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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-11-14 | ![]() |
Kind Boy Gives Food to Others
It's World Kindness Day today!
Happy World Kindness Day everyone!
Yes, there is a day that celebrates being kind.
It's important to be kind to others.
I want to tell you about a very kind boy. His name is Isaac Winfield, and he
lives in England.
Isaac has a nice life in England.
But he worries about people who don't have much money.
Some families don't have enough money to buy food.
英國有一個小男孩叫做 Isaac Winfield,他擔心沒有足夠的錢可以買食物的家庭。
These people need to use a food bank.
People don't put money in a food bank.
A food bank gives food to people who don't have much money.
Isaac wanted to do something to help poor people.
So, he started a food bank at his family's home.
He gets food from other nice people.
These kind people donate food to Isaac.
Isaac then gives this food to people who need it.
Isaac 成立了一個食物銀行,很多好心人會捐食物給他,他再把食物給有需要的人。
Isaac has a page on Facebook so people can learn about what he does.
They can contact Isaac through his Facebook page, and send him food, or
money, so he can help more people eat well this winter.
Isaac 有一個粉絲專頁,大家可以看到他做的事,也可以連絡他,捐錢或是食物。
It's great that there are so many kind people in the world.
What about you guys?
Is there a way you can be kinder to others?
I'm sure there is.
1. food 食物。
I'm starting a food bank. 我要成立一家食物銀行。
Why? The supermarket is right next door. 為什麼? 超市就在隔壁。
No, the food bank is not for me. 不,食物銀行不是為了我。
It's for people in need. 是為了有需要的人。
2. worry 擔心。
Why do you worry about them? 你怎麼會擔心他們?
I've been hungry before. 我自己挨餓過。
3. donate 捐贈。
Okay, I'll donate my instant noodles. 好吧,我可以捐泡麵。
Thank you, but I'll take donated food through my Facebook.
4. contact 聯絡。
So should I contact you on Facebook? 所以我應該聯絡你的臉書?
Yes, please. 對,拜託你。
These are very useful words.
1. What is true about Isaac?
A: He gives food to poor people.
B: He works at a bank.
C: His family is very poor.
2. Where does Isaac get the food?
A: Other people give it to him.
B: His parents give it to him.
C: He buys it from a supermarket.
3. According to the story, how do people contact Isaac?
A: By calling him on the phone
B: By using Facebook
C: By talking to his parents
1. A
2. A
3. B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-12-02 | ![]() |
Robot Sleeves Help People Move with Ease
Did you brush your teeth today? Drink a glass of water? Easy, right?
Some people find these things very hard. That might be because they are
disabled. If your body finds things easy to do, you are "able". If it finds
things harder to do, you could be less able, or "dis-abled".
People can be disabled for lots of reasons.
Blind people are disabled: they cannot see. For blind people who like to
read, they made a book that you can feel instead of see!
Other disabled people find moving their body really hard. They have to use
big, heavy, metal things to move, which is not very easy, or comfortable!
To help, scientists have made a new kind of arm-sleeve that is soft and
comfortable. And it has a super-smart robot!
This sleeve uses small balloons that fill with air to help people move their
arms comfortably and easily!
Tomorrow is the "International Day of Persons with Disabilities". So let's
wish disabled people everywhere a great day!
1. hard 困難的
I find it hard to wash dishes. 我覺得洗碗很難。
How could it be hard? 怎麼會很難?
It's much easier than cooking. 它比做飯菜容易多了。
2. easy 容易的,easier 比較容易的
I enjoy cooking, but washing dishes is so tiring!
Maybe you should buy a dishwasher. It'll make your life easier.
3. move 活動
No, it's too big. 不要,它太大了。
I won't be able to move around if I put it in my kitchen.
Then you just have to move your hands to wash the dishes.
hard 困難的
easy 容易的
easier 比較容易的
move 活動
1. How is a blind person disabled?
A: They can't move
B: They can't see
C: They can't hear
2. What is inside the new, comfortable sleeve?
A: A glass of water
B: A new kind of book
C: Lots of small balloons
3. What day is tomorrow?
A: International Talk Like A Pirate Day
B: International Day of Persons with Disabilities
C: International Hot and Spicy Food Day
1. B
2. C
3. B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-01-06 | ![]() |
Printers Help Musicians Save Money
Ah! The violin. So beautiful, so peaceful, so… expensive!
The most expensive violin ever made cost 20 million U.S. dollars, that's
nearly 615 million NT dollars! A new violin for a beginner costs about 15,000
NT. But that's still a lot of money!
Do you know what that is? That's the sound of a 3D printer.
這個聲音是 3D 印表機。
They're so cool, they can make anything you like! Toys, tables, tennis
rackets… you name it!
You type in what you want, and the 3D printer gets to work, shooting liquid
plastic into the air! The plastic goes hard really fast, which means it can
make lots of different shapes and sizes.
Some clever musicians in America are now using 3D printers to make violins,
so they're much cheaper!
Other instruments have been 3D printed before too, like guitars and
What instrument would you like to print and play?
1. play 彈奏
I've never learned to play the guitar. 我從來沒學過彈吉他。
But you play so well! 你卻彈得這麼好!
Thank you. I'm still a beginner. 謝謝你,我還是初學者。
I taught myself how to play last year. 我去年才教我自己怎麼彈。
2. cost 花費
Maybe you should take a class. 也許你該去上個課。
No, that would cost too much. 不了,那花太多錢了。
3. clever 聰明的
How about letting me help you? 讓我幫你忙如何?
What, for guitar lessons? 什麼忙,上吉他課嗎?
Yeah, you're clever. You can learn it fast. 對啊,你很聰明的,可以學很快。
4. guitar 吉他
Then can I have a new guitar? 那我可以有一把新吉他嗎?
Not worried about the cost now? 現在你就不擔心花費了?
These are useful words to learn.
play 彈奏
cost 花費
clever 聰明的
guitar 吉他
1. How much is 20 million U.S. dollars in NT dollars?
A: Over 615 million NT
B: Exactly 615 million NT
C: Nearly 615 million NT
2. What does a 3D printer shoot into the air?
A: Liquid plastic
B: Solid water
C: Gassy beans
3. What other instrument has been 3D printed before?
A: A saxophone
B: A piano
C: A church organ
1. C
2. A
3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-01-10 | ![]() |
Indian Man Grows Taiwanese Guava
Do you like to eat guava? It's a green fruit that grows on a tree. I'm eating
some right now. Delicious! Guava is popular in Taiwan, but people in India
also eat it.
In fact, an Indian farmer named Kapil is thankful for Taiwanese guava. This
fruit has made his farm successful.
有一位叫 Kapil 的印度農夫很感謝台灣的芭樂,因為芭樂讓他的農場大獲成功。
Kapil used to work at a big city bank. When COVID-19 came to India, Kapil
lost his job. He had to go home to his family's village.
Kapil 本來在銀行工作,但是在疫情時丟掉了工作,只好回到家鄉。
He could not find another job, so he decided to grow fruit. Some people said
he couldn't grow fruit, because the weather was too dry. But Kapil wanted to
try anyway.
He found a company that sold baby guava trees from Taiwan. He learned this
kind of fruit tree does not need much water, so it can grow in dry places. It
was the perfect choice for Kapil.
He planted the baby trees and watched them grow. Finally, he harvested the
guava. His fruit was super tasty! He sold the fruit and made good money.
These days, Kapil is a successful farmer. His guava fruit are popular in that
part of India. He says Taiwan guavas changed his life.
1. fruit 水果
I need some green plants in my room. 我房間裡需要一些綠色植物。
Have you tried fruit trees? 你有試過放果樹嗎?
2. grow 種植
No, are they easy to grow? 沒有,它們好種嗎?
Some of them are. 有些很好種。
They can grow well even in dry places. 就算在乾燥的地方也長得很好。
3. successful 成功的
We're in Taipei. It's usually wet. 我們在台北,經常很潮濕。
You're right. 你是對的。
Then you should be successful in growing them. 那你種果樹應該會成功。
4. try 嘗試
Hmmm, what should I grow? 種什麼好呢?
I suggest you try blueberries. 我建議你試試看藍莓。
Because you love them. 因為你喜歡藍莓。
Of course. 當然。
Do you like eating fruit?
fruit 水果
grow 種植
successful 成功的
try 嘗試
1. Where does Kapil live?
A: Vietnam
B: Taiwan
C: India
2. What caused Kapil to lose his bank job?
A: Dry weather
C: His boss
3. Why did Kapil choose to grow Taiwanese guava?
A: They grow faster
B: They are greener
C: They need less water
1. C
2. B
3. C
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-01-12 | ![]() |
Village Oven Bakes Again
We get most of our heat and light from electricity. The problem is,
electricity can be expensive!
Thousands of years ago, in England, owning an oven was expensive too. Most
people didn't have one in their home.
Instead of lots of little ovens, most villages had just one that was really
big. They called it the 'village oven'. The baker would use it first. Then,
while the oven was still warm, everyone else could use it too!
Last year, a baker in England decided to bring the village oven back! He
wanted to help people pay their electric bills, so he opened up his huge
kitchen for everyone to use, and even offered to cook some things for free!
They call him Baker Ed. He's helped people in his town lots of times before.
He's held free cookery classes and free kid's clubs. And when it's cold he
lets people use the heat of his oven to keep warm!
大家叫他 Ed
His neighbors and friends think he is doing an amazing thing, helping people
to eat and keep warm while electricity is so expensive. Bravo Baker Ed!
1. cook 烹飪。
It's so cold here! 這裡好冷喔!
You have to cook something, Paz! Anything.
2. oven 烤箱。
Okay, let me bake some cookies and bread in the oven.
Great idea! 好主意!
Let's fire up the oven now. 我們現在就把烤箱熱起來。
3. kitchen 廚房。
Not so fast.不要這麼快。
I need to prepare the stuff first. 我需要先準備材料。
Would you like to help me in the kitchen? 你可以來廚房幫我嗎?
I'd be happy to. 我很樂意。
4. warm 溫暖的。
Finally, I'm feeling warm! 我終於覺得暖和了。
Can you smell that? It's our bread baking. 你聞得出來嗎?我們的麵包正在烤。
I love warm bread! 我愛熱麵包!
1. What can fire not do?
A: Light our homes
B: Keep us tall
C: Cook our food
2. Where did they use village ovens thousands of years ago?
A: England
B: Finland
C: Legoland
3. What do they call the kind baker in this story?
A: Baker Jed
B: Baker Ed
C: Baker Ted
1. B
2. A
3. B
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