Taipei City

Taiwan ranked in second place as the world’s safest country, just behind Japan, according to a list compiled on the website Lifestyle9.

The website ranked 10 countries based on several factors such as crime rate, low rate of natural disasters, immunity to financial crisis, etc. Information was also gathered on crime statistics from the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Many comment the friendliness of Taiwanese people and their willingness to help others. Also, many women find Taiwan safe, especially at night. A majority have little worry when traveling around a city like Taipei in the middle of the night.

Taiwan’s crime rate is exceptionally low for its population. It was given a crime rate variable of 16.26 and a safety rate variable of 83.74. Japan was given a crime rate variable of 13.11 and a safety rate variable of 86.89, which gave it the top spot as the safest country in the world.

Some other contenders on the list were Singapore, Georgia, United Arab Emirates and South Korea. For the full list check out

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Photos by Crystal Quimby © 2014