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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-01-13 | ![]() |
Radio for Afghan Girls
Today is Public Radio Broadcasting Day.
The radio has many programs: music, news, and education.
So, let's talk about some radio programs which do an important job in
Afghanistan is a big country in Asia. Recently, that country got a new law.
The law says girls can't go to school.
Girls want to change this law, but for now they must stay home. If they can't
go to school, how can they keep learning?
The answer is radio. Some radio stations in Afghanistan now give lessons
every day. Students can listen to the radio at home to learn math, science
and other subjects.
Sometimes they read books out loud, to teach reading skills. Girls can even
call in to the stations to talk about their problems.
The women who run the stations say the future of girls is the future of
Today, on Public Radio Broadcasting Day, let's remember that radio can make a
1. school 學校
Aren't you going to school today? 你今天不去上學?
No, I'm staying at home. 對,我待在家。
2. math 數學
What about your math lessons? 那你的數學課怎麼辦?
I can learn math myself. 我可以自己學數學。
How? By listening to yourself talk? 怎麼學? 你就自言自語嗎?
No, I listen to the radio. 不,我會聽收音機。
3. program 節目
There's no way you can learn math through radio programs!
Are you kidding? Of course I can. 開玩笑,當然可以。
4. learn 學習
I think it's a bad idea to miss school. 我覺得錯過上學很糟糕。
Don't worry. I can learn anywhere, anytime. 別擔心,我不論何時何地都可以學習。
Let's read today's vocabulary.
school 學校
math 數學
program 節目
learn 學習
1. What country does not let girls go to school?
A: Australia
B: Argentina
C: Afghanistan
2. What do these radio stations want to give girls?
A: A house
B: An education
C: A rest
3. What day is today?
A: Public Radio Broadcasting Day
B: World Computer Day
C: Valentine's Day
1. C
2. B
3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-01-16 | ![]() |
Boston's Brand New Bronze Statue
Have you ever seen a statue? It can be made of stone, or metal, or all kinds
of things!
Yesterday, In Boston, Massachusetts, they got a brand new very special
statue. It's 20 feet tall and 40 feet wide. And it's made of a beautiful
shiny metal called bronze.
昨天,有一座新雕像在波士頓落成了。這座雕像是用青銅做的,高 20 呎,寬 40 呎!
It was made for a famous person from history, called Martin Luther King Jr.
In fact, today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day! He believed it was wrong to
treat someone differently because of how they looked, or what they believed,
or where they came from.
Lots of people agreed with King. One time, 250,000 people marched with him
all the way to Washington D.C., the USA's capital city. There, he gave a very
famous speech, called "I Have a Dream".
The next year, King was given the "Nobel Peace Prize" for helping so many
people. 60 years later, people still celebrate him!
1. famous 著名的
Michelangelo's David is the most famous statue in the world.
Really? I thought it's the Statue of Liberty. 真的嗎?我以為是自由女神像。
2. metal 金屬
They are different. 它們不一樣。
David is made of stone. 大衛像是石頭做的。
And the Statue of Liberty? 自由女神像呢?
It's made of metal. 它是金屬做的。
3. agree 同意
I think David is more beautiful. 我覺得大衛像比較美。
I agree. 我同意。
It looks very much like a real man. 它看起來很像真人。
4. history 歷史
And it has a long history of 500 years. 而且它有五百年的歷史了。
A 500-year-old man? Still very handsome. 五百歲的人?還是很帥呢!
famous 著名的
metal 金屬
agree 同意
history 歷史
1. Where is Martin Luther King Jr.'s new statue?
A: Boston, Massachusetts
B: Boston, Ontario
C: Boston, Lincolnshire
2. How big is the new statue?
A: 30 feet tall, 20 feet wide
B: 20 feet tall, 40 feet wide
C: 40 feet tall, 30 feet wide
3. How many people marched with King to Washington DC?
A: 250,000
B: 10,050
C: 50,200
1. A
2. B
3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-01-17 | ![]() |
Young People Share Huge Bucket of Popcorn
I love eating popcorn! It's so delicious when I add some salt and butter.
I always eat popcorn at the movies.
When my family goes to the movie theater, we get a big bowl of popcorn to
share together.
In fact, did you hear what happened recently in Kaohsiung?
Some young people went to a new movie theater. There, they filled a huge
bucket with popcorn. 1600 liters of popcorn! That bucket is so big, you could
swim in it.
幾個年輕人去一家新開張的電影院,用爆米花裝滿了一個1600 公升的水桶。
How could they get so much popcorn? Since the movie theater was new, they had
a special deal. The theater would fill any bowl with popcorn for only 50 NT
dollars, no matter how big.
The theater did not expect anyone to bring a 1600 liter bucket. But they
filled it anyway. The bucket was so huge, they needed a truck to carry it
Did the young people eat all the popcorn? Actually, they shared it with the
people of Kaohsiung. They handed out the popcorn to homeless people on the
Those young people took the chance to help others. As a result, lots of
people shared the tasty popcorn!
1. salt 鹽
Let me get the tickets. 我去買票。
And I will get popcorn and drinks. 我去買爆米花跟飲料。
A bucket of popcorn for you, right? 你要一桶爆米花對吧?
Right, with salt and butter. 對,要加鹽跟奶油。
2. huge 巨大的
Wow, this is a huge bucket! 哇,好大一桶!
I know. Are you sure you're not eating too much popcorn?
3. share 分享
Not if you're sharing it with me. 假如你跟我一起吃就不會。
That's the response I'm waiting for. 我就在等妳這句話。
4. tasty 好吃的
Hmmm, this is really tasty! 這真的很好吃呢!
Now who's eating too much popcorn? 現在是誰吃太多爆米花?
salt 鹽
huge 巨大的
share 分享
tasty 好吃的
1. How much popcorn did the young people get?
A: 6100 liters
B: 16000 liters
C: 1600 liters
2. How did they carry the popcorn bucket away?
A: With their hands
B: With a truck
C: With a helicopter
3. Who did the young people give the popcorn to?
A: Their family
B: Their classmates
C: Homeless people
1. C
2. B
3. C
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-03-15 | ![]() |
Government Pays Families to Leave Tokyo
Do you live in a big city? If you do, you know it is crowded.
More families are moving, and leaving the country for the city all the time.
They come from the countryside and from small towns.
越來越多家庭移動前往城市, 他們來自鄉下跟小鎮。
These families are looking for good jobs and good schools. They hope to find
these opportunities in big cities.
What's the biggest city in the world? It's Tokyo, Japan.
Tokyo, in Japan, has almost 40 million people.
東京擁有近 4000 萬人口。
This is a problem for Japan. Nobody wants to live in the countryside. But
Tokyo is too crowded.
Now the Japanese government is paying families to leave Tokyo. Each family
will be given one million yen for every child when they move to the
Families take that money and move to the countryside. The money is nice, but
families understand the countryside has good things too.
There is more space to live. Plus, children can be closer to their families
who never left the countryside.
Now, more and more families take the money and leave Tokyo. Would you?
1. leave for 前往
I'm leaving for Japan next week. 我下星期去日本。
Where in Japan? 日本哪裡?
Gifu, a little place in the countryside. 岐阜,在鄉下的一個小地方。
2. crowded 擁擠的
Taipei is too crowded for you? 台北對你來說太擠了?
Yes, I need space and Gifu has some cute small towns.
3. town 鎮
We have many cute small towns here. 這裡也有可愛小鎮啊。
There's no such thing here. 這裡沒有那種東西。
Yes, there is! 有啊!
4. understand 了解
I understand you're trying to keep me here. 我明白你想讓我留在這裡。
But I won't stay. Not for a million NT. 但是就算給我一百萬我也不會留在這裡。
leave for 前往
crowded 擁擠的
town 鎮
understand 了解
1. Where is the biggest city in the world?
A: Russia
B: America
C: Japan
2. How many people live in Tokyo?
A: 40 thousand
B: 40 million
C: 40 billion
3. Where is there more space to live?
A: The city
B: The countryside
C: The schools
1. C
2. B
3. B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-03-23 | ![]() |
Thailand's Tuk-Tuks Go Green
Have you been to Thailand? It's a great place to visit. Thailand has spicy
food, hot weather, and beautiful beaches.
Everywhere in Thailand, there are lots of tuk-tuks. What's a tuk-tuk? It's a
little car with only three wheels.
They're an easy way to go anywhere fast. It's easy to find a tuk-tuk, and the
driver will take you anywhere you want.
Tuk-tuks are super useful. But they have two big problems...
One, they're loud! They always make a loud noise, like "tuk tuk tuk tuk".
That's why they're called "tuk-tuks".
Two, they make a lot of pollution. The tuk-tuk's gas engines cause these two
problems. These engines are noisy and dirty.
它們會污染環境。 因為嘟嘟車的引擎又吵又髒,才會有這些問題。
But now, tuk-tuks are going green. These tuk-tuks use electricity, not gas.
The green tuk-tuks are cleaner and quieter. Now people enjoy cleaner, fresher
air, and they can enjoy the quieter sounds of Thailand, too.
More and more tuk-tuks are going green. If you visit Thailand, give one of
their new green tuk-tuks a try!
1. beach 海灘
Wow, sandy beaches, spicy food, parks everywhere…
Are you talking about Vietnam? 你在講越南嗎?
2. problem 問題
No, Thailand. I'm looking at this ad about Phuket.
Just go! 你就去吧!
The problem is I'm too busy to take time off. 問題是我太忙了,沒時間休假。
3. air 空氣
You're not always busy. 你又不是一直忙。
That's true. 這是真的。
So go and enjoy the sea air. 所以去享受海風吧。
4. anywhere 任何地方
But I can go anywhere in Taiwan for that. 不過我在台灣可以去任何地方追海風。
Hey, you're right, I'll go with you! 說得對,我跟你一起去。
beach 海灘
problem 問題
air 空氣
anywhere 任何地方
1. How many wheels does a tuk-tuk have?
A: Two wheels
B: Three wheels
C: Four wheels
2. What are the new green tuk-tuks like?
A: Clean and quiet
B: Dirty and loud
C: Big and slow
3. What do the new green tuk-tuks use instead of gas?
A: Pollution
B: Spicy food
C: Electricity
1. B
2. A
3. C
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