Taiwan This Week: Good to be thorough
Listen to the broadcast Friday July 29th during the 8 o’clock hour on ICRT FM 100, or stream the broadcast here. The show begins about 15 minutes after the hour. Or, stream the extended podcast show on the ICRT website, on iTunes, or DOWNLOAD IT HERE. On this show we discuss the Legislative Yuan’s marathon review session called to...Continue reading
Taiwan This Week: I got a rock …
Listen to the broadcast Friday July 15th during the 8 o’clock hour on ICRT FM 100, or stream the broadcast here. The show begins about 15 minutes after the hour. Or, stream the extended podcast show on the ICRT website, on iTunes, or DOWNLOAD IT HERE. ICRT News and commentators look beneath the surface of the South China Sea...Continue reading
Taiwan This Week: Typhoon daze
Listen to the broadcast Friday July 8th during the 8 o’clock hour on ICRT FM 100, or stream the broadcast here. The show begins about 15 minutes after the hour. Or, stream the extended podcast show on the ICRT website, on iTunes, or DOWNLOAD IT HERE. We cover the week’s top stories, including the Navy’s deadly missile launch accident, the...Continue reading
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