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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-12-27 | ![]() |
Town Gets Man's Big Secret
Are you generous? A generous person gives money or help in a kind way. Maybe
you're generous. But are you as generous as Geoffrey Holt was?
你是一個慷慨的人嗎? 你能像Geoffrey Holt一樣慷慨嗎?
Who was Geoffrey Holt? Geoffrey was a nice, quiet man. People liked him. He
lived in a small town in America called Hinsdale.
他是誰呢? Geoffrey是個安靜又友善的人,他住在美國一個叫 Hinsdale的小鎮。
Geoffrey knew a lot about cars. But he didn't drive a car. He rode a bicycle
around town. That's because Geoffrey didn't like to spend much money.
When he was 82, he died. But Geoffrey had a big secret. He kept the secret
for a long time.
Geoffrey was rich! He had about four million dollars. Wow! That's more than
125 million Taiwan dollars!
Geoffrey gave all his money to Hinsdale when he died. He wanted to help his
The people of Hinsdale are very happy about the money. They will use
Geoffrey's money to help their town. Their schools and other things in their
town will be better.
Geoffrey Holt was a very generous guy!
1. die 死亡
How do you want to be remembered when you die? 你死的時候希望人們記得你什麼?
That's a very big question! 好大的問題!
2. kind 仁慈的
No, I'm serious.我是認真的。
Okay, I'd like people to say I love my friends.
好吧,我想要大家說我愛朋友。That I'm nice and kind.人很好很和善。
3. happy 快樂的
What about you? 你呢?
I'd like to be remembered as a happy person.我想要別人記得我是個快樂的人。
4. better 更好的
Are you happy now? 你現在快樂嗎?
I try to be.我在努力。
I believe I can do better.我相信可以做得更好。
I'll help you. 我會幫你。
Thank you! You are nice and kind. 謝謝,你真的是又好又和善。
1. Which one did Geoffrey do?
a. Spent a lot of money
b. Drove a car
c. Rode a bicycle
2. How old was Geoffrey when he died?
a. 62
b. 82
c. 102
3. How much of Geoffrey's money did Hinsdale get?
a. Half of it
b. Most of it
c. All of it
1. c
2. b
3. c
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2024-01-05 | ![]() |
NASA's Super-Quiet Supersonic Jet
Let's have a quick quiz! Listen: what's this?
This sound is a sonic boom. It happens when something moves faster than the
speed of sound!
Sound moves very fast through the air. Airplanes do too. The fastest
airplanes are jets. Some jets fly faster than sound! They're supersonic jets.
One of the most famous supersonic jets was the Concorde. Most airplanes take
seven hours to fly from London to New York. The Concorde did it in three and
a half hours!
One problem with the Concorde was the sonic boom. It was too loud! People
didn't like it.
NASA is the space agency of the USA. Now, NASA is making a new, very quiet
supersonic jet! It's called the X-59.
美國太空總署正在製造新型的超音速噴射機,聲音很小,叫做 X-59。
NASA says the X-59 can fly from New York to London in one and a half hours!
That's much faster than the Concorde! And the sonic boom is now a little
sonic thump.
太空總署說這款飛機從紐約到倫敦只需要一個半小時! 比協和號更快!
The X-59 is a new start for much faster, much quieter flights!
1. fast 快的
Wow, that was fast! 哇,飛得好快!
Yeah, so cool! 對啊,好酷 !
What kind of fighter jets are they? 那是哪一種噴射戰機?
I think they're F-16. 我想是F-16.
2. airplane 飛機
They're so much faster than an airplane. 它們比飛機快多了。
It's because they're much smaller. 因為它小很多。
3. supersonic 超音速
They can go supersonic as well.它們也可以超音速飛行。
I hope they do that now. 我希望它們現在就那樣飛。
I can't wait for the sonic boom. 我等不及要聽聲爆了。
4. loud 大聲的
It'll be so loud that you have to cover your ears. 那聲音會大到你得遮住耳朵。
Really? How exciting! 真的嗎? 好興奮!
1. What happens when something moves faster than sound?
a. Thunder
b. An explosion
c. A sonic boom
2. What kind of airplane was the Concorde?
a. A super-quiet jet
b. A superhero jet
c. A supersonic jet
3. In how many hours can the X-59 fly from New York to London?
a. Seven hours
b. Three and a half hours
c. One and a half hours
1. c
2. c
3. c
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2024-02-28 | ![]() |
Every Day Is a Radio Day
Long ago, people had no cellphones. There was no social media. There was no
Internet! In Taiwan, there were no TV stations!
How did news travel to people far away? There was radio then. And there's
radio now!
Radio is free! It's on every day, 24 hours a day. Radio stations broadcast
news, talk shows, music, stories, and more.
We hear voices and sounds on the radio. We imagine how people, places, and
things look or what people are doing. That's why radio is called the "theater
of the mind."
Radio broadcasts big news because radios are reliable. No Internet? No
electricity? No problem! Radios can still work! In emergencies, we hear about
what's happening and learn what to do.
Radio brings us all kinds of music. Listening to many songs lets us find out
what we like. Some songs become part of our memories!
World Radio Day was this month. But every day is a radio day! Radio
broadcasts all the news. Radio gives music to our daily lives. Radio is for
all of us!
1. music 音樂
What's that music? 那是什麼音樂?
"A Summer Place," from the 1970s.〈夏日地方〉,1970年代的。
It's very nice. 很好聽。
Yeah, we used to listen to music on the radio.對,我們以前都從收音機聽音樂。
2. song 歌曲
Not vinyl records? 不是黑膠唱片?
Those came later.那些以後才出現。
Radio was the thing for Western pop songs. 收音機才有西洋流行歌曲。
3. talk show 談話節目
Were there talk shows? 有談話節目嗎?
No, but there were radio dramas of ghost stories. 沒有,不過有鬼故事話劇。
4. every day 每天
I was glued to my radio every day. 我每天都黏著我的收音機。
For the ghost stories? 聽鬼故事?
For those and more.聽那些跟其他的。
Have you ever listened to music on the radio?
talk show談話節目
every day每天
1. What do radio stations broadcast?
a. Internet
b. News
c. Places
2. How much does it cost to listen to the radio?
a. It's free!
b. Four dollars
c. Twenty dollars
3. What is radio called?
a. Words in our minds
b. Songs in the wind
c. Theater of the mind
1. b
2. a
3. c
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2024-03-04 | ![]() |
Stolen and Found Bikes
In a city in Iceland, many people love cycling. But something bad was
happening. Some people were stealing bikes! This worried bicycle owners. Some
people stopped using their bikes.
One man loves biking. He wanted more people to love it too. So he was very
angry. He looked for the stolen bicycles. They were hard to find. But he
didn't give up.
Sometimes he found stolen bikes where a group of people lived. He talked to
them. He didn't like them because they stole things. But now they're his
friends. They stopped stealing. Some help him find bikes now!
The man returns bicycles to their owners. Now, after four years, he's famous.
People call him the "bike whisperer." He's very good at finding bicycles!
He uses social media to help people.
Are you in Iceland? Did someone steal your bicycle? Ask the bike whisperer
for help. Sometimes he finds bikes in two days!
你在冰島嗎?有人偷了你的單車嗎? 趕快找單車救星幫忙,有時候只要兩天就可以找到。
This man wants more people to love bicycling. He finds stolen bikes and he
stops people from stealing them. He makes having a bicycle safer. He's the
bike whisperer!
1. bike 腳踏車
My friend just told me he stole a bike yesterday.
What did you say? 你怎麼說呢?
I asked him why he did it.我問他為什麼要那樣。
2. steal 偷竊
He said it's because he loves biking. 他說因為他喜歡騎車。
So he decided to steal it? 所以就決定用偷的?
Yeah, I know it's a bad reason. 對,我知道這是個糟糕的理由。
3. angry 生氣的
Did you get angry? 你有生氣嗎?
No, why would I get angry? 沒有,我怎麼會生氣?
He didn't steal my bike. 他又不是偷我的車。
4. return 歸還
I did tell him to return it to the owner.我有告訴他把車子還給主人。
But he didn't know who the owner was. 但是他不知道主人是誰。
He said he'll put the bike back where he found it.
1. Where does the man live?
a. Iceland
b. Finland
c. England
2. What do people call the man?
a. The bicycling whistle
b. The bike whisperer
c. The bicycle wheel
3. What is the man good at?
a. Selling bikes
b. Fixing bikes
c. Finding bikes
1. a
2. b
3. c
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2024-03-25 | ![]() |
Teenager Becomes Lawyer
Last year, a teenager became famous. Why? He became the youngest lawyer in
California. He was seventeen years old!
Lawyers help people with problems about laws. Laws say what we can and cannot
do. Becoming a lawyer isn't easy. There are a lot of laws to study!
This lawyer says he isn't smarter than other teenagers. But from when he was
a child, he studied a lot. Studying was important in his family. He had to
study for one hour first when he wanted to play for one hour.
He played with cube puzzles. He became very good at them. He played so much
that his hands hurt! In eighth grade, he wrote a book to help other players.
He likes helping people. He wanted a job that lets him do that. Doctors help
people, but he doesn't like blood! He wanted to be a lawyer. So in ninth
grade, he also went to law school!
Now this young man is a lawyer for his city. He does good things for the city
and its people. He loves his job!
1. become 成為
I can never understand why people want to study law.
To become a rich lawyer? 好變成有錢的律師?
2. smart 聰明的
There are many other ways to become rich. 有好多別的方法可以變有錢。
Like what? 比如說什麼?
Like making smart investments.比如說聰明投資。
3. study 研究、用功
How would you know if it's smart? 你怎麼知道那是不是聰明?
I would study it, of course. 當然我會先研究。
4. easy 容易的
Law is boring. 法律很無聊耶。
Making investments can be boring, too. 投資可能也很無聊。
No, it would be easy. 不會,它很簡單。
You stop when you lose money. 你損失錢就停止。
Let's read the vocabulary.
1. What job does this teenager have?
a. Lawyer
b. Doctor
c. Student
2. What was important in his family?
a. Being famous
b. Studying
c. Writing
3. What does he like to do?
a. Read books
b. Help people
c. Go to law school
1. a
2. b
3. b
News Bites Special-Have Your Say!聽聽你怎麼說!
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