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News Bites 文字檔 (國中) | Posted on 2023-04-13 | ![]() |
Hey you! Ready for another episode of News Bites?
I'm Paz Bueno…
And I'm Trevor Tortomasi.
In today's news:
Butterflies take to the skies, Canada's growing population, and telling time
on the moon.
Stay tuned for more on those stories, coming up next.
高速公路 讓蝴蝶通行
Highway to Butterfly Skies
Taiwan is home to many special species (物種).
They include many different kinds of animals, including birds (鳥類),
primates (靈長類), salamanders (蠑螈), bovids (牛科動物), and insects (昆蟲)!
One particular insect is famous for causing one of Taiwan's most spectacular
ecological events.
A mass migration (大量遷徙)!
People saw many purple crow butterflies (紫斑蝶) flying over a part of
National Freeway 3 (國道3號).
The Taiwan Purple Crow Ecological Preservation Association
(台灣紫斑蝶生態保育協會) says there were about 555 butterflies every minute,
which is a new record for this year!
To keep the butterflies safe, some lanes (車道) on the freeway were closed,
and a big butterfly net (大型蝴蝶保護網) was put up to protect them.
Every year, before the Tomb-Sweeping Festival (清明節), they travel from
Maolin in Kaohsiung City to the north.
This year, they arrived a bit later than usual because of a drought (乾旱).
But when the weather got better, people saw lots of butterflies flying over
the highway.
Canada Welcomes a Million New Friends!
Canada's population is growing!
Over the past year, more than one million people (一百萬人) joined the
country, making it the largest growth ever.
Canada has been working on increasing its population to help its economy
So, the number of people living in Canada has gone from 38,516,138
(thirty-eight million, five hundred and sixteen thousand, one hundred and
thirty-eight) to 39,566,248 (thirty-nine million, five hundred and sixty-six
thousand, two hundred and forty-eight).
A big reason for this growth is the government's efforts to bring people from
other countries to help with the need for more workers.
In fact, nearly 96% of the growth (增長的近96%) comes from people moving to
Canada from other countries.
Statistics Canada, the group that keeps track of (追蹤) things like who lives
in the country, says that while having a bigger population is good, it can
also create challenges (挑戰).
Some parts of the country might have trouble with housing (房屋),
transportation, and providing services to everyone.
In many countries, including Canada, people are living longer and having
fewer babies.
This means that to grow the economy, they need more workers, and one way to
do that is by welcoming immigrants (移民).
By 2025, the Canadian government hopes to bring in (吸引) 500,000 new
immigrants every year.
Right now, about one in four Canadians (四分之一的加拿大人) came to the
country as an immigrant.
Tick Tock Moon Clock: A Lunar Time Zone!
The moon might soon get its own time zone (時區).
The European Space Agency (歐洲太空總署) thinks it's a good idea, especially
with more and more lunar missions (月球任務) being planned!
Scientists from all over the world have been discussing the best way to keep
time (計時) on the moon.
They believe it's important to create a "common lunar reference time" that
everyone can agree on.
This idea was first talked about during a meeting in the Netherlands (荷蘭)
last year.
Right now, when a mission goes to the moon, it uses the time of the country
running the spacecraft.
But having a special time zone for the moon would make things much easier for
everyone, especially (特別是) as more countries plan their own moon trips.
The European Space Agency is now trying to figure out if one organization
should be in charge of setting and maintaining time on the moon.
But it's not that simple (並不簡單)!
Clocks run faster on the moon than on Earth, and they tick differently on the
moon's surface compared to lunar orbit.
With a proper time system for the moon, maybe we could do the same for other
planets in the future.
How about Mars Standard Time?
So, in today's News Bites:
People saw many purple crow butterflies flying over a part of National
Freeway 3.
There were about 555 butterflies every minute, which is a new record for this
Some lanes on the freeway were closed, and a big butterfly net was put up to
protect them.
Canada's population is growing!
Over the past year, more than one million people joined the country, making
it the largest growth ever.
Right now, about one in four Canadians moved to the country as an immigrant.
The moon might soon get its own time zone.
Scientists from all over the world have been discussing the best way to keep
time on the moon.
Having a special time zone for the moon would make things much easier for
everyone, especially as more countries plan their own moon trips.
And that's today's episode of News Bites!
Have Your Say
This week, we want you to have your say about spring.
Spring is associated with new beginnings and growth. What is your favorite
thing about this season? Explain why you enjoy it and any activities you like
to do during this time of year.
Record your message and send it to with your name and
age, and if you'd like, the name of your school.
Send us your recording by Thursday at noon, and you might hear your message
on our show on Friday!
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News Bites 文字檔 (國中) | Posted on 2023-05-25 | ![]() |
Hello everyone! It's time for another episode of News Bites!
I'm Paz Bueno…
And I'm Brody Halverson.
In today's news:
Equal rights for parenting, a pasta mystery, and baaa-rave firefighters.
Stay tuned for more on these stories, coming up next.
Same-Sex Couples Can Jointly Adopt
Taiwan is Asia's leading country for LGBT rights (權益).
LGBT stands for people who are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender.
These are people who may love someone of the same gender (性別) or feel they
are a different gender from the one they were born as.
In 2019, Taiwan became the first place in Asia to allow same-sex (同性)
couples to get married.
There are laws to protect people from being treated badly because of who they
love or how they feel about their gender.
There's even a special day when people march in the streets to celebrate love
and diversity (多元文化), called the Pride Parade (同志遊行).
On May 16th, the Legislative Yuan (立法院) changed a rule to help same-sex
Before, these couples could only adopt their spouse's child if it was their
biological child.
But now, these couples can also adopt a child together.
Everyone is saying it's a fair thing to do because it's important that all
kinds of families can take care of children.
People who care about the rights of children and LGBT people are really happy
about this change.
Love is love, no matter who you are.
Mysterious Pasta in the Woods
Picture this (想像一下): You're walking in the woods, and guess what you
Piles and piles of pasta!
This happened near a river in the US city of Old Bridge last month.
No one knew how the pasta got there.
And when the city cleaned it up, they found there were 500 pounds of noodles
Pictures of the pasta were posted on Facebook, and many people found it
A netizen (網友) joked that cleaning it up was "Mission Im-pasta-ble"
這個字把 "impossible"(不可能)與 "pasta"(義大利麵)結合在一起。
And another joked, "Lead suspect (主要嫌疑人) is a guy named Al Dente."
"Al Dente"是一個義大利詞語,用來形容煮得恰到好處、口感稍硬的義大利麵。
It turns out the suspect was not a guy named Al Dente, but a man who wanted
to clean out his pantry (食物儲藏室).
Neighbors say the city doesn't have bulk garbage pickup (大型垃圾收集服務),
which is a big problem.
The man didn't know how else to throw away all the pasta he had.
The incident brought a lot of attention (吸引很多注意) to the town's garbage
The residents hope city authorities can provide better trash pickup services
after this.
How Goats are Saving Forests in Chile
Forest fires are becoming more and more common as we deal with the climate
They hurt the trees and plants, animals that live in the woods lose their
homes, and the smoke harms our earth.
It's important to know how we can prevent (防止) forest fires.
In a city in Chile named Santa Juana, there's a team of helpers that help
protect the forest from dangerous fires.
And they're goats (山羊)!
These goats have already helped to save a forest park called Bosques de
Chacay from a big fire that happened in February.
But thanks to the goats, the park was safe!
The goats eat the dry plants that can catch fire easily during the hot
They also help the soil stay healthy with their poop.
A forestry engineer (林業工程師) says, "These animals can help us a lot."
He thinks more people should use goats to eat the dry plants that can catch
So, in today's News Bites:
On May 16th, the Legislative Yuan changed a rule to help same-sex couples.
Before, these couples could only adopt their spouse's child if it was their
biological child.
But now, these couples can also adopt a child together.
A man discovered mysterious piles of pasta near a river in the US city of Old
Bridge last month.
It turns out the suspect was a man who wanted to clean out his pantry.
Neighbors say the city doesn't have bulk garbage pickup, which is a big
In a city in Chile named Santa Juana, there's a team of goats that help
protect the forest from dangerous fires.
The goats eat the dry plants that can catch fire easily during the hot
These goats have already helped to save a forest park from a big fire that
happened in February.
And that's today's episode of News Bites!
Have Your Say
This week, we want you to have your say about being angry.
We all go through hard times. Or something not very nice happens, and we feel
angry! That's very normal, and totally okay! So when you are angry, how do
you deal with those feelings?
Record your message and send it to with your name and
age, and if you'd like, the name of your school.
Send us your recording by Thursday at noon, and you might hear your message
on our show on Friday!
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News Bites 文字檔 (國中) | Posted on 2023-09-07 | ![]() |
Yo! Welcome to News Bites!
I'm Trevor Tortomasi...
And I'm Paz Bueno.
We've got three new stories for you today... one about snakes, one about
orcas, and one about people.
Let's have a listen!
Taiwan's Venomous Snakes
When we're in nature, we have to watch out for wild animals (野生動物)...
like snakes (蛇)!
Taiwan's Centers for Disease Control (疾病管制署), or "CDC", says Taiwan has
six kinds of venomous snakes (六種毒蛇).
According to the CDC, every year, more than one thousand people in Taiwan get
bitten by snakes.
And most of these snake bites happen in the month of April.
That's pretty scary!
Of course, if you see a snake, you should stay away from it (維持距離).
But many snakes like to hide under rocks, in plants, and under piles of wood,
and you might not see them.
So, if you are hiking (健行), you can carry a walking stick (拿著走手手杖) to
help you safely check for snakes.
But if you are ever bitten by a snake (如果被蛇咬的話), you should get to a
hospital as soon as possible, so doctors can give you antivenom (抗蛇毒血清)
And if you can tell the doctors what the snake looked like (蛇長得怎麼樣),
then they will know which antivenom to give you.
So if you're going out into nature this season, have fun...
Just remember, in nature... you're not alone!
Orca Returning to Ocean After More Than 50 Years of Captivity
When an animal is living in captivity (活在囚禁裡), that means humans (人類)
are keeping it in one place.
Now, living in captivity isn't always bad...
Some animals, like pandas (貓熊), are endangered (瀕危物種), and living in a
zoo (動物園) can help them stay healthy and safe.
But some animals really need to live in a big space... like orcas (虎鯨).
So today's good news is that one orca is finally getting its freedom (自由)!
The orca, named "Lolita", is 56 years old...
And for 52 of those years, she lived in an aquarium (水族館).
Scientists say Lolita's water tank (水族箱) was way too small for such a big
Orcas are mammals (哺乳類), not fish (不是魚類), and they are closely related
to dolphins.
That's why they are very smart, and living in captivity is really bad for
their mental health.
Now, people are planning Lolita's return to the northern Pacific Ocean
They are a little worried (擔心) that it will be difficult for her to adapt
(適應) to life in the ocean.
But they are working hard to make sure she can live in an outside environment
And most importantly, she will be close to her family!
Research Suggests Future Humans Could Live 141 Years
Are you old?
Well, how old is old?
Many people think that anyone older than 60... is "old".
One hundred years ago (一百年前), the average human lifetime
(人類的平均壽命預期) was only around 50 years long!
But with better science (科學), medicine (醫療), and nutrition (營養), people
are living longer and longer...
And now, the average lifetime is around 80 years, with some people living to
be over 100.
And according to research from Georgia University in the US, people in the
future could live to be 141 years old!
Well, we probably have a lot more research to do, before we can live that
But scientists say that giving better medicine and healthier food to more
people will help the average lifetime get longer and longer.
Now, the world just has to learn to live more peacefully.
So, maybe the next question is...
What are you going to do with all that extra time?
So, in today's News Bites:
Taiwan's Centers for Disease Control says, every year, more than one thousand
people in Taiwan get bitten by snakes.
Many snakes like to hide under rocks, in plants, and under piles of wood, and
you might not see them.
And if you are ever bitten by a snake, you should get to a hospital as soon
as possible.
An orca named "Lolita" will soon be returned to the Pacific Ocean, after more
than 50 years in captivity.
Orcas are very smart, and living in captivity is bad for their mental health.
People are working hard to make sure she can adapt to life in the ocean.
One hundred years ago, the average human lifetime was only around 50 years
But with better science, medicine, and nutrition, people are living longer
and longer.
Now, research from Georgia University in the US says people in the future
could live to be 141 years old.
And that's today's episode of News Bites!
Tasty Tidbit
Have you got the hang of our new segment, Tasty Tidbits yet?
Every day, at the end of each episode, we'll share with you a fun fact, a
joke, or some interesting news. Make sure to stay tuned to hear it!
And we'd love to hear from you too! If you have a fun fact, a joke, or some
interesting news you'd like to share with us, record your message and send us
your Tasty Tidbit to, and you might hear it at the end
of an episode!
We'll see you next time for an exciting new episode of News Bites!
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News Bites 文字檔 (國中) | Posted on 2023-09-08 | ![]() |
Hi there, it's time for another episode of News Bites!
I'm Nancy Sun…
And I'm Hope Ngo.
In today's news:
Really high traffic lights, lonely young people, and invisible solar panels.
All that and more, coming up next.
Traffic Lights at 3,275 Meters
Hehuanshan has beautiful scenery throughout the year.
People rush up to see snow in winter and flowers in spring.
Hikers and climbers are eager to explore the famous mountain.
In Sept. 2020, Hehuanshan was officially certified (認證) by the International Dark-Sky Association (國際暗空協會) as the first International Dark-Sky Park in Taiwan.
It's a great place for stargazers (天文迷) to see the night sky.
Now, put all these things together...
And you have thousands of visiting tourists.
But the roads on the mountain are narrow (狹窄).
Making them wider would be bad for the environment.
And this all leads to lots of traffic jams (塞車).
With so many people visiting the mountain, safety is very important.
Traffic lights were installed in Wuling (武嶺) to control traffic during holidays and weekends.
There are two sets of lights.
They are just red and green lights.
And they are 400 meters apart.
They will not be in use 24 hours a day.
And police officers will control the lights.
Officials hope that the traffic lights will help everyone stay safe.
South Korea Pays 'Lonely Young People' to Get Back into Society
Can you imagine living a reclusive (隱居) life?
South Korea's Ministry of Gender Equality and Family says there are around 338,000 South Koreans like this.
They are around 19 to 39 years old.
They live in a small space.
They are disconnected from the outside world for a long time.
And they have a hard time living a normal life.
The government says these people start getting isolated in adolescence (青春期).
They can’t interact (互動) with others.
And it's hard for them to get use to different environments.
This can be caused by going through family problems, or health problems.
It can also be caused by mental illness.
So the South Korean government wants to encourage these people to get back into society.
It says it will give up to $500 US dollars each month to people like this, who are 9 to 24 years old.
And the government is planning more ways to work with welfare groups (社福機構) for young people.
New 'Invisible' Solar Panels in Ancient Pompeii
Pompeii is an ancient city in Italy.
It was destroyed by a volcano in 79 A.D. (西元).
It is one of the most well-preserved ancient cities (保存完整的古城).
Each year, 3.5 million tourists visit the city to learn about its history.
But Pompeii is quite big.
It takes a lot of electricity to keep the city running.
And this means there are lots of cables and poles (電線,電線桿).
This leaves the city looking...not very nice.
Now there is a new way to get electricity, and keep the city looking beautiful.
An Italian company has made "invisible solar panels" (【隱形】太陽能板).
The panels look like stone, wood, concrete (混凝土) or brick (磚頭).
They can be hidden on walls, floors and roofs.
The panels used in Pompeii look like terracotta (陶製) roof tiles used by the Romans.
The panels were put on two sites, the House of Cerere and the House of Vettii.
Pompeii officials say the solar panels are just the beginning.
They believe the panels will help other historical sites around the world.
So, in today's News Bites:
Traffic lights were installed on Hehuanshan to control traffic during holidays and weekends.
They are 3,275 meters high!
Officials hope that the traffic lights will help everyone stay safe.
The South Korean government wants to encourage "lonely young people" to get back into society.
It says it will give up to $500 US dollars each month to people like this, who are 9 to 24 years old.
And the government is planning more ways to work with welfare groups for young people.
An Italian company has made "invisible solar panels".
The panels used in Pompeii look like the terracotta roof tiles used by the Romans.
This helps the city get electricity, and still look beautiful.
And that's today's episode of News Bites!
Tasty Tidbit
Have you got the hang of our new segment, Tasty Tidbits yet?
Every day, at the end of each episode, we'll share with you a fun fact, a joke, or some interesting news. Make sure to stay tuned to hear it!
And we'd love to hear from you too! If you have a fun fact, a joke, or some interesting news you'd like to share with us, record your message and send us your Tasty Tidbit to, and you might hear it at the end of an episode!
We'll see you next time for an exciting new episode of News Bites!
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News Bites 文字檔 (國中) | Posted on 2023-09-18 | ![]() |
Hey there! It's time for another episode of News Bites.
I'm Paz Bueno.
And I'm Nancy Sun.
In today's news:
More furbabies than babies in Hsinchu, and an overview of India's first moon
And in today's Tasty Tidbit…what does it take to be a planet?
Keep on listening to find out!
Pets Outnumber Newborns in Hsinchu County
Do you have a pet at home?
A fluffy cat or a friendly dog?
Well, you're not alone!
For the third year in a row (連續三年), Hsinchu County has had more new pets
than new babies.
Since 2020, the number of pet cats has increased by about 25 percent each
…while dog registrations have risen 10 percent annually!
In 2022, 5,129 dogs and cats were registered as pets, while only 4,033 babies
were born in the county.
2022年新竹縣內註冊的寵物貓和狗數量達到5, 129隻,而只有4, 033名嬰兒出生。
Furbabies outnumber babies!
Officials say that this shows how pets are increasingly seen as "a part of
the family" (寵物越來越被看作是"家庭的一份子").
Not only that (不止如此), but Hsinchu County is also becoming more and more
pet-friendly (友善寵物).
It recently opened a new Animal Protection Education Park (保護動物教育園區)
in Zhubei.
This park is all about teaching people how to take good care of animals.
The county government also offers perks for people who adopt a pet instead of
buying one.
They provide free pet registration (寵物登記), rabies vaccinations
(狂犬病疫苗), and sterilization (絕育手術).
They have even teamed up (合作) with eight local businesses that are all
about pets.
So, when people adopt, they can get discounts on stuff like vet visits,
grooming, pet boarding, and various pet products.
Some people are a bit worried that young families are choosing to adopt pets
instead of having babies.
They want the government to keep an eye on this (注意到這個情況), as Taiwan's
birth rate is going down (台灣的出生率正在下降).
India's Moon Rover Successfully Lands on Lunar South Pole
India has joined an exclusive list of countries (極少數國家名單).
It's now the fourth country in the world to successfully land a lunar rover!
The Chandrayaan-3 moon mission was launched by the Indian Space Research
Organization, or ISRO.
月球任務 Chandrayaan-3 由印度太空研究組織發射。
It was launched on July 14th, and this mission consists of two main parts-a
lander named Vikram and a rover called Pragyan.
這個任務在7月14日發射,主要包括兩部分-登陸器 Vikram 和月球探測器 Pragyan。
The names come from Sanskrit (梵語)-chandra means 'moon', yana means 'ship'
And vikram means 'brave' (勇敢), and pragyan means 'wisdom' (智慧).
Vikram and Pragyan touched down near the moon's south pole (降落在月球南極)
on August 23rd.
That makes India the first country to land there.
People from all over India and even the world watched the landing (登陸).
Schools showed it live (現場直播), and people prayed (祈禱) for its success.
There were big celebrations, and the media called it India's biggest
scientific achievement so far (印度到目前為止最大的科學成就).
Indian newspapers celebrated with headlines (標題) like "The moon is Indian."
People in India were over the moon-literally!
Pragyan has special tools to check out what the moon is made of.
It will test the water ice on the moon's south pole, which could be super
useful for future missions.
Right now, both Vikram and Pragyan are taking a little "nap" (小睡一下).
They went to sleep mode (休眠模式) in early September because they were
running low on solar power (太陽能供應不足).
They're set to wake up and start working again on September 22nd, when the
sun rises on the moon (月球上日出的時候).
So, in today's News Bites:
Hsinchu County has more new pets than babies for the third year in a row.
Not only that, Hsinchu County is also becoming more and more pet-friendly.
The county government offers perks for people who adopt a pet instead of
buying one.
Some people are worried young families are choosing to adopt pets instead of
having babies.
India is the fourth country in the world to successfully land a rover on the
Chandrayaan-3's lander Vikram and rover Pragyan touched down near the moon's
south pole.
It's the first ever lunar mission to land there.
ISRO's goal is to check out what the moon is made of to help plan for future
Tasty Tidbit
You've probably heard of Pluto, or 冥王星 in Chinese...
Pluto used to be one of our solar system's NINE planets... But in the year
2006, scientists decided it's not actually a planet...
So what's wrong with Pluto?
Scientists say a body in space needs three things, to be a planet:
1. It needs to go around a star... check!
2. It needs to be a round shape... check!
3. It has to be big enough for its gravity to clean up all the space rocks
around it... uh oh!
Even though Pluto is much bigger than the space rocks around it, its gravity
is not strong enough, and there are still lots of space rocks around it.
Well... at least we still have eight planets... and Pluto's still there!
If you have a fun fact or a joke you'd like to share with us, record your
message and send us your Tasty Tidbit to, and you might
hear it at the end of an episode!
We'll see you next time for an exciting new episode of News Bites!
News Bites Special-Have Your Say!聽聽你怎麼說!
同學們!最近你有聽到任何趣聞(fun fact)、笑話或者有趣的新聞嗎?
趕快用英語錄下你的 30 秒回答,Email 到, 詳細投稿方式請參考:,你的回答內容就有可能在週五節目中 Live 播出,還有機會獲得 ICRT 精選禮品哦!