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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-03-12 | ![]() |
Monkeys Invade Taiwan School!
Sometimes you need to watch out for monkeys… even at school!
A school in Taiwan had a very interesting problem recently. It was attacked
by a bunch of monkeys! 最近有個問題,台灣有學校被一堆猴子攻擊了!
This school, which is in Yunlin County, sometimes gets visits from monkeys.
Usually, it's only a few monkeys. A few monkeys don't really cause a problem.
But when a lot of monkeys show up, that is a huge problem!
Especially if the monkeys are mean to people! 尤其對人很凶的時候。
One day, teachers and students at the school found thirty monkeys at the
school! 有三十隻猴子進到校園!
And they were creating all sorts of trouble.
The monkeys were bothering students and trying to steal their breakfast.
They were also breaking things.
They broke things like some of the school's windows and security cameras.
Nobody knew what to do! Those monkeys were not afraid of people!
Finally, people had to light firecrackers.
The firecrackers made a lot of noise, and scared the monkeys away.
For now, the school will keep lighting firecrackers to keep the monkeys away.
But they really hope they will find a better way to solve their monkey
problem soon!
1) Mean 很兇的。My English teacher asked me many questions today.
我的英文老師今天問我好多問題。Why is she so mean to me? 她為什麼對我那麼兇?
She's not mean. 她不是兇。She just wants your attention. 她只是要你多注意。
2) Noise 噪音。(鳥鳴) Listen to the birds! Isn't it nice?
你聽那些鳥叫,是不是很好聽? No, that's noise to me. 對我來說是噪音。
3) Problem 問題。Is there any way we can solve this problem?
我們有什麼辦法可以解決這個問題? The problem of too many monkeys?
太多猴子的問題嗎? Right! It's a big problem! 對啊,是個大問題。
4) Afraid of 害怕。Are you afraid of dogs, Jane? 你怕狗嗎? Yes, I am. Very
much so.怕,我很怕。How about you? 你呢? No, I'm more afraid of monkeys.
mean 很兇的 noise 噪音 problem 問題 afraid of 害怕
1. What kind of animal attacked the school?
a. Horses
b. Bears
c. Monkeys
2. How many of the animals were there?
a. 3
b. 30
c. 300
3. How did the school get rid of the animals?
a. By lighting firecrackers
b. By shouting loudly
c. By clapping their hands
1. C 2. B 3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-03-15 | ![]() |
An Overpass for Animals
Why did the bear cross the road? To get to the other side, of course!
Have you ever wondered how wild animals cross the road?
你有想過野生動物都怎麼過馬路嗎?Especially if the road is very busy with lots
of cars driving past?
Crossing the street for animals to get to the other side is very dangerous!
They could get hit by passing cars.
野生動物過馬路時很危險,可能會被車撞到。This means it is very dangerous for
drivers as well.
This is why smart people in the U.S. decided to make a special bridge just
for animals.
The bridge goes over a big road.
This way, animals can cross the road without going through busy traffic.
People put plants and rocks on the bridge so animals feel comfortable.
And after a while, it worked! 還真的有用!
Animals started using the bridge to get from one side of the road to the
other. And by using the bridge, they wouldn't get hit by
cars. 動物過馬路走橋上,就不會被車撞到。
Lots of animals use the bridge, like moose, porcupines, deer and bears.
Building that bridge was a very smart thing to do for the animals. Now they
can cross the road peacefully and safely.
1. Bridge 橋梁。English is a bridge to the world. 英語是通往世界的橋樑。I
think a plane ticket is the bridge to the world.
2. Animal 動物。I like national parks because I can see a lot of
animals.我喜歡國家公園,可以看到很多動物。What kind of animals? 什麼樣的動物?
Butterflies and birds.蝴蝶和鳥類。
3. Cross 越過。(河水聲音) We can't cross the river
here.我們不能在這裡渡河。But the bridge is too far away.但是橋太遠了。Maybe
we can cross it on a boat.也許我們可以坐船來渡河。
4. Smart 聰明的。That's a smart idea! 真是個聰明的主意! It's smart only if we
can find a boat.我們只有找到一艘船才算聰明。Look, there IS a boat!
Okay, are you ready to read the words with me?
bridge 橋梁 animal 動物 cross 越過 smart 聰明的
1. What were trying to cross the road in this story?
a. People
b. Aliens
c. Animals
2. What did people decide to do to help?
a. Build a tunnel
b. Build a bridge
c. Build an animals only train
3. Where does this story take place?
a. The U.S.
b. Japan
c. Taiwan
1. C 2. B 3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-04-05 | ![]() |
Plane in Nepal Lands in Wrong City
Ugh! Traffic. I hate traffic. 我最討厭塞車。Right now, I am stuck in a car,
and stuck in traffic. What a horrible travel experience.
This isn't the worst thing that has ever happened to me while I was
traveling, though. My worst experience was being delayed on a plane for over
four hours! 我最糟糕的旅遊經驗是,班機延誤4個小時!
That is probably nothing compared to the bad traveling experience some people
in Nepal had though. In Nepal an airplane accidentally landed in the wrong
place! 班機延誤應該沒有比飛錯城市慘!
Yep, an airplane in Nepal was trying to get to one city. But it accidentally
traveled to another city that was 250 miles away!
尼泊爾有一架飛機,飛到離原本目的地250哩的另一個城市。That is a very, very
long way to go to get to the wrong place!
The plane went to the wrong place because some people had a miscommunication.
飛錯城市的原因是溝通不良, That means someone probably said the wrong thing,
or the pilot understood the wrong thing, and that led to them going to the
wrong place. 可能有人說錯了,或機長理解錯誤。
There were 69 people on the plane, which means 69 people had a really bad day
that day, because they all ended up in the wrong place!
At least they were all safe, but what a bad traveling experience!
What is your worst traveling experience?
1. Wrong 錯誤的。Oh no, I'm on the wrong train! 糟糕,我坐錯車了! Where do
you want to go? 你要去哪裡? Taipei! I have to be in Taipei!
台北,我得去台北。Well, you are indeed going the wrong way.
你確實坐錯方向了。I know! 我知道!
2. Plane 飛機。How many people are taking this plane? 有多少人搭這班飛機?
More than 400.超過四百人。That's a lot of people! 好多人呢! Yeah, and this is
a big plane.是啊,而這是一架大飛機。
3. Place 地方。I'd like to go to a beautiful place for my vacation.
我想去個美美的地方渡假。Kenting Park is a nice place.墾丁公園是個好地方。
4. Travel 旅行。It takes four hours to travel from here to
Singapore.從這裡到新加坡需要四小時。That's okay. I enjoy traveling.
讀單字可以幫助你記憶。Please repeat after me.
wrong 錯誤的 plane 飛機 place 地方 travel 旅行
1. Where did this story take place?
A. Nepal
B. Japan
C. Taiwan
2. What happened to the plane?
A. It went to the wrong city
B. It couldn't take-off
C. It was delayed for a very long time
3. Why did this happen?
A. There was a miscommunication
B. The pilot felt like going somewhere else
C. The passengers got on the wrong plane
1. A 2. A 3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-04-01 | ![]() |
Be Careful in the Mountains
Hiking is so much fun! And it's a good way to exercise. More and more people
in Taiwan are hiking in the mountains… Taiwan has so many mountains… and
there are so many places to go hiking! 台灣有很多山,有些很適合爬山、健行。
But… the Taiwan government says people need to be more careful when they go
hiking in the mountains.
Too many people are getting lost... and too many people are getting hurt.
If you get lost, a helicopter might have to come to find you… it's not easy
to find people with a helicopter. 而且出動直升機在山裡面找人不容易。
And if you get hurt… it might take a long time before they can take you to
the hospital.
The best way to go mountain hiking is with a guide. A guide knows all about
the mountains and can help you not get lost or hurt.
Some people think they are smart enough to go all by themselves. "No
problem... I'll just start hiking... let's go...that way!"
NO! That's a really bad idea!
You need to have the right kind of shoes, you need to have enough water, and
you need to know where you're going... because it's really easy to get lost
when hiking the mountains.
Hiking is great… but be careful!
Hiking on the mountains can be a lot of fun.
1. Hike 健行。I enjoy hiking on Yangmingshan. How about you?
我喜歡到陽明山健行,你呢? I often go hiking along the northeastern coast.
我常常到東北角海邊走路。The view there is amazing! 那兒的景色很棒!
2. Lost 迷路。I sometimes go hiking there at night.
我有時候晚上去那裡健行。You can get lost and fall into the sea.
你有可能迷路,掉進海裡。I never get lost because I have my dog with me.
3. Helicopter 直升機。I'll travel by helicopter. 我會坐直升機去。Wow, a
helicopter ride to Green Island? 哇,搭直升機去綠島嗎? That's so cool!
很酷喔 !
4. Problem 問題。Water will be a big problem. 水會是個很大的問題。I agree.
The river is almost dry. 我同意。這條河都快乾了。
hike 健行 lost 迷路 helicopter 直升機 problem 問題
1. Why should you be careful when hiking in the mountains?
A: Because it's easy to get lost or get hurt
B: Because there are lions
C: Because it's too hot
2. What's the safest way to hike in the mountains?
A: With a guide
B: With a parrot
C: With a smart dog
3. What do they use to find people lost in the mountains?
A: A train
B: A bicycle
C: A helicopter
1: A 2: A 3: C
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-04-09 | ![]() |
72 Hours with 72 Snakes
Snakesssss! Oooooooh... I'm so afraid of snakes. 我超怕蛇的! And snakes can
be very dangerous. A bite from a venomous snake can kill people!
But… snakes aren't trying to bite you. Snakes don't eat people. They only
bite people when they feel afraid. 蛇只有在害怕的時候才會咬人。
Mr. Khaire (Ku-AR-eh) from India, thinks people don't understand snakes. To
show people they shouldn't be afraid, he even stayed in a cage with 72
venomous snakes for 72 hours!
Everyone said "don't do it!"... "It's too dangerous!"... "You could die!"
But Mr. Khaire likes snakes, he says "If you don't try to hurt them...they
won't hurt you!" he said. 他說只要你不惹牠們,就不會傷害你。And he stayed in
the cage for 72 hours.
Some of the snakes even crawled over him, but he gently picked the snakes up
and moved them away.
And guess what? No bites!
Mr. Khaire became famous as "The Snake Man of India", and then he opened a
zoo that has a special "snake park" where people can learn about snakes.
Wow! Cool story! And I think he's right. Snakes don't want to hurt people;
they only bite when they feel afraid.
1. Afraid 害怕。Which animal are you most afraid of? 你最怕什麼動物? I'm most
afraid of spiders.我最怕蜘蛛。But they are so small! 但是蜘蛛很小。They are
big to me. 對我來說他們很大。
2. Bite 咬。Spiders don't bite.蜘蛛不會咬人。You're right. They don't.
3. Famous 有名的。Yilan is famous for its hot springs.宜蘭以溫泉聞名。And
Tainan is famous for its food. 台南則是以美食著稱。
4. Cage 籠子。Why do animals stay in cages at the zoo?
為什麼動物園的動物都待在籠子裡? Many of them stay outside, like
zebras.也有很多待在室外,比如說斑馬。Cages are for smaller animals like
turtles. 籠子是給比較小的動物,例如烏龜。
So are you afraid of snakes, too? 一起讀讀單字吧。
afraid 害怕 bite 咬 famous 有名的 cage 籠子
1. Where is Mr. Khaire from?
A: Indonesia
B: India
C: Iceland
2. Why is Mr. Kharie famous?
A: He ate 25 hamburgers in 25 minutes!
B: He stayed in a cage with 72 snakes for 72 hours!
C: He played with 48 bears for 48 hours!
3. What do we call snakes that are super dangerous?
A: Venomous snakes
B: Silly snakes
C: Snakes and Ladders
1. B 2. B 3. A
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