Chen Bolin Taiwan actor 陳柏霖

Taiwan actor and all-around nice guy Chen Bolin has made a little girl cry.

A report from the Apple Daily says the incident occurred when the 32-year-old star was filming a commercial on location near Taiwan’s northern coast.

In the plot of the commercial, Chen says “no” to a little girl who tries to offer him her favorite doll in exchange for the ice tea in his hand.

Chen Bolin little girl Taiwan actor 陳柏霖

But filming takes an unexpected turn, when the child actor mistakes Chen’s refusal as real, and bursts into tears.

A panicked Chen and staff rushed the little girl’s mother onto the set, and filming resumed after the child calmed down.

Recalling the incident, Chen laughingly attributed the misunderstanding to his superb acting skills.


photo source: 天下無敵 Invincible Plan (top), 陳柏霖 Chen Bo-Lin Facebook (mid)