English in the News–Written in the Stars 命中注定
Written in the stars: 命中注定 it was fated or predestined to happen; it was meant to be this way Examples: 1) Their marriage was surely written in the stars. 2) I don’t think my fame was written in the stars. I think it was a product of my hard work and dedication. (CNN, 2016/02/07) 2016...Continue reading

English in the News–Walk(On) a Tightrope 走鋼索
Walk (on) a tightrope: to be in a situation where one must be very cautious 走鋼索,(必須非常小心的)危險處境 (tightrope: a rope or wire high above the ground that someone walks along in a circus) Examples: 1) I’m walking a tightrope at the moment; one more mistake and I may very well lose my job. 2) The general...Continue reading

English in the News–Charm Offensive 魅力攻勢
Charm offensive: a calculated attempt using charm or flattery to gain favor or achieve some goal, especially in the political or diplomatic field 魅力攻勢 Examples: 1) A charm offensive is currently underway to convince him not to quit. 2) Microsoft went on a charm offensive to win over open source programmers. (South China Morning Post,...Continue reading

English in the News—Hand Over Fist 快速賺錢(賠錢)
Hand over fist—at a very fast pace; for money and merchandise to be exchanged rapidly 快速(賺錢或賠錢) easily and in large amounts Example: I was at two of your stores and there were long lines of people at both. If you’re not making money hand over fist, something is terribly wrong. (WV News, 2018/3/17) Sports entities...Continue reading
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