Hit the nail on the head:  To identify something exactly; to arrive at exactly the right answer; to describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem一語中的,正確指出問題癥結所在


1) You really hit the nail on the head on that one! Good job!

2) He hit the nail on the head when he said the problem was the air conditioner, nothing else.







Free buses a good start for easing fare burden (Boston Herald, 2020/07/03)

A one-way bus fare on a Charlie Card costs $1.70. That’s no big deal for some, but for the low-income passengers in Boston’s neighborhoods, that price can be prohibitive.

Which is why Council President Kim Janey hit the nail on the head when she said at a press conference this week, “Buses that go up and down through the Black and brown community need to be free.”

用[查理卡](如同我們的悠遊卡)搭公車,單程是一塊七毛美金。這對一些人來說不是大問題,但是對某些波士頓地區的低收入乘客來說,就可能因此無法搭車了。這是為什麼市議會議長Kim Janey在這星期的記者會上說,經過黑人以及拉丁裔社區的公車應該要免費,真是一語中的。

The Pandemic and Protests Are Shaping the Way Independent Artists Release Music (Forbes, 2020/06/28)

The pandemic kept indie artists at home recording music, and now protests are inspiring creatives to make music for the streets. After witnessing the video of George Floyd’s last moments, Dywane “MonoNeon” Thomas Jr. created the soundtrack to his anguish.

“I eventually got my drum machine, made a simple beat, and started writing lyrics for how we (Black folks) were feeling” says MonoNeon via email. As an experimental musician, he is known for his silly lyrics and neon-colored attire. “But even my mom said to me when she heard ‘Breathing While Black’ that I hit the nail on the head writing a song like that.”

疫情讓獨立音樂人(不是受雇於大公司大唱片行)待在家裡錄製音樂,抗議行動卻啟發了他們,讓他們想替走上街頭的人創作。貝斯手Dywane Thomas Jr.綽號[單人霓虹]就在看了George Floyd被壓制喉嚨最後致死的影帶之後,在悲愴中寫了一首歌。


Photos: English Unite; Forbes

Sound(中文解釋): SoundOn