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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-06-23 | ![]() |
One-Legged Woman Runs 104 Marathons in 104 Days
I'm exhausted! Running is very tiring. I can't run longer than ten minutes. I
get too tired.
I don't know how people run marathons! A marathon is a kind of long-distance
race where the runners have to run about forty-two kilometers to finish the
That is a lot of running.
But do you know what's really impressive? Running one hundred and four
marathons… in one hundred and four days!
A woman named Jacky Hunt-Broersma did that. She ran one hundred and four
marathons in one hundred and four days.
And she did it with only one leg!
這位跑者叫做 Jacky Hunt-Broersma,是一位女士,而且她只有一條腿!
Jacky only has one leg because she had cancer, so doctors had to remove one
But obviously, this did not slow her down!
She decided she was still going to run, so she did. And she beat the world
record for most marathons run in a row!
So even though Jacky only had one leg, she was still able to run, and she ran
more marathons in a row than any other person in the world.
I guess I shouldn't complain about running for just ten minutes. Okay, I can
do this, I'm going to run some more! See ya!
1. race 比賽
The 10-kilometer race is starting. 十公里賽跑開始了。
I can't believe there are so many people. 真不相信有這麼多人。
Are you kidding? People pay for a race like this! 開玩笑,人們還付錢來參賽呢。
2. run 跑
Running isn't fun. 跑步不好玩。
It's so tiring! 讓人好累!
You feel good after a good run. 痛快地跑一跑感覺很好。
And you stay fit. 還可以維持健康。
3. leg 腿
That one-legged runner won again! 那個一條腿的跑者又贏了!
She actually has two legs. 她其實有兩條腿。
4. woman 女士
Who's that beautiful woman? 那位美女是誰?
She's my mom. 是我媽媽。
Oh wow! 哇!
I know. I wish I looked like her. 我知道。真希望我像她。
Do you like running? 來讀讀單字。
race 比賽
run 跑步
leg 腿
woman 女士
1. How many marathons did Jacky run?
A: Four marathons
B: 14 marathons
C: 104 marathons
2. In how many days did she accomplish this?
A: Four days
B: 14 days
C: 104 days
3. How many legs does Jacky have?
A: Two
B: One
C: None
1. C
2. C
3. B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-09-05 | ![]() |
Rubber Ducks Race Through Chicago
Hi there! Today is the International Day of Charity.
Charity is when people do things to help the causes they care about. Maybe
you want to look after sick people, or help stop global warming, or help save
Good causes around the world need all kinds of charity. Some people need help
making money, to pay for things that help people. This is called
Fundraising 就是募款,有一些人會募款幫助其他的人。
Last month there was a big charity fundraising event in the USA, called the
"Chicago Ducky Derby"!
Anyone who wanted to take part had to pay for a toy duck first.
75,005 toy ducks were thrown into the river, and they made lots of money for
They were raising money for a charity called the 'Special Olympics', which
helps people with learning difficulties take part in sports.
It's a great charity, because it helps people get active, feel good, and make
lots of new friends!
Would you like to help a charity too? Think about some causes that you care
about, and have a look online. Charities always need help, and helping others
makes you feel really great too!
1. take part 參加
I want to take part in this race. 我要參加這個比賽。
What? A race of ducks? 什麼啊,鴨子比賽?
Yeah, I pay for the ducks. 對啊,我替鴨子付錢。
2. pay 付錢
So you don't run. 所以你不跑。
You pay for the ducks to run. 你給錢讓鴨子跑。
No, the ducks swim. 不是跑,鴨子游泳。
3. charity 慈善
They swim for charity. 牠們為了做善事而游泳。
What kind of charity? 哪一種善事?
A charity for protecting animals.是保護動物慈善團體。
4. raise money 募款
You raise money for animals by making ducks swim? 你們讓鴨子游泳來替動物募款?
Yeah, sort of. 算是吧。
They are good swimmers, you know. 牠們很會游泳呢。
take part 參加
pay 付錢
charity 慈善
raise money 募款
1. What holiday is today?
A: Halloween
B: New Year's Day
C: The International Day of Charity
2. How many ducks were racing in the Chicago Ducky Derby?
A: 5
B: 75,000
C: 75,005
3. What were all the ducks racing on?
A: A road
B: A river
C: A giant's foot
1. C
2. C
3. B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-09-23 | ![]() |
New Doll Has a Hearing Aid
We use our ears to hear many things, like music, animals, and of course,
But many people cannot hear. So how do they talk with other people?
One way is with sign language. People can use their hands to talk! For
example, they can touch their mouth to say thank you. They can wave their
hand to say goodbye. This is called "sign language".
In fact, today is International Day of Sign Languages!
You can try it too. Put your hands on your heart. Do you know what this
means? This means "love". 把你的手放在心上,意思就是「愛」。
Another way people can hear is with a hearing aid. This is a machine people
put in their ears to help them hear. Many people use one.
Now there is even a doll with a hearing aid! This doll was made to show kids
that it is okay to use a hearing aid.
Today is International Day of Sign Languages, so let's remember that people
don't all talk or hear in the same way. Some use sign language, some use a
hearing aid, but we all love to talk and be heard.
1. mouth 嘴巴
Why are you touching your mouth like that? 為什麼你那樣碰你的嘴?
This means thank you. 這表示謝謝你。
2. language 語言
So you're learning sign language? 所以你在學手語?
Yeah, my mom is losing her hearing. 對,我媽媽的聽力快不行了。
We're all learning sign language now. 我們現在都在學。
3. ear 耳朵
It's easy and fun. 很容易的,也很好玩。
See, just put your hand behind your ear... 你看,把手放在耳朵後面...
And it means "listen." 意思是「注意聽」。
4. wave 揮舞
You're right. 你說對了!
And if I wave like this… 假如我這樣揮手...
It means you want me to leave. Good-bye. 意思是你要我離開。拜拜。
你有學過手語嗎? Let's read today's vocabulary.
mouth 嘴巴
language 語言
ear 耳朵
wave 揮舞
1. What day is today?
A: Christmas Day
B: Valentine's Day
C: International Sign Language Day
2. How do people use sign language?
A: They use their feet
B: They use their hands
C: They use their voice
3. What is special about the new doll?
A: It is a robot
B: It can speak English
C: It has a hearing aid
1. C
2. B
3. C
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-10-07 | ![]() |
Glasses Help Deaf People See Words
Hi students! Can you imagine being deaf? Talking to people would be really
hard if you couldn't hear anything.
Some people can talk to deaf people using their hands. This is called sign
language. But not many people know how to sign.
Now, to help deaf people, someone has made some very special glasses. They
let you read what other people are saying! These glasses are great, they're
like watching a movie with subtitles!
The glasses work because of smartphones. Smartphones hear the words people
are saying. Then they write the words down, and send them to the glasses for
people to read.
A man from England called Dan got the idea while watching his grandfather on
Christmas Day. Dan's grandfather was lonely because he couldn't hear what
people were saying.
有一個叫做 Dan
But now, thanks to these glasses, his grandfather won't feel lonely anymore!
Now, all deaf people need are these new glasses, and they can talk to lots of
people! What a cool idea!
1. glasses 眼鏡
Are you looking at me? 你在看我嗎?
No, I'm looking at my glasses. 不是,我在看我的眼鏡。
You see, my glasses show me what you've said. 你看,我的眼鏡告訴我你說的話。
2. hear 聽見
Wow! How do your glasses do that? 哇,你的眼鏡怎麼做到的?
I have a cell phone here. 我這兒有手機。
It hears you, and sends the words to me. 手機聽到你說話,把你的話傳給我。
3. read 閱讀
And you can read the words. 然後你可以看到我說的話。
Right, I can read them and then answer. 對,我可以讀那些字,然後回答。
4. thank 道謝
I can't believe it! 真不敢相信!
Yeah, I have to thank the inventor. 對啊,我一定要謝謝這個發明人。
glasses 眼鏡
hear 聽見
read 閱讀
thank 謝謝
1. What do the special glasses do?
A: Let people hear sounds
B: Let people read spoken words
C: Let people speak louder
2. What are the words seen in a movie called?
A: Titles
B: Conversations
C: Subtitles
3. What must the glasses be connected to?
A: A TV set
B: A smartphone
C: Some speakers
1. B
2. C
3. B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-11-14 | ![]() |
Kind Boy Gives Food to Others
It's World Kindness Day today!
Happy World Kindness Day everyone!
Yes, there is a day that celebrates being kind.
It's important to be kind to others.
I want to tell you about a very kind boy. His name is Isaac Winfield, and he
lives in England.
Isaac has a nice life in England.
But he worries about people who don't have much money.
Some families don't have enough money to buy food.
英國有一個小男孩叫做 Isaac Winfield,他擔心沒有足夠的錢可以買食物的家庭。
These people need to use a food bank.
People don't put money in a food bank.
A food bank gives food to people who don't have much money.
Isaac wanted to do something to help poor people.
So, he started a food bank at his family's home.
He gets food from other nice people.
These kind people donate food to Isaac.
Isaac then gives this food to people who need it.
Isaac 成立了一個食物銀行,很多好心人會捐食物給他,他再把食物給有需要的人。
Isaac has a page on Facebook so people can learn about what he does.
They can contact Isaac through his Facebook page, and send him food, or
money, so he can help more people eat well this winter.
Isaac 有一個粉絲專頁,大家可以看到他做的事,也可以連絡他,捐錢或是食物。
It's great that there are so many kind people in the world.
What about you guys?
Is there a way you can be kinder to others?
I'm sure there is.
1. food 食物。
I'm starting a food bank. 我要成立一家食物銀行。
Why? The supermarket is right next door. 為什麼? 超市就在隔壁。
No, the food bank is not for me. 不,食物銀行不是為了我。
It's for people in need. 是為了有需要的人。
2. worry 擔心。
Why do you worry about them? 你怎麼會擔心他們?
I've been hungry before. 我自己挨餓過。
3. donate 捐贈。
Okay, I'll donate my instant noodles. 好吧,我可以捐泡麵。
Thank you, but I'll take donated food through my Facebook.
4. contact 聯絡。
So should I contact you on Facebook? 所以我應該聯絡你的臉書?
Yes, please. 對,拜託你。
These are very useful words.
1. What is true about Isaac?
A: He gives food to poor people.
B: He works at a bank.
C: His family is very poor.
2. Where does Isaac get the food?
A: Other people give it to him.
B: His parents give it to him.
C: He buys it from a supermarket.
3. According to the story, how do people contact Isaac?
A: By calling him on the phone
B: By using Facebook
C: By talking to his parents
1. A
2. A
3. B
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