Blog posts from the team at International Community Radio Taipei, Taiwan's only English radio station.
Posts tagged "Star Trek"
First Full Length Trailer for Doctor Who Season 8 Lands

First Full Length Trailer for Doctor Who Season 8 Lands

Doctor Who Watch Day 200: Yes, it has apparently been that long since Matt Smith’s tearful farewell on The Time of the Doctor, but on this fateful day, there has been another significant development in the Whoniverse. It turns out the BBC can be very generous when it wants to be. During the half time...Continue reading
Star Trek Tech: Microsoft's Skype Emulates the Universal Translator

Star Trek Tech: Microsoft’s Skype Emulates the Universal Translator

Imagine a future where there aren’t any barriers in communication. Maybe you have family overseas that you’ve never met in person or can’t really speak their language, or maybe you’re traveling to a foreign country and need to ask for directions, but not sure how. With the advancement in automated translation we’re one step closer...Continue reading