Blog posts from the team at International Community Radio Taipei, Taiwan's only English radio station.
Posts tagged "Bastille"
Swinging on a Star: Mikky Ekko's Concert Special

Swinging on a Star: Mikky Ekko’s Concert Special

Within the last few months, Taiwan has been graced by the presence of many international artists. Some of them currently hot on top 40 charts around the world with impressive accolades. Others strive to hone their stage performances in the Far East, all the while garnering more fan base on this side of the world....Continue reading
Concert Review: Bastille at Taipei International Convention Center

Concert Review: Bastille at Taipei International Convention Center

Anyone who went to the Bastille concert in Taipei on Sunday knowing little about the band no doubt left a super fan. And if you were already a fan like myself, you probably reached “stormer” level and wondered if it was humanly possible to love Bastille even more. The British indie rock band performed an...Continue reading
What's Going On: Weekend of January 9 to 11 in Taiwan

What’s Going On: Weekend of January 9 to 11 in Taiwan

Music BASTILLE Venue: Taipei International Convention Center Address: No. 1, Xinyi Road Section 5, Xinyi District, Taipei City (台北市信義區信義路五段1號) Date: January 11, 2015 Time: Doors open at 20:00 Tickets: NT$1900/NT$2400/NT$2900/NT$3400/NT$3900 DC & The Funky Duds (Blues, Funk) Venue: Sappho Live Address: No. 1, Lane 102, Anhe Road, Sec. 1, Daan District, Taipei City (台北市大安區安和路一段102巷1號) Date:...Continue reading
5 Albums I'm Looking Forward to in 2015

5 Albums I’m Looking Forward to in 2015

With 2014 rapidly coming to a close, it’s time to look forward to the year ahead, which promises to be a musical paradise for indie and folk band fans such as myself. 2015 marks the return for several veterans and newcomer indie and folk music bands. Here are the five albums I am eagerly awaiting...Continue reading
Bastille releases new single "Bite Down" featuring HAIM from new mixtape VS. (Other People's Heartache Pt. III)

Bastille releases new single “Bite Down” featuring HAIM from new mixtape VS. (Other People’s Heartache Pt. III)

Besides visiting Taiwan for the first time next January for a concert, English rock band Bastille has been the gift that keeps giving this Christmas season. Most Bastille fans may have already heard “Torn Apart”, the first song from the band’s third and upcoming mixtape VS. (Other People’s Heartache, Pt. III), which was released a few...Continue reading
Listen to Band Aid 30's Ebola charity single "Do They Know It's Christmas?" featuring best-selling British musicians

Listen to Band Aid 30’s Ebola charity single “Do They Know It’s Christmas?” featuring best-selling British musicians

A host of UK musicians have gathered together to perform the song “Do They Know It’s Christmas?” as part of an Ebola charity single for the supercharity group Band Aid 30. Bob Geldof and Midge Ure announced the group ealier this month, saying that he did so after the United Nations contacted him about help...Continue reading