Locked and loaded–A command to prepare a weapon for battle 槍已上膛,準備作戰; Prepare for an imminent event, ready to go 為即將來臨的事準備好

這是個俚俗的用語,意思就是要開槍了,準備好了。這個詞十九世紀的時候已經出現在軍事用語中,不過是電影明星約翰韋恩讓這個片語流行起來。 他在1949年推出的著名電影[硫磺島浴血戰] 裡面扮演一名陸戰隊士官,他講了至少三次”lock and load,” 都是要士兵準備戰鬥。”lock”原來的意思是鎖上,當時所用的來福槍槍膛需要先扣上,才能夠安全的填裝彈匣。由這裡也可以看出,美國的川普總統會選擇這個用語其來有自,因為他一直很崇拜約翰韋恩。

(Washington Post, 2017/8/12)

President Trump had a John Wayne moment Friday. In his latest warning to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Trump declared the American military “locked and loaded,” and equipped with “solutions” if Kim’s increasingly isolated regime refuses to cease its nuclear provocations.

In doing so, the commander in chief evoked lingo popularized by the Duke but long used by U.S. troops in combat and those training for war.


(New York Times, 2017/8/11)

Trump Says Military Is “Locked and Loaded” and North Korea will “Regret” Threats 川普說軍方已經準備好了,北韓會後悔威脅美國

US President Trump continued to beat war drums on Friday against North Korea and, unexpectedly, said he would consider a military option to deal with an unrelated crisis in Venezuela. But though he declared that the armed forces were “locked and loaded,” there were no indications of imminent action in either part of the world.


Photos: Washington Post, New York Times