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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-03-25 | ![]() |
Nanliao Uses Fishing Floats as Decorations
Hm… think… think… think! I'm trying to think of some ways I can do
something positive for the planet.
After all, Earth Hour is tonight. Do you know about Earth Hour?
Every year, many people around the world celebrate Earth Hour. Today, Earth
Hour will happen from eight-thirty to nine-thirty p.m. A lot of people turn
off their lights during this time. This saves electricity.
But we don't have to wait for Earth Hour to do nice things for the planet.
There are a lot of other ways we can help the environment.
For example, there is a town in Penghu called Nanliao. There has always been
a lot of fishing in Nanliao. But there is a problem. A lot of fishing means
a lot of old fishing equipment turns into garbage.
The people of Nanliao had a creative idea. They reuse old fishing floats as
decorations for the town.
They turned the floats into lanterns. They also cut the floats up to make
other beautiful decorations. These are fun ways to reuse old things in new
ways. The decorations look very nice. Now more people visit Nanliao.
What a fun idea! What are some ways you can help your community and the
planet? Earth Hour tonight is a great time to think about ideas!
1. tonight 今晚
Let's meet at 9 tonight. 我們今晚九點見。
We can't. 沒辦法。
What do you mean we can't? 沒辦法是什麼意思?
It'll be dark everywhere. 到處都會是黑黑的。
What? 什麼?
2. turn off 關掉
Haven't you heard? 你沒聽說嗎?
Many stores are turning off the lights for an hour. 很多商店都會關燈一個鐘頭。
Oh, that's annoying! 有點煩呢!
3. planet 地球
What's the point? 有什麼意義?
The planet won't get better. 地球又不會變好。
It's for saving electricity. 是為了省電。
4. electricity 電力
Electricity should be used. 電就是要用的。
Or how about we meet tomorrow morning? 那我們明天早上碰面如何?
Alright. 好啦。
tonight 今晚
turn off 關掉
planet 地球;行星
electricity 電力
1. When is Earth Hour today?
A: 8:30 - 9:30 a.m.
B: 8:30 - 9:30 p.m.
C: It doesn't happen today
2. How long does Earth Hour last?
A: 1 hour
B: 1 day
C: 1 minute
3. What does the Nanliao Community reuse as decorations?
A: Fishing poles
B: Fishing floats
C: Fishing bait
1. B
2. A
3. B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-04-17 | ![]() |
Taiwan Ranked Happiest Country in East Asia
Voice: 你好!
Narrator: Good morning! That woman is so happy! Hmmm... How happy is everyone
in Taiwan?
There is a big group of countries. It is called the United Nations. Some
people call the United Nations "the UN".
United Nations 聯合國,它是一個由很多國家組成的組織,英文縮寫是 "UN"。
The UN makes a list. It shows how happy countries are. This list is the
"World Happiness Report".
The UN makes the list every year. It takes a long time. The list is not easy
to make. The UN has to be fair.
The UN looks at many things. Do people feel good? Do they have a family? Do
they have friends? Do people have jobs? Do they have money? Do they feel
free? Can people get help? Do they think their country is good?
This year's World Happiness Report lists 137 countries.
The report says Taiwan is the happiest country in East Asia! The three
happiest countries in East Asia are Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea.
Finland is the happiest country in the world. Finland has been the happiest
country for six years!
The three happiest countries in the world are Finland, Denmark, and Iceland.
They are in Europe.
Which country will be the happiest next year? Good luck, Taiwan! We can do it!
1. feel 感覺
This is something I really don't understand. 這我就真的不懂了。
What? 是什麼?
Why do people in Finland feel happy? 為什麼芬蘭人會覺得快樂?
Why not? 為什麼不?
2. country 國家
It's a northern country. 它是個北方國家。
It's so cold and dark there! 那兒又冷又陰暗!
Winter lasts five months in Finland. 芬蘭的冬季有五個月。
3. family 家人
Maybe it's because they have a loving family and many friends.
Family and friends are important, I know. 我知道家人朋友很重要。
4. look at 看著
But so is sunshine. 但是陽光也很重要。
I guess people can look at the sun online. 我想大家可以上網看太陽。
feel 感覺
country 國家
family 家人
look at 看著
1. What is another name for "the UN"?
A: The Unity Nations
B: The Union Nations
C: The United Nations
2. How many countries are in this year's report?
A: 137
B: 37
C: 107
3. What is the happiest country in the world?
A: Iceland
B: Finland
C: Taiwan
1. C
2. A
3. B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-04-19 | ![]() |
Cook Makes Cricket Ice Cream
I'm at an ice cream shop. I want one small scoop of ice cream. There are many
flavors! There's chocolate… strawberry… vanilla…
WAIT! What is that?! Crickets?! In ice cream?!
我在冰淇淋店裡面,有好多種口味可以選,有巧克力、草莓,還有... 蟋蟀?
That's right! That's a strange flavor.
Thomas is a cook. He makes strange ice cream flavors. He made liver sausage
and cheese ice cream! One time, Thomas put gold on ice cream! It was 130 NT
dollars for one scoop!
Thomas 把黃金放在冰淇淋上,一球要 130 元台幣!
Now he makes cricket ice cream!
How does Thomas make this strange ice cream? He uses cream, vanilla, honey,
and flour. Flour is in cookies and noodles too. But this flour is cricket
flour. You can't see these crickets.
Thomas also puts dried crickets on each scoop. You can see these crickets.
Some people don't like his cricket ice cream. They think it looks nasty! But
Thomas says most people love it!
有一些人不喜歡,不想吃蟋蟀冰淇淋,但 Thomas 說很多人都很愛。
What do you think? Would you eat cri… Ah! It's in my hair! Get it off me!
1. chocolate 巧克力
Have you tried the new ice cream place over there? 你去過那裡的冰淇淋店嗎?
No, is it good? 沒有,好吃嗎?
Yeah, their chocolate ice cream is unbelievable!
2. flavor 味道
But my favorite flavor is vanilla. 但是我最喜歡的味道是香草。
They have that, too. 他們也有。
Vanilla with honey. 香草加蜂蜜。
3. strange 奇怪的
That sounds a little strange. 聽起來有一點兒奇怪。
Maybe, but I heard it's very good. 也許吧,不過我聽說很好吃。
4. noodle 麵條
I'm in the mood for some noodles, though. 不過我現在想吃麵。
Great idea! Who wants ice cream on a rainy day? 好主意! 誰要下雨天吃冰淇淋?
chocolate 巧克力
flavor 味道
strange 奇怪的
noodle 麵條
1. Which strange ice cream was 130 NT dollars for a scoop?
A: Liver sausage
B: Gold
C: Cheese
2. What does Thomas use for his new ice cream?
A: Noodles
B: Crickets
C: Cookies
3. Why don't some people want to try Thomas' new ice cream?
A: It looks nasty
B: It looks tasty
C: It looks cold
1. B
2. B
3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-05-12 | ![]() |
Scientists Study Seabird Safety
I'm eating lunch at the beach! Now, where are my sandwiches? ..... Hey!!!!
That seabird took my lunch! It's very smart! Now scientists want to see just
how smart seabirds are, to keep them safe.
Scientists want to keep seabirds safe from wind farms. Wind farms make
electricity from the wind. They have big machines called 'turbines'. Turbines
have three blades. The wind spins the blades around and around.
There's lots of wind at sea. Turbines make the most electricity there. So
companies put wind farms there.
Scientists are worried about seabirds. Seabirds might fly into a turbine's
blades and die. So scientists studied seabird safety at a wind farm.
The study took two years. They watched 10,000 videos of the turbines. They
saw four kinds of seabirds come and go. And they found … nothing!
Zero seabirds flew into the turbine blades. Zero seabirds died! They all flew
far away from the spinning blades. Scientists don't know why. But those
seabirds are very smart indeed!
Scientists need to study other kinds of seabirds. Maybe now they will find
how to save thousands of other seabirds too!
Bravo birdies!
1. fly 飛翔。
Fly, kite, fly! 飛呀,風箏,飛吧。
Look how high it is! 你看它飛得多高!
Yeah, it's beautiful against the blue sky.對啊,襯著藍天真好看。
2. spin 轉圈。
Oh no, it's spinning around. 糟了,它在轉圈圈。
It's just the wind. 只是風的關係。
It'll steady once the wind weakens. 風變小就穩定了。
3. far away 很遠的。
Now it's flying too far away. 現在它飛得太遠了。
It'll take an hour to bring it back. 要一個鐘頭才收得回來。
That's okay. We have a lot of time. 沒關係,我們有的是時間。
4. beach 海灘。
This is really a nice beach. 這真是個美好的海灘。
It is. We should come back more often. 真的,我們應該常回來。
far away很遠的
1. What are wind farms for?
A: Studying seabirds
B: Watching videos
C: Making electricity
2. What machines have three spinning blades?
A: Videos
B: Scientists
C: Turbines
3. How many seabirds flew into the machines?
A: Zero
B: Two
C: Four
1. C
2. C
3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-05-22 | ![]() |
From Old Prison to Comics Museum
People all over the world like comics. In the USA, they like superhero
comics. Some of these comics are now big Hollywood movies!
In Europe they like comics too. Belgium has streets named after famous comic
artists. Art schools in Belgium even teach comic art!
The most famous comics in Asia are from Japan and Korea. But Taiwanese
artists have been making comics for 100 years.
Taiwan's government wants people all over the world to like Taiwanese comics
too. So they're making a national comics museum!
The museum will be in a big arts space in Taichung. They do lots of art
there. They do painting and tea-making. They do martial arts too, like kendo!
The Taichung arts space is in an old Japanese building. Long ago, it was a
prison! People were sent there for breaking the law. Now it's a happy place.
People learn how to draw and paint there!
Taiwan's national comics museum will open soon in Taichung. I can't wait!
1. comic book 漫畫書。
Reading Japanese manga, Paz? 在看日本漫畫嗎?
Yeah, this one is really good. 這本真的很好看。
Better than the comic book you read yesterday? 比你昨天看的漫畫書還好?
2. artist 藝術家
They are very different. 他們很不一樣。
But both artists draw very well. 但是兩個藝術家都畫得很好。
3. art 藝術
Oh, I've never thought about it as art. 我從沒想過漫畫是藝術。
I just read the story. 我只讀故事。
You should. Don't you find the drawings attractive?
4. draw 畫圖
I don't draw. That's probably why. 我不畫圖。這也許是原因。
你喜歡漫畫嗎? 我們來讀今天的單字。
comic book 漫畫書
artist 藝術家
art 藝術
draw 畫圖
1. Which country teaches comic art in art schools?
A: Japan
B: The USA
C: Belgium
2. How long have Taiwanese artists been making comics?
A: 100 years
B: 100 months
C: 100 days
3. What are people sent to prison for?
A: Learning to draw
B: Breaking the law
C: Making tea
1. C
2. A
3. B
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