English in the News–In the Doghouse 打入冷宮
In the doghouse 打入冷宮,遭遇麻煩,受到貶謫— in trouble; in (someone’s) disfavor; in a situation in which someone is annoyed with you because of something you did Examples: 1) He’s having troubles with his wife; that’s why he’s in the doghouse. 2) The President’s aide is in the doghouse over remarks she made to the press. (Los Angeles Times, 7/16/2016) A South...Continue reading
English in the News–Wait for the other shoe to drop 等第二隻鞋子掉下來
Wait for the other shoe to drop—to wait for the inevitable next step or the final conclusion, to wait for something bad to happen 等第二隻鞋子掉下,等待無可避免的壞消息或是結論 Example: My company has already laid off half of the employees. Now the rest of us are just waiting for the other shoe to drop. (The Huffington Post, 2017/3/2) What...Continue reading
English in the News—Red meat 煽動且政治化的議題
Red meat 紅肉 — something substantial that can satisfy a basic need or appetite —> highly politicized issues or political speech that can give people instant satisfaction 煽動而政治化的話題或是說話方式(來討好群眾) (Washington Post, 7/27/2016) “He has no clue about what makes America great,” Biden said referring to Donald Trump’s slogan. “Actually, he has no clue.” And then: “No...Continue reading
English in the News–Man Up! 勇敢一點,做個男子漢
Man up—Be brave or tough, be responsible, do the things that good men are traditionally expected to do, such as providing for their families 要像個男子漢 (man is a verb here) Examples: 1) You need to man up and admit that you were wrong. 2) A: “I don’t want to go in there. They’d be staring...Continue reading
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