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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2024-04-03 | ![]() |
Dolls Made for All Kids
Playing with dolls is fun. You can make dolls dance, jump, and fly!
One girl loves dolls. And she has a dream. When she was younger, she was
sick. She was in the hospital a lot. She met kids with disabilities there.
Some kids used wheelchairs. Some had arms without hands. Some had a new leg.
But they didn't have dolls that looked like them.
She wants kids to have dolls that look like them... and move like them! She
wants dolls with disabilities and without disabilities! She thinks they can
help all kids play together.
Well, meet Evie and Max. They're dolls! Evie and Max can move in many ways.
Their elbows and knees can bend. Their fingers and toes can move!
新推出的娃娃 Evie
Because of the girl's dream, a company makes dolls with and without
disabilities! Every kid is different, so every doll is different.
The company uses 3D printers to make many different dolls. 3D printers turn
the girl's dream into real dolls!
這間公司使用 3D 列印製作不同的娃娃,實現女孩的夢想。
Now all kids can play together with dolls that look and move like them!
1. jump 跳
Why are you jumping around like that? 你做什麼跳來跳去?
I'm trying out new dance moves. 我在試跳新的舞步。
without 沒有
It's all about using my knees and toes. 主要是用膝蓋跟腳趾。
Ha, you look like you're trying to fly without wings!
knee 膝蓋
You've got to use your imagination! 你得用一點想像力 !
Come join me. 來跟我一起跳吧!
No, no, no, I can't bend my knees like that. 不不不,我不能那樣彎膝蓋。
dance 跳舞
Yes, you can! 你可以的。
Anyone can dance.任何人都可以跳舞。
Let's do it together. 我們來一起跳。
Okay, but don't laugh if I look
Do you dance?
1. What does the girl love?
a. Dancing
b. Dolls
c. Elbows
2. What can Evie and Max do?
a. Sing short songs
b. Drink milk
c. Bend their knees
3. What is the girl's dream for all kids to do?
a. Play together
b. Use 3D printers
c. Move in many ways
1. b
2. c
3. a
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2024-04-05 | ![]() |
Rocking Confidence
Do you want to be a rock star? Imagine... you're on a stage. The lights are
bright. You're playing a guitar. How scary! But how exciting!
That's what happened to some women. They joined a women's rock camp. People
join camps to learn things. At this camp, the women learned how to play rock
music and sing rock songs!
Some women were shy. But they tried many new things! They became brave!
They did these things again and again. They helped each other. They became
good at these things. They became confident!
On the last day, they gave a big concert! One woman was a little scared at
first. But she knew she was good. She was confident! She went on the stage.
She sang very well!
The camp taught the women how to play music and sing. They did new things and
became brave and confident! You can do new things too! Be brave! Be
confident! And one day, you can be a rock star... or anything you want!
1. play 彈奏
Do you know how to play music? 你會彈奏音樂嗎?
Like playing the piano? 比如說彈鋼琴?
No, I don't.我不會。
2. sing 唱歌
Do you sing? 你唱歌嗎?
Good, I need you to join our concert. 很好,我需要你加入我們的音樂會。
Me? I sing like a frog! 我?我唱歌像青蛙叫!
3. learn 學習
That's okay. Just move your mouth. 沒關係,你只要動動嘴巴。
You can learn that, right? 那你學得會吧?
Yeah, but why me? 可以,但是為什麼找我?
4. brave 勇敢的
I need someone that's brave enough.我需要夠勇敢的人。
To stand on the stage? 好站在舞台上?
To sing and dance with us.好跟我們一起唱歌跳舞。
But I can't dance! 可是我不會跳舞!
Do you play the guitar or drums? 我們來讀單字。
1. What kind of camp did the women join?
a. Rock
b. Star
c. Dance
2. What did the women become at the camp?
a. Shy
b. Scary
c. Confident
3. What did they do on the last day?
a. Play with rocks
b. Study stars
c. Give a concert
1. a
2. c
3. c
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2024-04-19 | ![]() |
Gambian Photographer Works for Her Dreams
Narrator: One, two, three, say cheese! Do you like taking photos? You can
take photos of people, places, food … anything you want! People who take
photos are photographers.
A young photographer loves taking photos of soccer games. She's from the
Gambia. Her dream is to be a sports photographer for the Gambia.
One day, she got a big chance. There was a men's soccer competition in
another country. Teams from many African countries were playing. The Gambian
team wanted her to work at the competition. For a short time, she was a
sports photographer for the Gambia!
A few women photographers and many men photographers were there too. But she
was easy to see.
Photographer: I need my light pink headscarf and all of my brightest clothes.
She worked hard. She took amazing photos. Everyone loved them!
Now she has a bigger dream. She wants to go to the world's biggest soccer
competition! She wants to be the Gambia's sports photographer there!
This young photographer works hard to make her dreams come true. If you work
hard, you can make your dreams come true too!
1. come true 實現
What's your dream, Paz? 你的夢想是什麼?
Opening up a bakery! 開一家麵包店!
Wow, that sounds great! 聽起來真棒!
When do you think it will come true? 你覺得什麼時候會實現?
2. hard 辛苦地
Maybe in five years.也許五年之內。
You'll have to work hard. 你得努力工作。
Yeah, I'll need to get up early every day. 是啊,我需要每天早起。
3. bright 鮮豔的
But you'll make bright, beautiful and delicious
I'll make nice and soft bread too.我還會做柔軟的麵包。
4. biggest 最大的
My biggest dream is to have my own big room. 我最大的夢想是有自己的大房間。
With books, plants, and a big globe! 裡面有書,植物跟一個大地球儀。
What's your dream, everyone?
come true實現
1. What does the young photographer like taking photos of?
a. Food
b. Clothes
c. Soccer
2. Where is the Gambia?
a. Africa
b. Asia
c. Europe
3. What does the photographer wear that makes her easy to see?
a. Green shoes
b. A pink headscarf
c. A yellow hat
1. c
2. a
3. b
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2024-12-02 | ![]() |
Transgender Teacher Wins Excellent Teacher Award
A math teacher from Chiayi has won an excellent teacher award. She is the
first transgender person to win!
When we are born, a doctor looks at us. The doctor says
(doctor's voice) "It's a boy!" or "It's a girl!"
But later, some boys feel like a girl. Some girls feel like a boy. The
feeling doesn't go away.
When this teacher was born, her doctor said she was a boy. She looked like a
boy. But later, the teacher felt like a girl in a boy's body. That's because
the teacher is transgender.
As a child, the teacher didn't tell anyone how she felt. She worried people
would laugh at her. She worried they wouldn't believe her.
As an adult, the teacher told everyone how she felt. Her friends and family
were happy for her! But she worried about her job. Then she found her
students and their parents were happy for her too!
This teacher teaches math. But she also helps transgender people understand
their feelings. She helps students and other teachers too.
She really is an excellent teacher!
1. look like 看起來像。
Do I look like a panda? 我看起來像不像熊貓?
With the dark circles under your eyes? 因為你的黑眼圈嗎?
No, you have no fur. 不像,你沒有皮毛。
2. feel 感覺。
Good! I've only had 2 hours of sleep. 真好。我只睡了兩個鐘頭。
I feel like I could fall asleep any time. 我覺得隨時都會睡著。
3. understand 了解。
Watching TV series again? 你又在追劇?
Yeah, I just couldn't stop.對,就是停不下來。
I totally understand. 我完全了解。
4. girl 女孩。
I've been watching a program about a boy and two girls.
I can't stop either. 我也停不下來。
look like看起來像 feel感覺 understand了解 girl女孩
1. What does the teacher teach?
a. English
b. Science
c. Math
2. What award did the teacher win?
a. An excellent teacher award
b. A best friend award
c. A family award
3. What is the teacher now?
a. A baby
b. A boy
c. A transgender person
1. c
2. a
3. c
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News Bites 國中 | Posted on 2019-09-10 | ![]() |
Good afternoon, and welcome to today's episode of News Bites!
I'm Philip Brossard, and I'm Eric Gau
First up, we talk about how a sweet fruit brought a herd of customers to a
store in Taipei over the weekend.
Then we learn about Mexicans standing up to fight for the safety of women in
their country.
And finally, we hear of an idea here in Taiwan to make some train cars into
spaces where people can bring their pets along for the ride.
Stay tuned to hear all about it.
Customers Rush to Buy Imported Mangosteens 人潮湧向市場買山竹
Customers in Taipei lined up Sunday morning to buy the first mangosteens 山竹
imported into Taiwan in 16 years.
To import, 進口, means to buy products or materials from another country.
The government stopped imports of Thai mangosteens in 2003 because of fruit
fly 果蠅 problems.
But after meeting related quarantine 隔離檢疫 requirements, that import ban
was lifted in April this year.
Quarantine is when you keep something away from other things to protect them.
The first batch 第一批 of mangosteens was sold only at one store in Neihu
Even before the store opened, a long line of over 100 customers had formed
People were given numbers and each one was limited 受限 to two boxes of
"To be limited" means to have only a certain amount of power to do something.
Mexicans March to Demand Justice for Violence Against Women
Hundreds of women have taken to the streets 走上街頭 of Mexico City to demand
justice for themselves.
"To take to the streets" is an expression that means to gather in protest.
They are fighting for young girls and countless 無數 women who have been
attacked, murdered, or gone missing.
"Countless" means there are so many of something that it is hard to know the
exact number.
Mexico is one of the most dangerous countries in the world to be a female.
The coordinator of a Mexican group against femicide 殺害婦女 says Sunday's
march was to point out the government's inability 無能 to prevent, to attend
to or to punish this violence.
"Femicide" is a special word that means to kill women. "Fem" means women and
"-icide" means to kill.
Petition for Pet-Friendly Train Cars Takes Off 開放寵物友善車廂連署
A petition in support of pet-friendly train cars is taking off.
Thousands of people have signed on to the proposal on a government suggestion
Friendly, 友善, means to be good to someone or something.
Pet friendly, 寵物友善, generally refers to stores or public spaces that
allow people to bring their pets, or that have special services for pets.
The proposal lays out several suggestions, including allowing small pets on
trains as long as they are in strollers, that pets be charged half-price or
have a special pet ticket, and that the owners must carry their pet's
registration and rabies vaccination information on them.
The cars should also be clearly marked as pet-friendly ones so that people
who don't like animals or are allergic to them will know not to enter.
The petition has gathered nearly 3 thousand signatures in ten days.
It requires 5 thousand within 60 days to get an official response.
Now to review what we've learned today.
Taiwan's first mangosteens 山竹 in over 10 years caused a massive line up at
a store this weekend.
The tropical fruit from Thailand were banned after it was found they had
problems with fruit flies 果蠅.
But they started importing 進口 mangosteens again after meeting requirements
for quarantine 隔離檢疫.
"To import" means to buy things from another country.
Quarantine is when you keep something away from other things to protect them.
Second, women in Mexico took to the streets 走上街頭 to protect women.
"To take to the streets" means to gather in a group to say an opinion on
Mexico is one of the most dangerous places in the world to be a women.
These women want the government to do more to protect women from femicide
"Femicide" is a special word that means to kill women.
Lastly, people in Taiwan are calling for pet-friendly train cars.
Friendly, 友善, means to be good to someone or something.
So here, "pet-friendly" means to make trains that are suitable for pets.
They want train cars where people can bring their pets with them if they meet
certain requirements.
If enough people sign up for this idea, the government will have to talk
about it and make a decision.
And that's it for today!
Catch you all again tomorrow for another episode of News Bites.
主播每周一問Have Your Say
This week, we want you to have your say about school uniforms.
School uniforms have been part of the Taiwan education system for a long
Some believe they help students feel like a part of the school, but some say
they are more harmful than helpful.
Do you think schools should have uniforms for students?
Record your message and send it to with your name and
age, and if you like, the name of your school.
And you might hear your message on our show on Friday.
News Bites Special-Have Your Say!聽聽你怎麼說!
同學們!最近你有聽到任何趣聞(fun fact)、笑話或者有趣的新聞嗎?
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