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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-11-04 | ![]() |
How to Have a Safe Guy Fawkes Night
Tomorrow is Guy Fawkes Night, it's a great holiday in the UK. They have big
fires and everyone sings and dances! Then, they watch awesome fireworks! It
even has its own rhyme
"Remember, remember, The fifth of November"
It all started long ago, when England had a king. Some people, who did not
like the king, made a plot to kill him! A plot is a very bad plan.
Back then if you tried to kill a king they could chop off your head!
Some very bad people asked a man called Guy Fawkes to kill the king for them
… They wanted to blow him up! But the police stopped him, and everyone was
一些壞人請 Guy Fawkes 幫他們去炸掉國王!但是警察及時阻止他,救了大家。
Now, every year in the UK, they celebrate because no-one was hurt. And they
call this holiday Guy Fawkes Night.
因為沒有人受傷,所以現在每年都會慶祝,叫做Guy Fawkes之夜。
This year the UK has some new safety rules: Everyone has to use wood for
their fires, not trash: trash makes dirty smoke. And, they have to check for
animals before lighting any fires.
It's a great holiday. It teaches us about the past, and safety, and it's
really fun! Stay safe this Guy Fawkes night everyone!
1. holiday 節日。
What's your favorite holiday, Jane? 你最喜歡的節日是什麼?
Double Ten Day, for sure. 肯定是雙十節。
2. fireworks 煙火。
Let me guess, because of the fireworks show? 讓我猜猜,是因為煙火秀嗎?
You're right! 你說對了!
I love fireworks. 我喜歡看煙火。
It's in a different city every year, and I've been there every time.
3. night 夜晚。
Fireworks in the night sky are indeed magical. 夜空中的煙火確實有魔力。
Exactly. You would forget it's night time. 完全正確。你根本忘記那是晚上。
4. U.K. 英國。
Have you ever been to the U.K.? 你有去過英國嗎?
Yes, I've been to London and Oxford. 有,我去過倫敦和牛津。
1. What is a 'plot'?
A: A very big fire
B: A very bad plan
C: A long time ago
2. What do people do on Guy Fawkes night?
A: Light fires and fireworks
B: Wear scary clothes
C: Plant a big tree
3. What should people use to make fire?
A: Books
B: Trash
C: Wood
1. B
2. A
3. C
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-11-16 | ![]() |
First Native American in Space
Today, we are congratulating Nicole Mann, the first Native American to go to
恭喜 Nicole 成為第一個去外太空的美國原住民!
"Native Americans'" are the first people who ever lived in North America.
We have native people here in Taiwan too! In English, they are called
In Chinese, they are called "Yuan Zhu Min."
A long time ago, there were many, many indigenous people here, but today,
only about 2% of Taiwan's people are indigenous.
And you know, that's the same as America!
America had many, many indigenous people before too, but today, only about 2%
of Americans are Native Americans.
And now, a Native American has gone into space!
Her name is Nicole. Nicole is the commander of the spaceship! She's the boss!
It's really great, because it helps other Native Americans know that, one
day, they might be able to go into space too!
Maybe an indigenous Taiwanese person will also go into space one day! That
would be cool, right?
Good luck Nicole! The first Native American in space!
1. space 太空
Living in space must be a lot of fun. 住在太空中一定很好玩。
You can watch Earth from up there. 你可以從上面觀看地球。
2. spaceship 太空船
I don't want to live there. 我不想住在那裡。
But I'd like to travel around in a spaceship. 但是我想搭太空船旅行。
3. native 本地的,土生土長的
Listen! It's so beautiful! 你聽,好美的歌聲!
Yeah, they are native Taiwanese children. 對啊,他們是原住民小孩。
They're wonderful singers, aren't they? 他們是很棒的歌手,不是嗎?
4. people 人們
Why do native Taiwanese people sing so well? 為什麼台灣原住民都唱得那麼好?
I can sing, too. 我也會唱。
Would you like to hear it? 你想聽嗎?
space 太空
spaceship 太空船
native 本地的
people 人們
1. Who are Native Americans?
A: The first people to live in space
B: The first people to live in Taiwan
C: The first people to live in North America
2. What do we call Native Taiwanese people?
A: Indigestion
B: Indigenous
C: Indecision
3. What is Nicole's job on the spaceship?
A: The boss
B: The doctor
C: The cook
1. C
2. B
3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-12-06 | ![]() |
Taiwanese Man Will Come Home After 40 Years
Do you like to travel? It's fun to visit another country. You can eat
different food and meet interesting people. You can even hear another
It's great to travel and see new things, but it's also great to come home.
Some people travel for a few days, or even a few weeks. What if you didn't
come home for 40 years?
That's what happened to a Taiwanese man named Mr Chen. He was a fisherman.
When he was young, he worked on a boat catching fish.
Once, the boat went to an island near Spain. Mr Chen went into town to make
friends with the island people.
There, he fell asleep. When he woke up, his boat was gone.
Mr Chen was sad, but he made the best of it. He learned to speak Spanish.
Then he became a chef, and learned to cook the local food. He even got
married and had seven kids.
He stayed on that island for 40 years.
他在那邊生活了 40 年!
Recently, he met another Taiwanese person, who helped Mr Chen call his family.
Now he wants to bring his wife and kids back to Taiwan. He knows it's never
too late to come home!
1. travel 旅行
You just came back from Mexico. 你才剛從墨西哥回來。
And now you're going to Malaysia? 現在你又要去馬來西亞?
Yeah, I love traveling. 對,我喜歡旅行。
I get to meet different people… 我可以碰到不同的人...
And eat some delicious food. 並且享用美食。
Yes! 是的!
2. food 食物
So how do you like Mexican food? 所以你覺得墨西哥食物怎麼樣?
It's spicy but tasty. 很辛辣但是很好吃。
3. chef 大廚
I also made friends with this chef. 我還跟一位大廚成了朋友。
He's been to Taiwan before. 他來過台灣。
4. interesting 有趣的
He says Taiwanese people are interesting. 他說台灣人很有趣。
I agree. 我同意。
I find many people here interesting, too. 我也覺得這裡很多人很有趣。
Do you remember these words?
travel 旅行
food 食物
chef 大廚
interesting 有趣的
1. Why did Mr. Chen leave his boat?
A: To go catch fish
B: To go make friends
C: To go eat dinner
2. Where did Mr. Chen spend 40 years?
A: Japan
B: Canada
C: Spain
3. What does Mr. Chen want to do now?
A: Come back to Taiwan
B: Fall asleep
C: Get married
1. B
2. C
3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-12-12 | ![]() |
Plastic Pyramid Protests Pollution
Egypt is a country in the north of Africa. It has sandy deserts, a big river
called the Nile, snappy crocodiles, and lots of huge pyramids!
Most of their pyramids were made long ago, in ancient times, out of big stone
But now, a new pyramid has been built in Egypt. One that is quite different…
The bricks are big, but they're not made of stone. Instead, they're made of
trash! It's taller than a three-story building!
It weighs 20 tons… that's the same as three elephants!
它有 20 噸重,跟三頭大象差不多!
All the trash used to make these bricks was taken from the river Nile. Sadly,
the Nile is filled with trash. It's very polluted.
The pyramid's builders don't just want to clean the Nile, they want to clean
the whole planet…
They hope to put teams of cleaners all over the world. Their job will be to
clean the earth five days a week, every week, every year, for the next 100
A huge pyramid made of trash, and cleaners for 100 years! I wonder if they'll
clean my bedroom for me too…
1. trash 垃圾
I used to swim here. 我以前在這裡游泳。
But look how dirty it is now! 但是你看它現在多髒!
Yeah, it's filled with trash. 對啊,滿滿都是垃圾。
2. clean 清理
I wonder if anyone will come and clean it up. 不知道會不會有人來清理。
I doubt it. 我很懷疑。
Would you clean it? 你會清理嗎?
Me? No! I didn't grow up here. 我?不會。我又不是在這裡長大的。
3. building 建築物
Who built this house? 誰蓋了這棟房子?
I think Norman Foster did. 我想是 Norman Foster 蓋的。
He built many famous buildings. 他蓋了很多有名的建築。
4. made of 用某種材料做。
Is it made of steel? 是用鋼鐵做的嗎?
I believe so. 應該是的。
trash 垃圾
clean 清理
building 建築物
made of 用某種材料做
1. What is Egypt's big river called?
A: The Vile
B: The Nile
C: The Style
2. How much does 20 tons weigh?
A: The same as three elephants
B: The same as three crocodiles
C: The same as three pyramids
3. How long do they want teams cleaning the earth?
A: 100 days
B: 100 months
C: 100 years
1. B
2. A
3. C
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-01-13 | ![]() |
Radio for Afghan Girls
Today is Public Radio Broadcasting Day.
The radio has many programs: music, news, and education.
So, let's talk about some radio programs which do an important job in
Afghanistan is a big country in Asia. Recently, that country got a new law.
The law says girls can't go to school.
Girls want to change this law, but for now they must stay home. If they can't
go to school, how can they keep learning?
The answer is radio. Some radio stations in Afghanistan now give lessons
every day. Students can listen to the radio at home to learn math, science
and other subjects.
Sometimes they read books out loud, to teach reading skills. Girls can even
call in to the stations to talk about their problems.
The women who run the stations say the future of girls is the future of
Today, on Public Radio Broadcasting Day, let's remember that radio can make a
1. school 學校
Aren't you going to school today? 你今天不去上學?
No, I'm staying at home. 對,我待在家。
2. math 數學
What about your math lessons? 那你的數學課怎麼辦?
I can learn math myself. 我可以自己學數學。
How? By listening to yourself talk? 怎麼學? 你就自言自語嗎?
No, I listen to the radio. 不,我會聽收音機。
3. program 節目
There's no way you can learn math through radio programs!
Are you kidding? Of course I can. 開玩笑,當然可以。
4. learn 學習
I think it's a bad idea to miss school. 我覺得錯過上學很糟糕。
Don't worry. I can learn anywhere, anytime. 別擔心,我不論何時何地都可以學習。
Let's read today's vocabulary.
school 學校
math 數學
program 節目
learn 學習
1. What country does not let girls go to school?
A: Australia
B: Argentina
C: Afghanistan
2. What do these radio stations want to give girls?
A: A house
B: An education
C: A rest
3. What day is today?
A: Public Radio Broadcasting Day
B: World Computer Day
C: Valentine's Day
1. C
2. B
3. A
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