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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-05-09 | ![]() |
First Black US Supreme Court Judge
A judge is a very important person. A judge makes decisions about important
things, like new laws.
But there is one group of 9 judges in America called the 'Supreme Court'.
They make all the final decisions.
They are the top judges in America.
For a long time, only men were Supreme Court judges. But that's not fair,
right? Women should be judges too!
And, for a long time, most of the men were white people. But that's not fair
America has white people, black people, Asian people, Native American
people… and lots of different people.
So, the top court should have lots of different kinds of judges, right? Not
just men… and DEFINITELY not just white men!
Luckily, things are changing. In 2021, there were three women on the Supreme
Court… but in 2022, a new woman judge joined the court.
And she is a black woman! Her name is Kentanji Brown Jackson, the first black
woman Supreme Court judge!
她名字是Kentanji Brown Jackson,是第一位黑人女性大法官!
That's so cool! I think it's great that the court now has Kentanji Brown
Jackson… the court needs all kinds of people… all colors of people… and
both men and women!
Welcome, Supreme Court Judge Jackson!
1) important 重要的
Come to the party tonight, Paz! 今晚來參加派對吧!
I can't. I have something important to do. 不行,我有重要事情要做。
2) fair 公平的
It's not fair! 真不公平!
What's not fair? 什麼東西不公平?
We did the same work, but he got 200 NT, and I only got 100.
3) man 男人,woman 女人
That woman is walking a dog... 那個女的在遛狗...
But the man is walking a cat. 而那個男人在遛貓咪。
What? Let me take a look. 什麼? 我來看看。
4) final 最後的
When is our final test? 我們的期末考什麼時候?
It's on Friday. 星期五。
Don't worry, your final test is not on Friday.
important 重要的
fair 公平的
man 男人
woman 女人
final 最後的
1. What is the Supreme Court?
A: America's top court
B: A place to play basketball
C: A police station
2. How many judges are on the Supreme Court?
A: 9
B: 6
C: 906
3. Judge Kentanji Brown Jackson is the________?
A: The first black woman Supreme Court judge
B: The first child Supreme Court judge
C: The first white man Supreme Court judge
1. A
2. A
3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-11-16 | ![]() |
First Native American in Space
Today, we are congratulating Nicole Mann, the first Native American to go to
恭喜 Nicole 成為第一個去外太空的美國原住民!
"Native Americans'" are the first people who ever lived in North America.
We have native people here in Taiwan too! In English, they are called
In Chinese, they are called "Yuan Zhu Min."
A long time ago, there were many, many indigenous people here, but today,
only about 2% of Taiwan's people are indigenous.
And you know, that's the same as America!
America had many, many indigenous people before too, but today, only about 2%
of Americans are Native Americans.
And now, a Native American has gone into space!
Her name is Nicole. Nicole is the commander of the spaceship! She's the boss!
It's really great, because it helps other Native Americans know that, one
day, they might be able to go into space too!
Maybe an indigenous Taiwanese person will also go into space one day! That
would be cool, right?
Good luck Nicole! The first Native American in space!
1. space 太空
Living in space must be a lot of fun. 住在太空中一定很好玩。
You can watch Earth from up there. 你可以從上面觀看地球。
2. spaceship 太空船
I don't want to live there. 我不想住在那裡。
But I'd like to travel around in a spaceship. 但是我想搭太空船旅行。
3. native 本地的,土生土長的
Listen! It's so beautiful! 你聽,好美的歌聲!
Yeah, they are native Taiwanese children. 對啊,他們是原住民小孩。
They're wonderful singers, aren't they? 他們是很棒的歌手,不是嗎?
4. people 人們
Why do native Taiwanese people sing so well? 為什麼台灣原住民都唱得那麼好?
I can sing, too. 我也會唱。
Would you like to hear it? 你想聽嗎?
space 太空
spaceship 太空船
native 本地的
people 人們
1. Who are Native Americans?
A: The first people to live in space
B: The first people to live in Taiwan
C: The first people to live in North America
2. What do we call Native Taiwanese people?
A: Indigestion
B: Indigenous
C: Indecision
3. What is Nicole's job on the spaceship?
A: The boss
B: The doctor
C: The cook
1. C
2. B
3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-12-20 | ![]() |
Taiwan's 'Boxing Queen'
Whoa! Hey, look out!
Ouch! Boxing looks like it really hurts!
Have you ever seen a boxing match? It's a sport where two people fight with
their fists.
They're always very fit, strong, healthy people, who are really REALLY well
Taiwan's Chen Nien-Chin is a boxer from Hualien. Because she has trained so
well, and has won so many times, people now call her "Taiwan's Boxing Queen"!
In 2016 she won a bronze medal at the Olympics, when she was only 19 years
Then in 2018, when she was 21, she won the Women's World Boxing Championship,
making her one of the best female boxers in the whole world!
Last month she won yet another gold medal! This time it was at the Asian
Elite Boxing Championship. Chen beat a boxer from Thailand, and is now one of
the best boxers in all of Asia!
Today is Games Day, a holiday for sports of all kinds! So let's all cheer for
Chen Nien-Chin, Taiwan's Boxing Queen!
1. boxing 拳擊
My father doesn't want me to learn boxing. 我爸爸不要我學拳擊。
Because he thinks it's not for girls? 因為他覺得不適合女孩子?
He thinks there's no money to be made. 他覺得沒有錢賺。
2. medal 獎牌
If you win an Olympic gold medal, you can get 20 million NT!
I know. There's even 5 million for a bronze medal.
3. train 訓練
So will you box? 所以你會去打拳嗎?
No, I'm thinking of golf. 不會,我在考慮高爾夫。
Training for golf is not that hard. 高爾夫球訓練沒那麼難。
4. win 贏得
And you may win the U.S. Open! 你有可能贏得美國公開賽!
Yeah, wouldn't that be great? 對,那不是棒呆了?
boxing 拳擊
medal 獎牌
train 訓練
win 贏得
1. Who is Chen Nien-Chin?
A: Taiwan's Skipping King
B: Taiwan's Hopping Prince
C: Taiwan's Boxing Queen
2. What did Chen Nien-Chin win in 2018?
A: The Women's World Boxing Championship
B: The Asian Elite Boxing Championship
C: The Olympics
3. Who did Chen Nien-Chin beat last month?
A: A beagle from Swaziland
B: A bulldog from Ireland
C: A boxer from Thailand
1. C
2. A
3. C
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-12-29 | ![]() |
Zimbabwe's Young Chess Queens
Have you ever played chess? It's a fun game. One person uses black pieces,
and the other uses white pieces. Each person wants to take the other's pieces
and win the game.
We can have a good time playing chess, but it can also improve our lives.
Just ask Grace. She is a ten year old girl from Zimbabwe, and a star chess
Grace 是一個辛巴威的西洋棋棋手,她只有十歲!
At first, Grace did not think she could play chess. Some people said the game
was too hard for young girls.
一開始,Grace 不覺得自己會下棋。有人說西洋棋對年輕女孩來說太難了。
But Grace wanted to try anyway. She said she saw other girls playing chess in
her village, and wanted to take up the challenge!
Now, she has already won many games! She even travels around Africa with her
chess team, who are all young girls from her village. Their team is called
"The Queens".
When Grace wins a big game, she can earn some money. That can pay for her
school and books.
Grace 只要打贏比賽,就可以賺錢。她就可以繳學費跟買書。
But she doesn't just play for money. Grace is thinking about her future. She
says, "I want to be a nurse and a professional chess player".
Grace 未來想要成為一個護士跟職業西洋棋棋士!
For Grace and her teammates, chess is a great way to learn, grow, and of
course to have fun!
1. young 年輕的
My son is five years old. 我兒子五歲。
Do you think he's too young for soccer? 你覺得他踢足球會不會太小了?
No, children can begin playing soccer at any age.
2. challenge 挑戰
Does he like to win? 他喜歡贏嗎?
Sure, who doesn't? 當然啦,誰會不喜歡?
Then he won't be afraid of the challenge. 那他就不會害怕挑戰。
3. player 選手
Maybe someday he'll become a famous player...
And travel around Europe. 在歐洲各地旅行。
4. team 隊伍
So you hope he'll join a team in Europe? 所以你希望他加入一個歐洲球隊?
Not really. I just hope he has fun. 倒也不會。我只希望他開心。
你玩西洋棋或是踢足球嗎? 來讀讀單字。
young 年輕的
challenge 挑戰
player 選手
team 隊伍
1. Where does Grace come from?
B: Zimbabwe
C: India
2. Why did Grace start playing chess?
A: Her teacher told her to
B: She saw other girls playing
C: She wanted to win money
3. What is Grace's goal for the future?
A: To start a family
B: To get rich
C: To be a nurse and a chess player
1. B
2. B
3. C
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-01-13 | ![]() |
Radio for Afghan Girls
Today is Public Radio Broadcasting Day.
The radio has many programs: music, news, and education.
So, let's talk about some radio programs which do an important job in
Afghanistan is a big country in Asia. Recently, that country got a new law.
The law says girls can't go to school.
Girls want to change this law, but for now they must stay home. If they can't
go to school, how can they keep learning?
The answer is radio. Some radio stations in Afghanistan now give lessons
every day. Students can listen to the radio at home to learn math, science
and other subjects.
Sometimes they read books out loud, to teach reading skills. Girls can even
call in to the stations to talk about their problems.
The women who run the stations say the future of girls is the future of
Today, on Public Radio Broadcasting Day, let's remember that radio can make a
1. school 學校
Aren't you going to school today? 你今天不去上學?
No, I'm staying at home. 對,我待在家。
2. math 數學
What about your math lessons? 那你的數學課怎麼辦?
I can learn math myself. 我可以自己學數學。
How? By listening to yourself talk? 怎麼學? 你就自言自語嗎?
No, I listen to the radio. 不,我會聽收音機。
3. program 節目
There's no way you can learn math through radio programs!
Are you kidding? Of course I can. 開玩笑,當然可以。
4. learn 學習
I think it's a bad idea to miss school. 我覺得錯過上學很糟糕。
Don't worry. I can learn anywhere, anytime. 別擔心,我不論何時何地都可以學習。
Let's read today's vocabulary.
school 學校
math 數學
program 節目
learn 學習
1. What country does not let girls go to school?
A: Australia
B: Argentina
C: Afghanistan
2. What do these radio stations want to give girls?
A: A house
B: An education
C: A rest
3. What day is today?
A: Public Radio Broadcasting Day
B: World Computer Day
C: Valentine's Day
1. C
2. B
3. A
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