Any David Fincher fan will no doubt be just as familiar with the auteur’s films and style as they are with the viral marketing methods employed for his films, most recently seen in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

Variety reports that 20th Century Fox has released four posters ahead of another trailer for Fincher’s latest outing Gone Girl, based on former Entertainment Weekly writer Gillian Flynn’s best-selling novel of the same name.

The thriller stars Ben Affleck as Nick Dunne, whose wife Amy, played by Rosamund Pike, goes missing on the couple’s fifth wedding anniversary.

The four posters feature a photo from Nick and Amy’s wedding, a red thong, a utility knife and a burnt diary page, all sealed into bags as evidence and aptly titled “Happy Anniversary”.

The studio had previously released a trailer, which featured a hidden viral marketing website called

The first trailer – to Elvis Costello’s “She” – is beautiful and almost just as I imagined it would be when I read the book, which I had trouble putting it down. Watch it below and try to contain your excitement for the next trailer – to be released July 7 – and the film, which is scheduled to hit theatres in Taiwan on October 9, according to IMDb.