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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-04-15 | ![]() |
Painting Lost at Airport Found in Trash
"Okay, sir. Your total comes to NT$285". ..
Okay. Oh no! I forgot my wallet! 我的皮夾呢?
Where did I leave it? I can't remember!
Oh, never mind, it's in my pocket!
Have you ever lost something that is very important?
Or have you ever lost something that is worth a lot of money?
A man in Germany forgot something that was incredibly valuable at the
airport. It wasn't his wallet or a little bit of money.
He lost a very, very expensive painting!
How does a person forget a painting?!
The painting was very expensive. It was worth over 8.4 million Taiwan
dollars! 價值超過台幣850萬!
Of course, when the man arrived back home, he realized he forgot his very
expensive painting.
He tried to call the police to help him find it.
They looked everywhere, but couldn't find the painting.
Finally, someone in the man's family went to the airport themselves to try to
find it.
They spoke to the police there, and together, they found the painting!
Guess where it was?
Someone put the painting in a recycling dumpster!
Thankfully, the painting wasn't ruined, and it was sent back to the man who
lost it. Lucky him!
1) Lost遺失的。I've found my lost cell phone! 我找到掉了的手機! Where did
you lose it? 你在哪裡搞丟它的? On MRT. Somebody sent it to the Lost and
Found.在捷運上。有人把它送去了失物招領。Wow, you're lucky! 哇,運氣真好!
2) Worth價值。How much is the phone worth? 你的手機價值多少? My mom bought it
for 10,000 NT. 我媽媽花了一萬塊買它。It's not worth that much now.
3) Look看,尋找。Did you try to look for the phone? 你有試著找手機嗎? I did!
I looked everywhere. 我有啊,我到處找。But I couldn't find it. 但是我找不到。
4) Together一起。Can we do math homework together? 我們可以一起做數學功課嗎?
Sure, we can do it after school. 可以啊,我們放學以後做。
I enjoy doing things together with my friends. 來一起讀單字吧。Lost遺失的
worth價值 look看,尋找 together一起
1. What did the man in this story forget?
a. A painting
b. His wallet
c. His luggage
2. Where did he forget it?
a. At a cafe
b. At the airport
c. On the street
3. What country did he forget it in?
a. Germany
b. The United States
c. Taiwan
1. A 2. B 3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-04-27 | ![]() |
Teen Saves Family Because Only She Could Smell Fire
Do you smell something? 你有聞到什麼味道嗎?
I think something is on fire! 好像失火了! Hurry up, let's get out of here!
Is everyone okay? Everyone got out of the building? That's good. Thank
goodness everyone is safe! Good thing we smelled the smoke from the fire and
got out just in time! 還好有聞到煙味,大家都安全的跑出來了!
Being able to smell is actually a very important sense to have!
A teenager named Bianca in the U.S. found out in a very scary way that she is
very lucky to have her sense of smell.
The rest of her family got sick with COVID-19. They were okay, but the virus
made them lose their sense of smell!
One night, while they were all sleeping, there was a fire at their house.
有一天晚上,大家都在睡覺,但是房子起火了!But nobody knew because they were
asleep, and they couldn't smell it!
Only Bianca could smell the smoke from the fire. 只有Bianca聞到煙味。She woke
up and quickly woke everybody else up too. And they all ran out of the house.
Because Bianca could smell things, she saved the day and helped make sure her
family was safe. 她趕快叫醒大家,逃到屋外,全家人都沒事。
Most people don't think of the sense of smell as a very important sense to
have. But just ask Bianca!
1. Smell 聞,氣味。What's that smell? 那是什麼氣味? I don't smell anything.
我什麼都沒聞到。I think it's the smell of French fries.我覺得是薯條的味道。
2. Sense 感覺。Dogs have a keen sense of smell. 狗狗的嗅覺很靈敏。They have a
good sense of taste too.牠們的味覺也很行。My dog only eats fresh
3. Smoke 煙 This is why I don't like barbeque. 這是為什麼我不喜歡烤肉。
There's too much smoke ! 太多煙了! I agree. And smoke is not good for your
4. Make sure 確定。Make sure you wear school clothes tomorrow.
明天一定要穿制服。But mine is dirty. 可是我的制服很髒。Then make sure you
wash it first.那你一定要先洗。
Okay, I can smell my lunch now. Let's read the words.
smell 聞,氣味 sense 感覺 smoke 煙 make sure 確定
1. What is the sense talked about in this story?
a. Sense of smell
b. Sense of sight
c. Sense of touch
2. How did Bianca's family lose their sense of smell?
a. They got COVID-19
b. They lost their noses
c. They overused their sense of smell
3. How did Bianca know there was a fire in the house?
a. She smelled the smoke
b. She saw the fire
c. She felt the fire
1. A 2. A 3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-04-28 | ![]() |
Man in Wheelchair Climbs Skyscraper
Some people who can't walk use a wheelchair. Wheelchairs help many people
go... well, almost everywhere!
But... what about climbing up the outside of a building with a wheelchair?
Well, one man in Hong Kong did it!
Mr. Lai is a rock climber. But after a car accident, he needs to use a
wheelchair. 香港有個攀岩家做到了,他因為出車禍所以只能坐輪椅。
But he said, "I need to use a wheelchair, but I can still climb...I can use
ropes!" 他說他雖然需要坐輪椅,但可以用繩子爬呀!
He tried to climb a 320-meter skyscraper...on the outside! With only ropes … pulling himself up … in a wheelchair! 他靠繩索拉輪椅,挑戰爬320公尺高的摩天大樓。
But pulling a wheelchair up the outside of a skyscraper is much harder than
rock climbing! 但是爬大樓比攀岩困難多了。
Mr. Lai pulled for more than 10 hours... but the wind was too strong so he
couldn't get to the top. But, he set a new record! He pulled himself and his
wheelchair 250 meters up... on the outside of a skyscraper!
Mr Lai says he wants people to know that even if they can't walk...they can
still do amazing things.
1. Climb 攀爬。(腳步聲) Do you want to climb Qixing Mountain with me?
你要不要跟我一起爬七星山? That's a high mountain.那座山很高。I don't think I
can climb to the top. 我想我爬不到山頂。
2. Pull 拉。This door doesn't work.這個門沒有用。That's because it says
"Pull," 這是因為它說[拉] and you were pushing it. 而你是在推。
3. Amazing 精彩的。His house is amazing! 他家真是精彩! Yeah, I've never seen
such a big house. 是啊,我從沒看過那麼大的房子。
4. Wheelchair 輪椅。My father needs a wheelchair now.
我爸爸現在需要坐輪椅了。At least he's clear-headed. 至少他腦筋清楚。
Will you go climbing Taipei 101 someday? 來讀今天的單字。
climb 攀爬 pull 拉 amazing 精彩的 wheelchair 輪椅
1. Where is Mr. Lai from?
A: Beijing
B: Hong Kong
C: Tokyo
2. How did Mr. Lai climb in a wheelchair?
A: He used ropes!
B: He used jet engines!
C: He used monkeys!
3. Why did Mr. Lai try to climb in a wheelchair?
A: Because he was bored
B: He wants people in wheelchairs to know they can do amazing things
C: He thinks he is Spiderman
1: B 2: A 3: B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-04-29 | ![]() |
Plant-based Bottles
Eeeew! Gross! Look at these dirty plastic bottles that washed up on the sand!
I wanted to spend a nice day at the beach, but it's ruined because there is
so much plastic garbage in the ocean!
Scientists say eight million metric tons of plastic are thrown into the ocean
every year. 專家統計,每年有800萬噸塑膠被丟到海裡。
It's a good thing that there are some companies that are trying to fix this
They want to help reduce plastic waste by using bottles made from plants!
A lot of famous and big companies, like Coca-Cola, want to change the way
they package their drinks.
So in the future, when you buy soda, you might be getting your drink in a
paper bottle. It will not be in a plastic bottle.
The paper bottles can be recycled, and can naturally break down within a
year. This is good, because plastic bottles do not break down easily. Plastic
bottles stay in the environment as garbage for a very long time.
What do you think? Do you think you'll enjoy drinking soda from a paper
bottle? 你會希望用紙瓶子喝飲料嗎? 看看喔!
1. Bottle瓶子。(貓咪叫聲) What should I do with this kitten? 這隻小貓怎麼辦?
Well, you can feed him a bottle of milk. 你可以餵他一瓶配方奶。I don't have
any bottles at home. 我家裡沒有奶瓶。Go get one at the supermarket.
2. Problem問題。I have a problem. 我有個問題。I don't know how to fix it.
我不知道要如何解決。What's your problem? 你的問題是什麼? I like Mary but we
don't talk 。我喜歡瑪莉可是我們都不講話。Now that's really a
3. Fix解決。I know how to fix your problem.我知道怎麼解決你的問題。How?
怎麼解決? Invite Mary to the Taipei Zoo, 邀請瑪莉去台北動物園,and then take
the Maokong gondola together. 然後一起去坐貓空纜車。Wow, that will fix the
problem? 哇,這樣就好了嗎? Yes. She'll love it. 對,她會很喜歡的。
So do you have any problems you need to fix? Let's read the words first.
bottle 瓶子 problem 問題 fix 解決
1. What is this story about?
a. Paper bottles
b. Newspapers
c. Paper planes
2. Why do companies want to make paper bottles?
a. So they can stop using so much plastic
b. Because it's cool
c. Because the world has too much paper
3. How much plastic goes into the ocean every year?
a. Eight kilometers
b. Eight grams
c. Eight million tons
1. A 2. A 3. C
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-04-30 | ![]() |
Sympathetic Doggie
Some people call dogs, "people's best friends." 狗狗是人類最好的朋友。
Dogs sometimes understand how we feel: they have "compassion".
When we see an old person walking slowly, we don't say, "Hey! Get moving!
You're in my way!" That's because we have compassion.
Well, some dogs have compassion, too! One time, a man in England hurt his
leg… and for a few weeks, the man could only walk slowly.
Then, the man saw his dog walking slowly on one leg!
The man thought, "Oh no! My dog hurt his leg! I have to take him to the vet!"
The vet checked the dog's leg... but nope... the leg was fine.
Then the man's wife saw the dog running in the garden. Hmm...
When the man was home, the dog walked slowly... but when the man wasn't home,
the dog was running and fine!
That's when they understood! Ah! The dog was showing compassion. He was
copying the man. 最後他們現,原來狗狗是在表達牠的同情。
Aww... that's so sweet. Good doggie! It's great to have compassion for other
people... and animals, too!
1. Compassion 同情心。(小狗叫) Hey, don't do that to the puppy!
嘿,不要這樣對小狗。Where's your compassion? 你的同情心去哪裡了? I didn't do
anything! 我什麼都沒做啊。
2. Hurt 傷害。I think the puppy hurt its leg.我想小狗的腿受傷了。I think it
hurt more than one leg. 我覺得牠不只一條腿受傷。Look at its eyes.
你看牠的眼睛。You're right. Something's wrong with its
3. Walk 走路。Why are you walking so slowly? 你為什麼走這麼慢? Because I'm
tired. 因為我累了。But you've only walked for five minutes!
4. Garden 花園。What a beautiful rose garden! 真漂亮的玫瑰花園! Thank you! I
love this garden very much. 謝謝你。我很喜歡這個花園。
Okay, today's words are easy.
compassion 同情心 hurt 傷害 walk 走路 garden 花園
1. What does "compassion" mean?
A: Understanding how other people feel
B: A really fast car
C: Understanding that you are a dog
2. Why did the man in the story have to walk slowly?
A: He was tired
B: He was hungry
C: He hurt his leg
3. Why did the dog copy the man and walk slowly, too?
A: To show compassion!
B: Because the dog hurt his leg, too!
C: Because they lived in England
1:A 2:C 3:A
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