English in the News-Make Short Work of someone/something 迅速完成,快速解決
Making short work of someone/something: 迅速完成,快速解決; To deal with someone or something quickly and effectively. Example: John made short work of the cake as soon as the waiter served it to his table. Our favorite badminton player made short work of her opponent last night. (New York Times, 2022/7/2) On a Long Climb to the...Continue reading
English in the News-Bite the Bullet 咬緊牙關
Bite the Bullet-咬緊牙關 To bite the bullet: 咬緊牙關; To get something unpleasant over with because it is necessary to do so. (To bite the bullet in a scenario is to perform the task regardless of its impact). Example: The students have decided to bite the bullet and study for the test. The couple decided to...Continue reading
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