Welcome to the ICRT Blog!
On this blog, you will find interesting content, created or aggregated by the team here at International Community Radio Taipei. This may be snapshots of life at ICRT, soundbites of events we attend, interviews we conduct, pieces of news that piqued our interest, or just content that we didn’t have time to air.
This blog is managed by news anchor Nancy Sun and co-authored by some of our DJs, news anchors and copywriters. You can find a complete list of contributors here.
Let us know how to best cater to you – our listeners and readers. We’re here to serve you. Although it may seem like we’re the ones doing all the talking on the radio, propagating our messages across the airwaves, we’re listening. Help us better inform and entertain you by leaving us a comment, sending us your suggestions or even leaving us a message on Facebook or tweeting us @ICRT100.
Thanks for tuning in!
The ICRT Team