Blog posts from the team at International Community Radio Taipei, Taiwan's only English radio station.
Posts tagged "Bernie Sanders"
English in the News--Cloak and Dagger 神秘離奇,詭秘陰謀

English in the News–Cloak and Dagger 神秘離奇,詭秘陰謀

Cloak and dagger: 神秘離奇,欺騙,陰謀 involving secrecy, deception, espionage and plotting, when people behave in a very secretive way Examples: “What is up with all this cloak and dagger talk? Is there something going on I don’t know about?” I said I wanted to meet you in private, but you don’t have to be so cloak-and-dagger about it....Continue reading
English in the News-Jump the Gun 操之過急,搶先偷跑

English in the News-Jump the Gun 操之過急,搶先偷跑

Jump the gun—To start something before it is permissible, appropriate, or advisable. The phrase alludes to starting to run in a foot race before the starting gun goes off 操之過急,搶先偷跑 Examples: 1) Henry jumped the gun and sent the manuscripts to the printer before boss approved them. 2) “How about going out to celebrate?” “Well,...Continue reading