Blog posts from the team at International Community Radio Taipei, Taiwan's only English radio station.
Posts tagged "Uber"
English in the News--Lightning Rod 眾矢之的

English in the News–Lightning Rod 眾矢之的

Lightning rod—避雷針,眾矢之的 one that is a frequent target of criticism or focus of controversy Example: The senator has become a lightning rod for criticism.                     (Wall Street Journal, 2016/9/28) Hillary Clinton’s Key Aide Huma Abedin Is a Lightning Rod for Attacks 希拉蕊柯林頓的重要幕僚阿貝丁成了各方抨擊的目標 Huma Abedin, Clinton’s longest-serving...Continue reading
Taiwan Talk: Uber in Taiwan

Taiwan Talk: Uber in Taiwan

Listen to the podcast version of the show at the ICRT website, on iTunes, or DOWNLOAD IT HERE! We speak with Uber Taiwan’s General Manager Li-Kai Gu about the company behind the famous ride-hailing app and its future in Taiwan as it faces down increasingly intense pressure from regulators.     For more background on Uber...Continue reading
Taiwan This Week: I got a rock ...

Taiwan This Week: I got a rock …

Listen to the broadcast Friday July 15th during the 8 o’clock hour on ICRT FM 100, or stream the broadcast here. The show begins about 15 minutes after the hour. Or, stream the extended podcast show on the ICRT website, on iTunes, or DOWNLOAD IT HERE. ICRT News and commentators look beneath the surface of the South China Sea...Continue reading