I’ve been relatively quiet on this blog, but there’s a good reason for that! I was back home in the states for a brief stint visiting my family. While I was there, I saw Kingsman: The Secret Service. I wasn’t sure what to expect prior going into the movie, and the only thing I knew about it was that it was based upon a comic book called The Secret Service
The movie follows Gary ‘Eggsy’ Unwin, played by a relatively unknown British actor (who seems to be exceptionally talented in this role) named Taron Egerton. Eggsy is a street-wise kid who is selected by Harry Hart (Code name: Galahad), played by Colin Firth, and is put through the extreme rigors of getting into the Secret Service known as the Kingsmen. All of the Kingsmen are given code names based on Arthur’s knights of the round table, and Michael Caine takes on the role of Arthur.
But like all spy movies, there is a villian who wants to take over the world. Samuel L. Jackson plays a megalomaniac CEO by the name of Valentine who has bigger plans for the future. In order to connect the world and seem like a noble philanthropist, Valentine gives out free SIM cards to everyone. However, these SIM cards end up sending out a frequency that turns people into ravaging killers. Valentine then takes the most important, elite people around the globe, the people he feels should live in the new world, and hides them all from the massacre. It’s up to the Kingsmen to foil Valentine’s plan and save the human race.
It’s like James Bond on steroids.
I found Jackson’s take on a villain refreshing because his character didn’t make you shudder in fear, but rather quiver with laughter. I was actually more terrified by Valentine’s assistant Gazelle (Sofia Boutella), a double amputee with blades for legs. She was cold and lethal.
So what did I think of Kingsman? In the words of my father, “It’s like James Bond on steroids.” The movie is action-packed, funny and really, really entertaining. Not once did I feel bored while watching this movie, and there’s enough mystery and mayhem to keep your mind busy in trying to figure out what the motives are for our villain, Mr. Valentine. I think the only gripe I had with the movie were the fight scenes and how they went through warped time. I understand this was more of an artistic choice, but sometimes it was a little weird for me.
Eggsy and Galahad have a run in with Valentine at the tailor shop, which happens to be the HQ for the Kingsmen.
The other thing I loved about this movie was the fashion; men in beautifully tailored suits AND glasses, and they’re super spies… Be still, my heart! Oh, and what spy movie wouldn’t be complete without all the neat gadgets?! I mean, c’mon, who wouldn’t love to have a bulletproof umbrella that’s also semi-transparent?!
Colin Firth as Galahad in one of the most intense fight scenes, set in a church of all places.
So, on my Crispy scale of 1 to 5 (1 being a soggy mess of a film and 5 being super crisp), I’d have to give Kingsman: The Secret Service 4.5 rating. It was really enjoyable spy-comedy film, and I highly recommend it.
Kingsman: The Secret Service is now playing in Taiwan, so check it out!
Images via:
Empire Online