English in the News–Keep Something(or somebody) at Bay 阻擋某事發生
Keep (hold) something (somebody) at bay—to keep something (somebody) away, to keep them at a distance 阻止某事發生,使某物(某人)不能接近 Examples: 1) These butterfly caterpillars have a powerful poison that helps keep their predators at bay. 2) The antibody helped keep the man’s HIV at bay for years. (BBC, 2017/7/26) Maori haka and language may keep dementia at...Continue reading

Arts & Culture / Concerts / Entertainment / Lifestyle / Local / Music / News / Upcoming Taiwan Concerts
Celine Dion Announces Taiwan Concert Dates
Canadian powerhouse singer Celine Dion has announced dates for two concerts in Taipei. Speaking from Las Vegas, where she stars in the most successful concert residency of all time, the 49-year-old star says she will perform at the Taipei Arena on July 11th and 13th. When questioned by reporters about whether she would sing her...Continue reading

English in the News–Double Down on 加倍下注,更加堅定
Double down on (something)—加倍下注,更加堅定 to do something in an even more determined way than before Example: With the market booming, many companies are doubling down on their development in mobile apps and games. (CNN, 201/12/02) Alongside Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks is co-starring in the upcoming film “The Post,” which tells the story of The Washington Post’s controversial...Continue reading

Arts & Culture / Concerts / Entertainment / Lifestyle / Local / Music / News / Upcoming Taiwan Concerts
“God of Songs” Jacky Cheung Announces Taipei Concerts
Legendary crooner Jacky Cheung has announced a series of performances in Taipei in Spring. The Hong Kong singer-songwriter-actor will takeover Taipei Arena April 20th to 22nd, and 27th to 29th. The shows are part of Cheung’s “A Classic Tour” concerts, which began back in 2016. The series brings back some of the 56-year-old singer’s most...Continue reading
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