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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-07-01 | ![]() |
Mushroom Clothes
Oh, hi everyone. I'm chopping mushrooms for my lunch later.
Mushrooms are a type of fungi. 蘑菇是一種菌類.
There are thousands and thousands of different kinds of mushrooms and fungi!
People are still discovering new kinds. 菌菇類種類成千上萬,陸續還在發現新的.
Some are tasty and safe to eat, some taste horrible, some could make you
really sick, and some even glow in the dark! 有的健康美味, 有的不好吃,
有的有毒, 有的還會發光!
But did you know, people don't just eat them?
Mushrooms and fungi can be used for other things too!
Like medicine. It's true, they've saved thousands of lives!
Some companies now use mushrooms to make soft packaging to keep their things
safe in the mail.
And it's environmentally friendly too!
And now a famous fashion designer is using mushroom leather to make clothes!
Real leather comes from animals, and fake leather isn't good for the
environment, but mushroom leather doesn't hurt animals or the environment!
真皮革來自動物,假皮革損害環境, 而蘑菇皮不會喔!
Who knows, maybe soon we'll all be wearing mushroom jackets and mushroom
boots! 說不定我們以後都穿蘑菇皮鞋跟外套呢!
1. Mushroom蘑菇。These white mushrooms look so cute! 這些白色蘑菇好可愛。
Yeah, but don't ever eat them. 是啊,不過絕對不要吃。 These mushrooms can
make you sick.這些蘑菇會讓你生病。
2. Leather皮革。That's a beautiful leather bag!好漂亮的皮包! Thank you! I
made it myself.
3. Use使用。I haven't seen you use the bag.我沒有見過你用這個包包。 I only
use it on special days.我只有在特別的日子才用。
4. Famous有名的。I need to buy some books for my son.
我需要買一些書給我兒子看。These are some famous children's
Can you remember today's vocabulary? Mushroom蘑菇 leather皮革 use使用
1. What is a mushroom?
a. A type of animal
b. A type of car
c. A type of fungi
2. Can we eat all kinds of mushrooms?
a. Yes, they are all safe to eat
b. No, none of them are safe to eat
c. Some are safe, some will make you sick
3. Mushrooms are now being used for what?
a. To make clothes
b. To make windows
c. To make airplanes
1: c 2:c 3:a
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-09-09 | ![]() |
Mount Etna in Italy Erupts
What do you think about when you think of Italy? 你想到義大利會想到甚麼呢?
Pizza? Pasta? Olive oil? 披薩? 義大利麵? 還是橄欖油呢?
What about volcanoes? 那火山呢?
Yes, volcanoes! Did you know that there are volcanoes in Italy too?
One special volcano in Italy is called Mount Etna. This volcano is special
because right now it is very active! 埃特納火山正在噴發!
Mount Etna has been erupting a lot lately, which means it has been shooting
lava, rocks, and ash into the air. In fact, Mount Etna has already erupted
over 50 times this year! 它今年已經噴發了50多次!
Thankfully, it is not a very strong volcano, so there isn't a lot of lava
coming out of it. This means people who live nearby don't need to be afraid
they will be burned by lava. 還好它不算太強烈,附近的居民不用害怕被岩漿灼傷。
However, the volcano is shooting out a lot of ash. 但是有很多火山灰! A lot of
the ash is falling out of the sky! It must be very hard to keep things clean
if ash is always falling out of the sky! 那麼多的火山灰,一定很難清理吧!
Have you ever seen a volcano up close?
1. Volcano 火山。
Mount Da-tun is a volcano. 大屯山是火山。
There are many hot springs in the area. 那個地區有好多溫泉。
Yes, you often find hot springs near a volcano. 火山附近常常有溫泉。
2. Ash 灰塵。
I have never seen Da-tun shooting ash or lava.
Yes. I think it's sleeping. 對啊,我想它在休眠。
3. Sky 天空。
Ash is falling out of the sky! 灰塵從天上掉下來!
Yeah, what's happening? 是啊,發生了什麼事?
Maybe an earthquake. 也許是地震。
4. Burn 燃燒。
Do you smell that? 你聞到了嗎?
Something is burning! 有東西在燒。
Oh no, it's my fish! 糟糕,是我的魚!
volcano 火山
ash 灰塵
sky 天空
burn 燃燒
1. What is the volcano in this story called?
a. Mount Fuji
b. Mount Rushmore
c. Mount Etna
2. Where is this volcano?
a. Taiwan
b. Hawaii
c. Italy
3. What do the people near the volcano have to worry about?
a. A lot of rocks
b. A lot of lava
c. A lot of ash
1. C
2. C
3. C
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-09-10 | ![]() |
Wash Your Eggs Before You Eat Them
I love eggs. I love eggs no matter how they are cooked. I like eggs fried,
scrambled, hard boiled, and soft boiled.
我喜歡吃雞蛋,不論怎樣的做法都喜歡。Do you like eggs as much as I do?
I eat a lot of eggs, that's why I make sure I prepare them correctly. Because
if you don't prepare eggs correctly, you can get very sick.
You should wash eggs only right before you cook them. 雞蛋應該在煮之前清洗喔!
Don't wash eggs before you put them in the refrigerator!
放在冰箱前不要先洗。Only before you are about to cook them.
This is because eggs have a natural protection on their shells. If you wash
them too early, you wash the protection away, and germs can get into the egg.
But if you wash eggs right before you cook them, germs don't have time to get
into the egg. This means you won't accidentally get sick.
Some people like raw eggs, but experts say that is probably not a good idea.
最好不要吃生的雞蛋,怕有細菌。 And you should always make sure eggs are
completely cooked before you eat them.
Oh well, at least I can still eat scrambled eggs! Yum!
1. Cook 做飯。
Cooking is difficult for me. 對我來說做飯菜很難。
Really? Even cooking eggs or noodles? 真的喔? 即使煮蛋煮麵也是嗎?
Yes. It takes a lot of time. 對啊,很花時間。
2. Boil 水煮。
Maybe you can just boil some eggs. 也許你可以就煮幾個蛋。
It's easy. 那很容易的。
But I hate boiled eggs. 但是我討厭水煮蛋。
3. Sick 生病的。
You will get sick if you keep eating so little. 你總是吃這麼少會生病的。
You know what? I never get sick. 你知道嗎?我從來不生病。
4. Wash 清洗。
My hands are itchy. 我的手好癢。
You've washed your hands too many times. 你洗手太多次了。
These are useful words to learn.
cook 做飯
boil 水煮
sick 生病的
wash 清洗
1. What kind of food is being talked about in this story?
a. Rice
b. Eggs
c. Vegetables
2. What should you do to eggs before you put them in the refrigerator?
a. Wipe them with a dry cloth
b. Wipe them with a damp cloth
c. Cook them
3. When should you wash eggs?
a. Before you cook them
b. Before you put them in the refrigerator
c. After you eat them
1. B
2. A
3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-10-07 | ![]() |
New Taipei Gold Museum Launches Virtual Museum
I am so bored… Because of COVID, I try not to go out that much. If I don't
go to places where there are a lot of people, I may avoid getting sick.
But I miss going out! I miss seeing different things. I miss going to
department stores, I miss concerts, I miss museums.
Luckily, there is one museum that I can visit without even leaving the house!
The New Taipei City Gold Museum has created a "digital museum,"
This means they put the things in their museum online. This way people can
see the things inside the museum through their computers, phones, and
tablets. 用電腦、手機, 跟平板電腦就可以看到博物館裡面的東西。
Their system also lets people explore the museum using virtual reality
technology, 透過虛擬技術,就可以走進博物館! Virtual reality technology makes
it seem like you're really there.
You can also look very closely at some of the things inside the museum by
clicking on them. 只要點一點滑鼠,就可以近距離觀看。That is so convenient!
More museums should do this. 更多博物館應該要這樣做。
1. Convenient 方便的。
You can buy so many things online! 上網可以買好多東西!
It's very convenient, isn't it? 真方便,不是嗎?
2. Digital 數位的。
Everything is digital now. 現在所有東西都數位化了。
Not everything. 並不是所有的東西。
For example, we can't eat digital food. 比如說我們就不能吃數位食物。
3. Look 看。
But you can look at the food and order what you like.
You don't have to go out. 都不必出門。
That's true. 這是真的。
4. Gold 黃金。
I love gold. 我愛黃金。
Who doesn't? 誰不愛呢?
Let's visit the Gold Museum this weekend. 我們這周末去拜訪黃金博物館吧。
Alright. 好啊。
So what have we learned today?
convenient 方便的
digital 數位的
look 看
gold 黃金
1. Where is the museum in this story?
a. New Taipei City
b. Taipei City
c. Tainan City
2. What is the museum called?
a. The Gold Museum
b. The Rock Museum
c. The Virtual Reality Museum
3. What can you use to visit this museum online?
a. Computers, phones, and tablets
b. Computers, phones, and glasses
c. Computers, video games, and earphones
1. A
2. A
3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-10-08 | ![]() |
How Much Exercise You Need After Sitting All Day
I have been sitting for too long. My back hurts, 我的背好痛,I need to stand
up and walk around!
Did you know that sitting too long is not good for your body?
Sitting can be very relaxing, and it feels nice, but if you sit too long, it
is bad for your health! Really!
Scientists have done studies that prove if you sit for hours and hours, you
are hurting your body. 科學家說坐太久會傷害身體。
But a lot of people need to sit for a very long time, for work, or for
school. 但是很多人因為工作或是上課,需要一直坐著。
So scientists say you should try to exercise for about thirty to forty
minutes a day. 每天花三到四十分鐘動一動。This will help keep your body
healthy, even if you are sitting a lot.
Some good ideas for moving around are going for a walk or riding a bike.
These aren't very hard things to do, but it will keep you healthy!
Doing things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, 選擇走樓梯,
不要搭電梯, or doing more chores around the house, 多做一點家事, are also
good ways to keep moving. All of these activities keep your body strong.
That reminds me, I've been so busy talking that I forgot I need to get up and
move around! I'm going for a walk!
1. Move 動作。
You have a bike in your room! 你房間裡有腳踏車!
Yeah, I think better when I'm moving 是的,我動來動去時腦筋比較清楚。
2. Healthy 健康的。
It can certainly help keep you healthy. 對你保持健康一定會有幫助。
Actually it's not enough, 其實這不夠,because I eat a lot of junk food.
3. Body 身體。
Junk food can hurt your body. 垃圾食物可能傷害身體。
But you already knew that. 不過你早就知道這一點。
I do. Don't worry. 我知道,別擔心。
My body is strong. 我身體強壯。
4. Around 周圍。
Where's Emily? Emily在哪裡?
Somewhere around the house. 就在房子附近吧。
She really likes to move around. 她就喜歡到處跑來跑去。
Please read the words after me.
healthy 健康的
body 身體
around 周圍
1. What shouldn't you do for hours and hours?
a. Sit
b. Sing
c. Stare
2. Scientists say people should do how much exercise every day?
a. 3-4 minutes
b. 30-40 minutes
c. 1 minute
3. What is a good way to exercise?
a. Sit some more
b. Sleep
c. Take a walk
1. A
2. B
3. C
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