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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-05-10 | ![]() |
Zebra Ostrich Cooperation
A zebra can't see very well… but it can hear very well.
An ostrich can't hear very well, but it can see very well.
So guess what zebras and ostriches do? They work together as a team!
They are very different kinds of animals, but they still work together.
Zebras and ostriches stay close together when they are eating.
So, if a hungry lion comes close… the zebra might hear it… or the ostrich
might see it… then they can all run away!
Yeah! We're safe! High-Five!
Working together as a team is a really good idea… for animals and people,
Everyone has some things they are good at, and some things they are not so
good at.
If we help each other, everything works out better.
In English, we call this "teamwork"… that means, "working together as a
team." 中文是 "團隊合作"。
If zebras and ostriches can use teamwork, we should be able to use teamwork,
Because, as a team, we all do things better! Everybody helps everyone else!
1. Team 團隊。I'm going to join the baseball team. 我要參加棒球隊。Don't you
prefer the basketball team? 你不是比較喜歡籃球隊? Well, there are more
people in a baseball team. 棒球隊隊員比較多。Nobody will notice me.
2. Work 工作。 I do most of the housework. 我做大部分的家事。 No, you only do
the work you like. 不對,你只做你喜歡的家事。 That's because it doesn't feel
like work. 因為那讓我覺得不像在做家事。
3. Better 比較好的。Let's get flowers for Mother's Day. 母親節我們買花吧。 I
have a better idea. 我有更好的主意。
Let's give mom a puppy. 我們來送媽媽一隻小狗。
How is that a better idea? 那怎麼會是更好的主意?
Mom hates dogs! 媽媽根本討厭狗! Then she will give the puppy to me.
Okay, today's words are easy and useful.
team 團隊 work 工作 better 更好的
1. What animal in the story can't see very well?
A: A giraffe
B: A lion
C: A zebra
2. What animal in the story can't hear very well?
A: A hippo
B: An ostrich
C: A zebra
3. What do the two animals do to stay safe?
A: Work together! One listens and one looks!
B: Fight and argue! One screams and one yells!
C: The zebra flies away and the ostrich swims away!
1: c 2: b 3: a
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-05-13 | ![]() |
Bull in a Hospital
Hey! Be careful! You're going to break something! You're like a bull in a
china shop!
Have you heard of the phrase, "bull in a china shop" before?
A china shop is a shop that sells a lot of porcelain plates and cups. China
shop是賣很多瓷器的店。And these can break very easily.
Now imagine a bull in a china shop!
That doesn't sound very safe, does it? 公牛在瓷器店裡面應該很危險!
A bull running around a china shop would probably break almost everything!
I haven't heard of a real case of a bull being in a china shop.
But I have heard of a bull in a hospital!
This actually happened in Colombia! 哥倫比亞是南美洲一個國家。
Everyone at the hospital was really surprised when a bull ran into the
People were really scared and of course got out of the way!
People finally managed to get the animal under control and bring it out of
the hospital.
Luckily nobody was too badly hurt. 還好沒有人受到很嚴重的傷害。
A lot of things were broken though because the bull ran into a lot of chairs
and walls!
The owner of the animal went to the hospital later to say sorry to everyone
But nobody knows why the bull went into the hospital in the first place!
1. Shop 商店。There's a coffee shop there.那裏有一家咖啡館。Great! Let's sit
down and take a break.太好了,我們坐下來休息一下吧。
2. Break 打破。Oh no! I broke the cup. 糟糕,我打破了杯子! How did it break
so easily? 它怎麼這麼容易就破了? Well, it dropped to the floor.
3. Hear 聽說。Did you hear the story? 你聽過這個故事嗎? The Ugly Duckling?
醜小鴨嗎? Yeah, I've heard it many times. 聽過好多次了。
4. Hospital 醫院。I really don't like going to the
hospital.我真不喜歡去醫院。Nobody likes going to the hospital.
沒有人喜歡去醫院。People go there because they have to.
shop 商店 break 打破 hear 聽說 hospital 醫院
1. What animal is featured in this story?
a. A horse
b. A bull
c. A lamb
2. Where did the bull go?
a. A hospital
b. A china shop
c. A school
3. In what country did this take place?
a. Taiwan
b. Colombia
c. China
1. B 2. A 3. B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-05-17 | ![]() |
Butterfly Lands on Pro Tennis Player During Game
I love the springtime.
All the flowers are in bloom, the birds are singing, and the happy
butterflies come out too!
I think butterflies are very pretty insects. 我覺得蝴蝶好漂亮。
I like looking at the patterns on their beautiful wings.
Usually you can find butterflies in nature. Especially in places where there
are lots of flowers.
That is because butterflies like flowers. 蝴蝶喜歡花,
But did you hear about one butterfly that became quite famous for being on a
tennis court?
A small, orange and black butterfly somehow got onto a tennis court in
Australia. 有一隻蝴蝶飛到澳洲的一個網球場上。
This happened when there was an important tennis game going on.
The butterfly kept flying around Naomi Osaka, who is a famous tennis
player.蝴蝶在 Naomi Osaka 旁邊飛來飛去
It landed on her hand, and she stopped playing to make sure the butterfly
wouldn't get hurt.
But then it landed on her cheek!! Naomi tried to start playing again, but
then the butterfly landed on her leg!
Finally, she had to gently pick up the butterfly and put it on a bench, so it
wouldn't get hurt.
Maybe the butterfly really likes tennis! Or maybe it just really likes Naomi!
Butterflies are indeed pretty!
1. Pretty 漂亮的。I need a pretty dress for the wedding.
我需要一件漂亮洋裝去參加婚禮。All your dresses are pretty!
你的洋裝都很好看。Thank you, but I need one more.謝謝,不過我還需要另外一件。
2. Famous 有名的。Why is the restaurant so famous? 這家餐廳怎麼這麼有名?
Because it has the best ice cream.因為它有最棒的冰淇淋。And because famous
people like to come here.也因為名人喜歡來這裡。
3. Tennis 網球。Do you play tennis? 你打網球嗎? No, I play badminton.
不打,我打羽球。 It's a lot easier than tennis.它比網球輕鬆多了。
4. Pick up 撿起來,接。Jack promised to pick me up. 傑克答應要接我的。 He's
late. 他遲到了。 You can still take the MRT.你還是可以搭捷運。
pretty 漂亮的 famous 有名的 tennis 網球 pick up 撿起來,接
1. What animal is featured in this story?
a. A bird
b. A butterfly
c. A bear
2. Where was the butterfly?
a. On a tennis court
b. On a basketball court
c. On a soccer field
3. In what country did this take place?
a. Australia
b. Taiwan
c. The U.S.
1. B 2. A 3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-05-19 | ![]() |
Man Floats for 14 Hours
Have you noticed that if you take a long bath or go swimming for a while that
your fingers go wrinkly? 在水裡太久,手指頭是不是會變皺皺的。
It doesn't actually take that much time. About 5 minutes is all it takes. So
I'm sure the person in today's story had really wrinkly fingers, because he
was in water for 14 hours! 在水裡面14個小時, 他的手一定超皺的!
Why? Well, the man is a sailor, and he fell overboard from his ship in the
middle of the night! 這個水手半夜掉進海裡!
No one on the ship noticed. And the man wasn't wearing a lifejacket, so after
a while, he started to get tired trying to stay afloat in the water. Uh-oh!
But then, the man noticed a small black dot. He swam towards it. Luckily, the
black dot was a fishing buoy! 他看到遠方有個小黑點,就朝著它游過去.
The man held on to the buoy and just floated around in the ocean. Until,
finally, the people on his ship noticed he was missing, turned around, and
picked him up! 他抱著浮筒在海上漂,一直到船上的人發現他不見,轉回來接他。
The man was very tired, but he was safe. So what about the buoy? Did the man
keep it? It did save his life.
Nope, he said he left it in the ocean for the next person that falls
overboard! Let's hope it won't be needed!
1. Float 漂浮。My idea of a vacation is sleeping, eating and floating in a
swimming pool. 我心目中的度假就是睡覺,吃東西,漂浮在游泳池裡。That sounds
like a perfect vacation! 聽起來真是完美的假期!
2. Middle 中間,in the middle of the night半夜三更。Please don't call me
again in the middle of the night. 拜託不要再半夜三更打電話給我。It was before
11 last night. 昨晚是十一點之前啊。That was not the middle of the night!
3. Save 拯救。Hey, where's your seat belt? 你的安全帶呢? It's
broken.斷掉了。You need to fix it right away.你得馬上把它修好。It could save
your life.它能救你一命!
4. Finally 終於。The final exam is next Friday. 下星期五期末考。Finally! I
can't wait. 終於!我都等不及了。
Ok, let's read the words.
float 漂浮 middle 中間 save 拯救 finally 終於
1: What happens to your fingers if you leave them in water?
a. They fall off
b. They go wrinkly
c. They can't move
2: Who fell into the sea?
a. A teacher
b. A sailor
c. A basketball player
3: What saved the person's life?
a. A mermaid
b. A dolphin
c. A fishing buoy
1: b 2: b 3: c
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-05-25 | ![]() |
Is Your Name Salmon?
Hi, everyone!
Don't you love a good deal?
Sometimes I like to wait until some of my favorite things are on special
discount and then buy.
That can save money! 有時候我喜歡等大減價才買東西,這樣可以省錢!
You've probably heard this story.
It was big news.
One sushi restaurant in Taiwan had a funny idea for a deal.
One of the most popular things to eat at sushi restaurants is salmon, so they
said if your name sounds like salmon, you'll get a discount… and if your
name is salmon, you and your whole table eat for free!
But is anyone's name really "Salmon"? 真的有人叫鮭魚嗎?
Well, actually, yes!
Some people, after they found out about the restaurant's offer, really
changed their names… to Salmon! 有些人聽到這個優惠就去改名字!
That's kind of crazy, isn't it?
People are allowed to change their name, but in Taiwan you only get 3 name
So you probably should think pretty hard about if you really should change
your name or not.
And if a free meal is worth it. 在台灣名字可以改3次,
Hmmm… maybe I'll wait for a deal like this for burgers.
我可能會等漢堡也推出類似的優惠... Hmmm….yeah, Mr. Bacon Cheeseburger with
Sounds pretty good to me!
1. Salmon鮭魚。I can't believe people changed their name to salmon.
我不敢相信有人把名字改成鮭魚。You don't like salmon? 你不喜歡鮭魚喔? It's a
food name! 那是食物的名字。
2. Deal交易。I got my iPhone for 2,000 NT. 我花了兩千塊買iPhone. That's a
good deal! Where did you get that deal? 真划算! 你在哪裡做成那筆手機交易的?
3. Restaurant餐廳。Let's try a Michelin-star restaurant.
我們去試一家有米其林星的餐廳吧。 No, those restaurants are all
4. Change更改。I'm spending too much money. 我花太多錢了。I've got to change.
我一定要改變。By making more money? 去賺更多錢嗎? No, by forgetting who I
borrowed from. 不。我要忘記跟誰借的錢。
我們來複習單字。Salmon鮭魚 deal交易 restaurant餐廳 change更改
1. What kind of restaurant had a funny special deal?
a. A pizza restaurant
b. A sushi restaurant
c. A beef noodle restaurant
2. Who could eat for free?
a. Hungry people
b. People named sandwich
c. People named salmon
3. How many times can you change your name in Taiwan?
a. One time
b. Three times
c. As many times as you want
1: b 2: c 3: b
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