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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-11-18 | ![]() |
Lettuce Grown Right in Supermarket
I love fresh vegetables. Especially lettuce, it's so crunchy and green.
Fresh lettuce is best. We all want newly picked lettuce.
That means the lettuce farm should be close to the market. In fact, the
freshest lettuce is the kind you pick with your own hands.
So what if the lettuce grew right inside the supermarket? That's what one
supermarket in Egypt is doing.
They plant lettuce in a fridge and use a special light to make it grow.
When people go shopping, they can pick the lettuce themselves. "Ooo! So
But won't growing vegetables in the store be dirty? Actually, the supermarket
doesn't use any dirt to grow this lettuce. They plant it directly in the
water. That's called "hydroponics".
The water is very healthy, and the plants like it. What's more, this way can
save lots of water. Hydroponics uses 90% less water.
Next time you go to the store, you might be able to pick fresh lettuce by
1. sandwich 三明治
What would you like for lunch? 你中飯想吃什麼?
I'm not hungry. I'll just have a salad. 我不餓,就吃個沙拉。
Then I'll get a sandwich. 那我買個三明治。
2. vegetable 蔬菜
Let's buy our food here. 我們在這裡買食物吧。
They use very fresh vegetables in their salad. 他們的沙拉用很新鮮的蔬菜。
You're right. The veggies look so green and clean!
3. grow 種植
I think this store grows its lettuce in water. 我想這家店用水種生菜。
What a good idea! 真是個好主意!
4. dirt 泥土
I still grow my tomatoes in dirt. 我仍然在泥土裡種番茄。
It's okay. Your tomatoes taste wonderful! 那沒關係。你種的番茄很好吃。
sandwich 三明治
vegetable 蔬菜
grow 種植
dirt 泥土
1. Where does this supermarket get their lettuce?
A: It grows in a garden.
B: It grows on a farm.
C: It grows inside the supermarket.
2. What is it called when plants grow with no soil, only water?
A: Hydroponics
B: Supersonic
C: Electronic
3. What is good about hydroponics?
A: It can make light.
B: It can save water.
C: It's more dirty.
1. C
2. A
3. B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-11-21 | ![]() |
Students Grow Their Own Lunch
Hi students, do you know what most students at school are thinking about in
the morning? Of course, it's lunchtime!
Every day, hungry students need to eat. Who makes your lunch? Maybe your
family makes it, or maybe the school's cook.
In some elementary schools, children only eat fast food, like hamburgers and
french fries.
Yuck! That's not good for you!
In other schools, students can make lunch by themselves, and eat healthy.
They are helped by a new program called "Chefs in Schools".
The program helps elementary students plant vegetable gardens. The students
take care of their garden every day.
After lots of sunlight, water, love and care, their vegetables are ready to
Students cook them into delicious meals. They even grow wheat, and use it to
bake bread. It makes the students happy and strong.
What they don't use, they give to others in the neighborhood.
When those children grow up, they will know how to feed themselves, their
families, and their friends.
If children learn to make healthy food, they will also learn to help
themselves and others.
1. garden 花園
My elementary school has a vegetable garden. 我的小學有一座菜園。
What do you grow? 你種什麼呢?
Tomato and green pepper. 番茄和青椒。
2. take care of 照顧
Do you know how to take care of the plants? 你知道怎麼照顧那些植物嗎?
Of course, they just need sunlight and water. 當然,它們只需要陽光和水。
3. hungry 飢餓的
All this talk is making me hungry. 所有這些話讓我餓了。
What should we have? 我們吃什麼好?
Hamburgers and fries? 漢堡薯條?
No! Let's have something healthy. 不行,我們要吃得健康。
4. meal 餐食
I can cook a meal of fish. 我可以做魚料理。
That sounds great! 聽起來很棒!
garden 花園
take care of 照顧
hungry 飢餓的
meal 餐食
1. What is "fast food"?
A: Hamburgers and french fries
B: Bread and water
C: Fruits and vegetables
2. How does the "Chefs in Schools" program help students?
A: It helps them make fast food
B: It helps them grow vegetables
C: It helps them get books
3. What do students do with the vegetables?
A: Sell them for money
B: Feed them to animals
C: Feed themselves and their community
1. A
2. B
3. C
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-11-30 | ![]() |
People in Nairobi Make Small Gardens
At my grandma's house, there is a big garden, where she grows potatoes,
tomatoes and greens.
But I live in the city. My house is very small, so I don't have a garden.
What can I do?
To solve this problem, let's look to Nairobi, a city in Africa. Every day,
lots of people come from the countryside to live in that city.
There are people everywhere. It's so busy, and there is not enough land to
grow food. What can all of these people eat?
Recently, many people in Nairobi have planted small gardens in their homes!
They might plant some potatoes on the balcony, or grow some tomatoes right by
the kitchen window.
These small gardens are very helpful. People say it's convenient, because
they don't have to go to the supermarket. They can save time and money.
What's more, growing food at home is cleaner. People with home gardens don't
have to worry about harmful chemicals on their vegetables.
Let's take a lesson from Nairobi. We don't need lots of space to make a
garden. We can grow some healthy food right in our own homes.
1. countryside 鄉下
I hope I can live in the countryside. 我希望能住在鄉下。
You'll have no 7-11 or bookstore. 你會沒有便利商店或是書店。
But I can grow my own food. 但是我可以自己種食物。
2. grow 種植
You're already growing tomatoes in your house! 你已經在自己家種番茄了!
That's not enough. 那不夠。
I want to grow more. 我想要種更多。
3. garden 花園
I'd like to have a big garden. 我想要有個大菜園。
There are vegetable gardens in the city, too. 城市裡也有菜園啊。
4. space 空間
You can rent a space in the garden. 你可以在菜園租一個空間。
It'll be a lot easier than living in the countryside. 那比住在鄉下容易多了。
你喜歡親手種菜嗎? 來讀讀單字。
1. Where is the city of Nairobi?
A: Asia
B: Africa
C: Australia
2. Where are people planting small gardens?
A: By the street
B: At the market
C: In their homes
3. Why are small gardens convenient?
A: They can make your house bigger
B: They can help you in school
C: They save time and money
1. B
2. C
3. C
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-12-26 | ![]() |
The Oldest Meal Ever
Do you like to eat leftovers? 你喜歡吃剩菜嗎?
Maybe your dad made dinner yesterday and put it in the fridge. Or maybe you
have eaten a meal from two days ago, or even three days ago.
What about a meal from seventy thousand years ago?
In fact, scientists recently found a meal like that. They discovered it in a
cave in Iraq, and they say it's the oldest cooked meal they've ever found.
The scientists studied the meal, to learn what food people cooked so long
ago. They found the meal was made of seeds.
How was it cooked? The people who made it used rocks to mash the seeds. Then,
they boiled the seeds in water to make a pancake.
Was that pancake good? To find out, the scientists tried to make the same
meal. They took seeds from near the cave and used the same recipe.
In the end, their meal was delicious! It tasted like nuts. The only problem?
It was hard to chew!
Before this discovery, we had no idea the art of cooking was so old.
Now that we've found the oldest meal ever, we have to ask... what else did
people know seventy thousand years ago?
1. dinner 晚餐
What's for dinner? 晚飯吃什麼?
Uh, I don't feel like cooking tonight. 我今晚不想煮飯。
I'll just have yogurt with nuts. 我就吃優格配堅果。
Yuck! I can't eat that. 真難吃,我不能吃那些。
2. leftover 剩下的
There's some leftover pizza in the fridge. 冰箱裡還有剩下的披薩。
Pizza is good. Pizza could make a nice meal with a salad.
I'm sure there's no salad. 我確定沒有沙拉。
3. pancake 煎餅,鬆餅
Let me check. 我來看看。
Here's a pancake! 這裡有個鬆餅!
Yeah, I forgot the pancake. 對耶,我都忘了有鬆餅。
4. recipe 食譜
And you promised to give me the recipe. 你還答應要給我食譜的。
I did, didn't I? 可不是嗎?
dinner 晚餐
leftover 剩下的,剩菜
pancake 煎餅,鬆餅
recipe 食譜
1. What was the oldest meal ever?
A: a salad
B: a sandwich
C: a pancake
2. How old was that meal?
A: 700 years
B: 70,000 years
C: 7,000,000 years
3. Where did scientists find that meal?
A: Iraq
B: China
C: India
1. C
2. B
3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-01-10 | ![]() |
Indian Man Grows Taiwanese Guava
Do you like to eat guava? It's a green fruit that grows on a tree. I'm eating
some right now. Delicious! Guava is popular in Taiwan, but people in India
also eat it.
In fact, an Indian farmer named Kapil is thankful for Taiwanese guava. This
fruit has made his farm successful.
有一位叫 Kapil 的印度農夫很感謝台灣的芭樂,因為芭樂讓他的農場大獲成功。
Kapil used to work at a big city bank. When COVID-19 came to India, Kapil
lost his job. He had to go home to his family's village.
Kapil 本來在銀行工作,但是在疫情時丟掉了工作,只好回到家鄉。
He could not find another job, so he decided to grow fruit. Some people said
he couldn't grow fruit, because the weather was too dry. But Kapil wanted to
try anyway.
He found a company that sold baby guava trees from Taiwan. He learned this
kind of fruit tree does not need much water, so it can grow in dry places. It
was the perfect choice for Kapil.
He planted the baby trees and watched them grow. Finally, he harvested the
guava. His fruit was super tasty! He sold the fruit and made good money.
These days, Kapil is a successful farmer. His guava fruit are popular in that
part of India. He says Taiwan guavas changed his life.
1. fruit 水果
I need some green plants in my room. 我房間裡需要一些綠色植物。
Have you tried fruit trees? 你有試過放果樹嗎?
2. grow 種植
No, are they easy to grow? 沒有,它們好種嗎?
Some of them are. 有些很好種。
They can grow well even in dry places. 就算在乾燥的地方也長得很好。
3. successful 成功的
We're in Taipei. It's usually wet. 我們在台北,經常很潮濕。
You're right. 你是對的。
Then you should be successful in growing them. 那你種果樹應該會成功。
4. try 嘗試
Hmmm, what should I grow? 種什麼好呢?
I suggest you try blueberries. 我建議你試試看藍莓。
Because you love them. 因為你喜歡藍莓。
Of course. 當然。
Do you like eating fruit?
fruit 水果
grow 種植
successful 成功的
try 嘗試
1. Where does Kapil live?
A: Vietnam
B: Taiwan
C: India
2. What caused Kapil to lose his bank job?
A: Dry weather
C: His boss
3. Why did Kapil choose to grow Taiwanese guava?
A: They grow faster
B: They are greener
C: They need less water
1. C
2. B
3. C
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