocked
b. To help people
c. To make money
1. a
2. c
3. b
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