Blog posts from the team at International Community Radio Taipei, Taiwan's only English radio station.
Posts tagged "Matsu"
Penghu Listed on as Emerging Travel Destination in Asia

Penghu Listed on as Emerging Travel Destination in Asia

The island group of Penghu off southwest Taiwan has been listed by as an emerging tour destination in Asia in 2015. International accommodation booking site Agoda says two reasons why travelers must not miss Penghu are its unique dialect and lifestyle. Penghu was picked for the first time since Agoda in 2011 began to...Continue reading
Wow! Taiwan: Matsu Tern-Watching Tour

Wow! Taiwan: Matsu Tern-Watching Tour

Come check out the Matsu Islands! Enjoy bird watching, amazing ocean views and historical architecture. In addition to bird-watching excursions, enjoy Beigan’s Mt. Da’ao, Qinbi Village, an amazing ocean view and historical architecture. Listen   Photo via Event TaiwanContinue reading