Blog posts from the team at International Community Radio Taipei, Taiwan's only English radio station.
Posts tagged "hip-hop"
Swinging on a Star: Estelle's True Romance

Swinging on a Star: Estelle’s True Romance

You may know her as “the girl who made that killer one-hit wonder with Kanye West in the song…whatchamacallit?…right, “American Boy”, but this 35 year-old British rapper, singer/songwriter, producer and Grammy winner has recently unveiled her fourth studio album, and we like it. We are, of course, talking about Estelle and her True Romance. It...Continue reading
Swinging on a Star: Meghan Trainor's Title

Swinging on a Star: Meghan Trainor’s Title

In late June, 2014, a bona fide summer hit swept through radio stations across North America and quite literally put women’s large behinds high up on that pop cultural pedestal. We are now at the height of an era that celebrates the curvy end of female anatomy, and it’s all thanks to Meghan Trainor’s “All...Continue reading