shrug off

聳聳肩,表示不在乎 to act as if something were unimportant or not a problem


Example: She just shrugs off the pain and gets on with the job. 她不理會疼痛,繼續工作.

  1. Investors are familiar with Amazon’s quarterly routine: posting huge sales numbers with little or no profit. But they are not shrugging off the loss this quarter.
    投資人對亞馬遜公司的每季財報很熟悉,它都呈現極高的銷售額,利潤卻很少,甚至沒有. 但是這一季投資人對損失卻不再置之不理.
  2. Congressional Democrats have shrugged off delays and affirmed their strong support for the overarching goal of expanded coverage of the new Healthcare Law.