English in the News–In the Crosshairs 被盯上,當成目標
In somebody’s (the) crosshairs 被盯上了,被當成目標 to be in a position to be attacked or criticized (or to be the object of intense observation or scrutiny, usually as a result of some wrongdoing or unpopular opinion) Examples: His misbehavior in class put him in the principal’s crosshairs. The company illegally dumped waste water a decade ago...Continue reading

English in the News–Double Down on 加倍下注,更加堅定
Double down on (something)—加倍下注,更加堅定 to do something in an even more determined way than before Example: With the market booming, many companies are doubling down on their development in mobile apps and games. (CNN, 201/12/02) Alongside Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks is co-starring in the upcoming film “The Post,” which tells the story of The Washington Post’s controversial...Continue reading

Facebook’s 2015 Most Popular Places to Check-in in Taiwan
Facebook has released its 2015 list for most popular places to check-in, and Taiwan’s top 3 are arts and culture hotpots. According to Facebook statistics, Tainan’s Chimei Musem takes number one this year, followed by Taipei’s Huashan 1914 Creative Park, and Songshan Cultural and Creative Park respectively. The most popular places to check-in worldwide, are...Continue reading

Typhoon Aftermath: The Leaning Pisas of Taipei
Category 5 Typhoon Soudelor that hit Taiwan left locals with an unlikely tourist attraction late last week. The two postboxes, “little red” and “little green”, have gone viral after post uploaded by a Facebook user. Little Red and Little Green now lean to a side, resembling the Tower of Pisa in Italy. Tourists and locals...Continue reading
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