Show Luo Facebook fans China Taiwan ROC

Another Taiwan celebrity is in hot water over the issue of “national identity”.

Singer-dancer-host Show Luo is seeing major backlash from fans, after saying “we are indeed, all Chinese” at an event in China last week.

Luo made the comment when Chinese media outlets asked him how he felt about working with Chinese entertainers.

Taiwan media reported that within hours after the comment, Luo lost around 10,000 fans on his Facebook page.

Show Luo Facebook fans China Taiwan

Negative and sarcastic comments also started appearing on the social media page, with some fans expressing disbelief and regret at spending money on a “mainland singer”.

Other fans came to the singer’s defense, arguing that Luo was not wrong.

Luo’s management has publicized a response to the furor, appealing for calm and understanding.

The company emphasized that Luo is simply an entertainer who wants to perform, and shouldn’t be expected to answer complicated political questions that even politicians cannot resolve.

photos source: Show Luo Facebook page


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