Gau’s Gaming and Geekery: Dominion Review (2015 3/12)
Okay guys, I know I’m squeaking this month’s game review in just before the deadline, but here it is! This month, we’re looking at the game that brought me back into modern gaming, and one of the chief weapons in my arsenal to bring new players into the fold: Dominion! First released in 2008, Dominion...Continue reading
Gau’s Gaming and Geekery: Carcasonne Review (2015 2/12)
Hey everyone, happy Chinese New Year! Today, we’re taking a look at Carcasonne, for my second game review of the year! Carcasonne is a map-building, worker-placement game, and supports two to five players. Set-up is extremely simple: everyone chooses a worker color, and the starter piece (the one on the top there) is placed at...Continue reading
Gau’s Gaming and Geekery: Settlers of Catan Review (2015 1/12)
Hi everybody! For 2015, I thought I’d try something new. This year, I’m going to attempt to do one board game review every month, and to start us off, we’ve got Settlers of Catan! This was the first ‘modern’ board game I learned to play, and I was introduced to it here in Taiwan, back...Continue reading
Gau’s Gaming & Geekery: Love Letter Review
Hey everyone! As some of you may have picked up over the years, I am something of a nerd, a geek, whatever you want to label it. I love games of all kinds, from board to card to video games. So I’m starting up a new series offering my thoughts on the games I’ve played,...Continue reading
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