Blog posts from the team at International Community Radio Taipei, Taiwan's only English radio station.
Posts tagged "Prince Harry"
English in the News--Make a Beeline for 直奔過去

English in the News–Make a Beeline for 直奔過去

Make a beeline for–To head directly and quickly toward a person or a place; go straight to 直奔過去(毫不遲疑) Examples: 1) Billy came into the kitchen and made a beeline for the cookies. 2) Every day when I come home from work, my toddler makes a beeline for me—it’s just the cutest thing. (The Telegraph, 2017/12/01)...Continue reading
English in the News--Wear One’s Heart on One’s Sleeve 情感展露無遺

English in the News–Wear One’s Heart on One’s Sleeve 情感展露無遺

Wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve—流露情感,情感或情緒展露無遺 to display one’s feelings openly and habitually, rather than keep them private (emotionally transparent) Examples: 1) Sam always wears his heart on his sleeve, so everyone knew how he was feeling. 2) It was evident that he was in love with her. He wore his heart on his sleeve and...Continue reading