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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-09-28 | ![]() |
President Gives Awards to Teachers in India
Hey, guess what?! Today is Teachers' Day! 你知道嗎?今天是教師節!
I know … You love this day! Because you love your teacher sooooo much,
Let's give teachers everywhere a great big clap! 請為世界各地的老師用力鼓掌。
Wow! That was loud! You must love your teacher very much!
In Taiwan, Teachers' Day is on September 28th. Other countries have Teachers'
Days too. But they're on different days.
In India, Teachers' Day is on September 5th. This year, India's president
gave awards to 75 teachers. These teachers worked hard for their students.
They did amazing things!
One teacher made an online drama. It helps kids learn. They have fun watching
it at home! 其中一位老師在線上演戲,幫助小朋友學習,讓他們在家也看得開心。
Another teacher loves his job. He comes to school every day. He hasn't missed
a day of school... for eleven years!
One teacher loves his school so much, he cleans it every day! He cleans the
toilets too! He even uses his own money to help the school!
The 75 teachers in India help their students in many ways. Maybe your teacher
does too. What can you give your teacher an award for?
1. award 獎項
I can't believe it! 真不敢相信!
They gave me an award! 他們給了我一個獎 !
Congratulations! What is the award for? 恭喜你,是什麼獎呢?
2. job 工作
For being a wonderful teacher! 因為我是很棒的老師。
Oh wow. But you don't even like your job! 哇,可是你甚至不喜歡你的工作。
3. every day 每天
I'm beginning to like it now. 我現在開始喜歡了。
It's a good job, you know. 這是個好工作。
Sure, you get to help children every day. 當然了,每天都可以幫助小朋友。
4. learn 學習
And I'm learning something new every day. 我每天也在學習新東西。
Like how to have fun when working. 比如說怎麼在工作時玩樂。
Let's learn something new every day! 一起來讀單字。
every day每天
1. When is Teachers' Day in Taiwan?
a. September 28th
b. September 5th
c. Every day
2. Who gave teachers in India their awards this year?
a. The President
b. The Prime Minister
c. The kids
3. How many teachers in India were given awards this year?
a. 28
b. 5
c. 75
1. a
2. a
3. c
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-10-03 | ![]() |
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-10-26 | ![]() |
Snails Change Vegetable Farmer's Life
Snails are small animals with a shell. They crawl very slowly. Snails leave
silver lines on the ground. They eat fruit, vegetables, and many other
things. Gardeners and farmers don't like snails.
But many people around the world like snails. They like to eat them. Some
people pay a lot of money to eat snails! Where are these snails from?
Sometimes they're from gardens. Many are from snail farms!
Mr. Chang was a vegetable farmer in Taitung. He grew vegetables for many
years. It was hard work. And maybe snails made his work harder.
He was getting older. He wanted an easier job.
Now Mr. Chang is a snail farmer. He has more than 80,000 snails! The snails
need a lot of care. Small changes can kill them! But for Mr. Chang, snail
farming is easier than vegetable farming.
Mr. Chang also sells snails in cans. He sells sausages made of pork and
snails too. He sells them in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau.
Snails changed this vegetable farmer's life. Hmmm....I'm hungry for snails
now! Are you too?
1. garden 花園
What a beautiful garden! 好漂亮的花園!
It reminds me of my days as a gardener. 讓我想起以前我當園丁的日子。
2. grow 種植
What did you grow? 妳種什麼呢?
I grew a lot of tulips.我種很多鬱金香。
Just flowers? No fruit or vegetables? 只有花嗎? 沒有青菜水果?
No, tulips were trouble enough.沒有,鬱金香就夠麻煩了。
3. vegetable 蔬菜
Yeah, vegetables can be harder. 也對,蔬菜可能更難。
There would be snails and insects.會有蝸牛和昆蟲。
4. older 比較老的
I may grow cherry trees when I get older.
我年紀比較大時也許會種櫻桃樹。Cherries are delicious.櫻桃很好吃。
Let's review these words.
1. Where does Mr. Chang live?
a. Taitung
b. Hualien
c. Yilan
2. Why did Mr. Chang start farming snails?
a. They need a lot of care.
b. He loves to eat them.
c. They're easier than vegetables.
3. Where does Mr. Chang sell his snails?
a. France
b. Macau
c. Italy
1. a
2. c
3. b
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-12-27 | ![]() |
Town Gets Man's Big Secret
Are you generous? A generous person gives money or help in a kind way. Maybe
you're generous. But are you as generous as Geoffrey Holt was?
你是一個慷慨的人嗎? 你能像Geoffrey Holt一樣慷慨嗎?
Who was Geoffrey Holt? Geoffrey was a nice, quiet man. People liked him. He
lived in a small town in America called Hinsdale.
他是誰呢? Geoffrey是個安靜又友善的人,他住在美國一個叫 Hinsdale的小鎮。
Geoffrey knew a lot about cars. But he didn't drive a car. He rode a bicycle
around town. That's because Geoffrey didn't like to spend much money.
When he was 82, he died. But Geoffrey had a big secret. He kept the secret
for a long time.
Geoffrey was rich! He had about four million dollars. Wow! That's more than
125 million Taiwan dollars!
Geoffrey gave all his money to Hinsdale when he died. He wanted to help his
The people of Hinsdale are very happy about the money. They will use
Geoffrey's money to help their town. Their schools and other things in their
town will be better.
Geoffrey Holt was a very generous guy!
1. die 死亡
How do you want to be remembered when you die? 你死的時候希望人們記得你什麼?
That's a very big question! 好大的問題!
2. kind 仁慈的
No, I'm serious.我是認真的。
Okay, I'd like people to say I love my friends.
好吧,我想要大家說我愛朋友。That I'm nice and kind.人很好很和善。
3. happy 快樂的
What about you? 你呢?
I'd like to be remembered as a happy person.我想要別人記得我是個快樂的人。
4. better 更好的
Are you happy now? 你現在快樂嗎?
I try to be.我在努力。
I believe I can do better.我相信可以做得更好。
I'll help you. 我會幫你。
Thank you! You are nice and kind. 謝謝,你真的是又好又和善。
1. Which one did Geoffrey do?
a. Spent a lot of money
b. Drove a car
c. Rode a bicycle
2. How old was Geoffrey when he died?
a. 62
b. 82
c. 102
3. How much of Geoffrey's money did Hinsdale get?
a. Half of it
b. Most of it
c. All of it
1. c
2. b
3. c
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2024-03-04 | ![]() |
Stolen and Found Bikes
In a city in Iceland, many people love cycling. But something bad was
happening. Some people were stealing bikes! This worried bicycle owners. Some
people stopped using their bikes.
One man loves biking. He wanted more people to love it too. So he was very
angry. He looked for the stolen bicycles. They were hard to find. But he
didn't give up.
Sometimes he found stolen bikes where a group of people lived. He talked to
them. He didn't like them because they stole things. But now they're his
friends. They stopped stealing. Some help him find bikes now!
The man returns bicycles to their owners. Now, after four years, he's famous.
People call him the "bike whisperer." He's very good at finding bicycles!
He uses social media to help people.
Are you in Iceland? Did someone steal your bicycle? Ask the bike whisperer
for help. Sometimes he finds bikes in two days!
你在冰島嗎?有人偷了你的單車嗎? 趕快找單車救星幫忙,有時候只要兩天就可以找到。
This man wants more people to love bicycling. He finds stolen bikes and he
stops people from stealing them. He makes having a bicycle safer. He's the
bike whisperer!
1. bike 腳踏車
My friend just told me he stole a bike yesterday.
What did you say? 你怎麼說呢?
I asked him why he did it.我問他為什麼要那樣。
2. steal 偷竊
He said it's because he loves biking. 他說因為他喜歡騎車。
So he decided to steal it? 所以就決定用偷的?
Yeah, I know it's a bad reason. 對,我知道這是個糟糕的理由。
3. angry 生氣的
Did you get angry? 你有生氣嗎?
No, why would I get angry? 沒有,我怎麼會生氣?
He didn't steal my bike. 他又不是偷我的車。
4. return 歸還
I did tell him to return it to the owner.我有告訴他把車子還給主人。
But he didn't know who the owner was. 但是他不知道主人是誰。
He said he'll put the bike back where he found it.
1. Where does the man live?
a. Iceland
b. Finland
c. England
2. What do people call the man?
a. The bicycling whistle
b. The bike whisperer
c. The bicycle wheel
3. What is the man good at?
a. Selling bikes
b. Fixing bikes
c. Finding bikes
1. a
2. b
3. c
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