
Flip the bird比中指 (to give someone the finger)

To make a very impolite sign by raising your middle finger towards someone in order to show that you are very angry with them

Example: If he had shouted at me like that I would have flipped him the bird.


Another way of saying it is “flipping someone off.” It’s a classic nonverbal signal for showing anger toward a person. According to one website, the slang derived from 1860s expression give the big bird, which means “to hiss someone like a goose.”

另外一個相似的說法是flipping someone off,也就是對人比中指。”flip the bird” 這個片語也許源自十九世紀的說法,”give the big bird 給一隻大鳥”,意思是對某人像野雁一樣嘶喊,表示憤怒。


Don Lemon’s middle finger gets a thumbs up from CNN  (May 2, 2016)

Some genteel political insiders were offended when CNN’s Don Lemon flipped the bird at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner emcee Larry Wilmore.

But the vulgar gesture has apparently raised Lemon’s profile at the news network.

“[CNN Worldwide president] Jeff Zucker likes characters,” explained a TV insider.

After Lemon’s flip-off became an online sensation, “people were asking Don if he should be looking for a new job,” said the source, “But, if anything, Don’s stock has risen.”

有些溫和派的政治圈內人,對於有線電視新聞網主持人Don Lemon朝著白宮記者之夜的司儀Larry Wilmore比中指,感到忿忿不平。但是這個低級手勢卻顯然讓Don在電視台的行情看漲。一名電視圈內人解釋說,CNN全球網總裁Jeff Zucker喜歡有個性的人。Don的動作在網路爆紅之後,大家都在問他是不是要找新工作,不過圈內人說無論如何他的身價是抬高了。

Sound: ICRT podcast

Photo 1: pinterest   Photo 2: Hollywoodlife