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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2024-06-17 | ![]() |
The Kid Teacher
A young girl was inspired by her older brother and sister. They were doing
very well in school. She became excited about doing well in school too!
The girl became the youngest student at her university. Her classmates didn't
know she was 13. She felt like a secret superhero! She studied hard to be a
teacher. She finished university when she was 15!
But… she wanted to teach. She didn't want her parents to drive her to work.
She wanted to drive. But she had to be 16 to get a driver's license.
The girl got her driver's license and started teaching. At 16, she's the
youngest teacher in the U.S.!
She teaches Grade 3. She makes her classes fun! She asks her students to try
new things. She tells them to think about what they can do, not what they
can't do.
Her students don't think she's a kid. They see her talking with other
teachers. They see her driving.
This young teacher inspires her students. They try to do and be the best they
can. Who inspires you?
1. student 學生
I told my students a joke. 我跟學生講了一個笑話。
But they didn't laugh. 可是他們都沒笑。
What was the joke? 什麼笑話?
"How does the ocean say hello? It waves." 海洋如何說哈囉? 它揮揮手。
2. teach 教學
Maybe you need to teach the word "wave" first. 也許你得先教「海浪」這個字。
I think so, too. 我也覺得。
3. youngest 最年輕
But Annie, my youngest student, asked me to explain.
She's only 9. 她只有九歲。
4. class 班級
A 9-year-old in your grade-6 class? 九歲上你六年級的班?
Yeah, and she's doing very well. 對,而且她表現很好。
1. Who inspired the girl?
a. Her older brother
b. Her best friend
c. A superhero
2. How old was the girl when she became a teacher?
a. Thirteen
b. Fifteen
c. Sixteen
3. What does the teacher tell her students to think about?
a. What they can do
b. What they can't do
c. How to have fun
1. a
2. c
3. a
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2024-06-26 | ![]() |
This Election King Loses But Wins
This is the world's biggest election year! But what's an election?
An election is when a group of people say who they want for their leaders.
Maybe the leaders are for their city or country.
People vote to say who they want. The person who gets the most votes is the
This year, Taiwan had a big election. Some people wanted to be leaders. They
ran for election. People voted. Now we have a new president, President Lai!
India had a big election too. Many people ran for election! They wanted to
win! But one man didn't want to win…
A repairman has run for election 239 times. In India, people pay to run in an
election. This man has paid more than $3 million Taiwan dollars!
He hasn't won. But that's okay! He wants people to see that anyone can run
for election. And he wants people to see that it's okay to lose.
People call this man the "Election King." Maybe he's the real winner!
1. vote 投票。
Have you made up your mind? 你拿定主意了嗎?
About whom to vote for? 要投給誰嗎?
Yes. 對。
Of course I have.我當然決定好了。I'll be voting for the youngest people.
2. election 選舉。
Not many young people run for elections. 年輕人競選的不多。
You're wrong. 你錯了。Many of them are interested in
3. leader 領袖。
But look at those world leaders. 但是你看看那些世界領袖。Many are older, even
beyond 70。很多都老老的,甚至超過七十歲。
Wrong again. 你又錯了。
4. win 贏得。
Canada's Justin Trudeau is young and handsome. 加拿大總理杜魯道年輕又帥氣。
That's different! 那不一樣! His family was in politics.他來自政治家庭。
我們一起來讀單字。vote投票 election選舉 leader領袖 win贏得
1. How do people say what they want in elections?
a. They vote.
b. They run.
c. They win.
2. Who is President Lai?
a. An Indian repairman
b. India's new president
c. Taiwan's new president
3. What does the Election King want to show people?
a. Anybody can run.
b. Losing is bad.
c. He has money.
1. a
2. c
3. a
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News Bites 國中 | Posted on 2019-09-10 | ![]() |
Good afternoon, and welcome to today's episode of News Bites!
I'm Philip Brossard, and I'm Eric Gau
First up, we talk about how a sweet fruit brought a herd of customers to a
store in Taipei over the weekend.
Then we learn about Mexicans standing up to fight for the safety of women in
their country.
And finally, we hear of an idea here in Taiwan to make some train cars into
spaces where people can bring their pets along for the ride.
Stay tuned to hear all about it.
Customers Rush to Buy Imported Mangosteens 人潮湧向市場買山竹
Customers in Taipei lined up Sunday morning to buy the first mangosteens 山竹
imported into Taiwan in 16 years.
To import, 進口, means to buy products or materials from another country.
The government stopped imports of Thai mangosteens in 2003 because of fruit
fly 果蠅 problems.
But after meeting related quarantine 隔離檢疫 requirements, that import ban
was lifted in April this year.
Quarantine is when you keep something away from other things to protect them.
The first batch 第一批 of mangosteens was sold only at one store in Neihu
Even before the store opened, a long line of over 100 customers had formed
People were given numbers and each one was limited 受限 to two boxes of
"To be limited" means to have only a certain amount of power to do something.
Mexicans March to Demand Justice for Violence Against Women
Hundreds of women have taken to the streets 走上街頭 of Mexico City to demand
justice for themselves.
"To take to the streets" is an expression that means to gather in protest.
They are fighting for young girls and countless 無數 women who have been
attacked, murdered, or gone missing.
"Countless" means there are so many of something that it is hard to know the
exact number.
Mexico is one of the most dangerous countries in the world to be a female.
The coordinator of a Mexican group against femicide 殺害婦女 says Sunday's
march was to point out the government's inability 無能 to prevent, to attend
to or to punish this violence.
"Femicide" is a special word that means to kill women. "Fem" means women and
"-icide" means to kill.
Petition for Pet-Friendly Train Cars Takes Off 開放寵物友善車廂連署
A petition in support of pet-friendly train cars is taking off.
Thousands of people have signed on to the proposal on a government suggestion
Friendly, 友善, means to be good to someone or something.
Pet friendly, 寵物友善, generally refers to stores or public spaces that
allow people to bring their pets, or that have special services for pets.
The proposal lays out several suggestions, including allowing small pets on
trains as long as they are in strollers, that pets be charged half-price or
have a special pet ticket, and that the owners must carry their pet's
registration and rabies vaccination information on them.
The cars should also be clearly marked as pet-friendly ones so that people
who don't like animals or are allergic to them will know not to enter.
The petition has gathered nearly 3 thousand signatures in ten days.
It requires 5 thousand within 60 days to get an official response.
Now to review what we've learned today.
Taiwan's first mangosteens 山竹 in over 10 years caused a massive line up at
a store this weekend.
The tropical fruit from Thailand were banned after it was found they had
problems with fruit flies 果蠅.
But they started importing 進口 mangosteens again after meeting requirements
for quarantine 隔離檢疫.
"To import" means to buy things from another country.
Quarantine is when you keep something away from other things to protect them.
Second, women in Mexico took to the streets 走上街頭 to protect women.
"To take to the streets" means to gather in a group to say an opinion on
Mexico is one of the most dangerous places in the world to be a women.
These women want the government to do more to protect women from femicide
"Femicide" is a special word that means to kill women.
Lastly, people in Taiwan are calling for pet-friendly train cars.
Friendly, 友善, means to be good to someone or something.
So here, "pet-friendly" means to make trains that are suitable for pets.
They want train cars where people can bring their pets with them if they meet
certain requirements.
If enough people sign up for this idea, the government will have to talk
about it and make a decision.
And that's it for today!
Catch you all again tomorrow for another episode of News Bites.
主播每周一問Have Your Say
This week, we want you to have your say about school uniforms.
School uniforms have been part of the Taiwan education system for a long
Some believe they help students feel like a part of the school, but some say
they are more harmful than helpful.
Do you think schools should have uniforms for students?
Record your message and send it to with your name and
age, and if you like, the name of your school.
And you might hear your message on our show on Friday.
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News Bites 文字檔 (國中) | Posted on 2022-03-29 | ![]() |
Hello everybody, and welcome to a new episode of News Bites!
I'm Trevor Tortomasi...
And I'm Ryan Drillsma.
In today's news:
The last "English Schweitzer" teacher leaves Taiwan, a potato isn't a potato,
and Ukrainian circus performers find home in Hungary.
All that and more, coming up next.
最後一個 「英語史懷哲」老師離開金門
Last "English Schweitzer" Teacher Leaves Kinmen
Andrew Steward was 23 when he and his younger brother Lucas moved to Kinmen
to teach English.
The two of them were recruited by the English Schweitzer social welfare
program in 2004.
Now, he is moving back to the U.S. after 18 years.
Although the English Schweitzer program ended in 2013, Andrew continued to
teach in Kinmen.
雖然「英語史懷哲」計畫2013 年結束,但 史安竹 繼續留在金門教書。
While in Taiwan he met his wife who is also from America and they had a
They will move back to their home state of Ohio in the Midwest (中西部).
Originally, they planned to stay in Taiwan for at least four more years.
But they changed their mind last summer, when they visited their hometown
They saw their daughter adapt (適應) to life in the U.S. very well.
The principal (校長) of Andrew's school said everyone was sad to see him
Andrew said he appreciated (感謝) being accepted by the people of Kinmen.
And he loved the island's natural beauty.
After the pandemic is over he plans to bring his wife and daughter back to
visit Kinmen.
破紀錄的馬鈴薯 不是馬鈴薯
Record-Breaking Potato Isn't a Potato
A husband and wife in New Zealand found an eight-kilogram potato in their
garden last year.
They gave the potato the name "Doug" and he became famous.
The couple thought the giant potato broke the world record, so they contacted
the Guinness Book of World Records.
They sent some of the potato to Guinness, to confirm (確認) their record.
But after several months they got some bad news...
Doug was not a potato, after all!
Guinness said they had found the tuber (塊莖) of a gourd (葫蘆).
They used a DNA test to confirm Doug's species (種類).
Unfortunately, Guinness disqualified (取消資格) Doug because it isn't a
So, the record for the biggest potato hasn't been broken yet.
The current record holder is still a potato that was found in Britain in 2011.
That potato weighed over 5 kilograms.
The couple are disappointed (失望), but they will try to break the record
again next year.
And this time, it will definitely be a potato!
烏克蘭馬戲團成員 在匈牙利找到家
Ukrainian Circus Performers Find Home in Hungary
There is still a lot of danger (危險) in Ukraine right now.
Most people in Ukraine are staying in their country, but there are also many
people fleeing (逃離) to other countries nearby.
And now, two Hungarian circus schools have opened their doors to Ukrainian
There was a group of around 100 students, who left their homes in Ukraine, to
find safety (安全).
They are between the ages of 5 and 20 years old, and they are from the cities
of Kyiv and Kharkiv.
The city of Budapest and one of the schools arranged for students to come to
the country of Hungary.
That group of Ukrainian students will be provided with food and housing.
And they will be able to continue their training (訓練) at the schools in
We can be grateful that there are so many people ready to help those people
in need!
So in today's news bites:
The last English teacher from a social welfare program has left Kinmen.
Andrew Steward and his family moved back to their home state of Ohio.
He lived in Taiwan for 18 years and he appreciated being accepted by the
people of Kinmen.
A couple in New Zealand found a giant potato, which they named Doug.
It weighed 8 kilograms, so they thought it broke the world record.
But after Guinness did a DNA test on Doug, they found out it was not a
potato, so it was disqualified!
Two Hungarian circus schools have opened their doors to Ukrainian students.
Around 100 students had to leave their homes in Ukraine, because of the war
in their country.
They will be given food and housing, and will continue their training.
And that's today's episode of News Bites!
Have Your Say
This week, we want you to have your say about acting in a movie.
Watching TV and movies can be fun and relaxing. But have you ever thought…
wow, this movie is so cool! I wish I was in it! Action, adventure, comedy and
There are lots of different movies out there, but if you could choose one
movie to be in, which would it be, and why?
Record your message and send it to with your name and
age, and if you like, the name of your school.
Make sure to send us your recording by Thursday at noon, and you might hear
your message on our show on Friday!
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News Bites 文字檔 (國中) | Posted on 2022-04-19 | ![]() |
Hi there, and welcome to a new episode of News Bites!
I'm Nancy Sun...
And I'm Trevor Tortomasi.
In today's news:
What you need to know about voting, fans celebrate National Unicorn Day, and
Spot, the Robot dog of Pompeii.
All that and more, coming up next.
What You Need to Know About Voting
The right to vote (投票權) is important in any democracy (民主社會) .
Citizens (公民) who are old enough can vote.
They decide who will be a part of the government.
In Taiwan, voters cast ballots (選票) to decide who gets to be the president,
and the vice president.
They also vote for members of the Legislative Yuan, city mayors and county
magistrates, and city council members.
In some countries around the world, people can vote starting from when they
are 18 years old.
Right now, the voting age in Taiwan is 20 years old.
The Legislative Yuan (立法院) has voted to change that.
Lawmakers passed a constitutional amendment (憲法修正案) changing Taiwan's
age of voting from 20 to 18.
Before the amendment was passed, many students went to the Legislative Yuan
to show the lawmakers that they want this change.
And it passed with no opposition.
When that change happens, that would make Taiwan like many other democracies
around the world.
But the amendment still has a long way to go.
The change still has to be passed in a referendum (公投).
No one has said when the referendum might be.
But many think that it will be held in November.
That's when local and regional elections (地方選舉) take place.
If that amendment is passed, that means that an 18-year-old will be able to
It also means an 18-year-old can be elected (勝選) to hold public office.
Fans Celebrate National Unicorn Day
April 9th is not just any day.
It is a magical day, especially for people who like unicorns (獨角獸).
It is National Unicorn Day (獨角獸節)!
Unicorns are beautiful horses with a horn (角) coming out of their forehead
Unicorns are mythical (神話的) animals, which means they don't exist (不存在).
Yet, millions of years ago, scientists say there was a "Siberian unicorn".
It didn't really look like the unicorns we see in movies, or on clothes,
bags, and toys today.
The Siberian unicorn was about 2.5 meters tall.
Scientists think the animals are the ancestors (祖先) of today's rhinoceros
In fact, they look like big rhinos, with long brown fur.
And they also have a big horn on their noses.
Scientists believe the Siberian unicorn ate grass, and went extinct (絕種) a
long time ago.
Back to modern day, National Unicorn Day is not a real public holiday.
So that means people do not get time off from school or work.
But people that celebrate (慶祝) National Unicorn Day like to make pancakes
or cupcakes.
These pancakes or cupcakes often have lots of glitter and sparkles
They also make cookies in the shape of unicorns.
They even spend time watching movies with unicorns in them.
In case you're wondering, unicorns aren't the only magical creatures that
have their own special day.
January 16th is "Appreciate a Dragon Day".
June 24th is "International Fairy Day".
And December 5th is "Krampus Night" (聖誕妖怪之夜).
Meet Spot, the Robot dog of Pompeii
The ancient ruins (遺跡) of Pompeii (龐貝城) have a new dog.
His name is Spot.
But Spot is no ordinary dog.
Spot is a robot.
Spot has an important job.
Tomb raiders (盜墓者) sometimes steal things from Pompeii.
Spot checks tunnels built by tomb raiders, to keep them out.
The robot dog also helps find places in Pompeii that are falling apart
He lets officials know that these places have to be fixed.
Spot also helps collect data (資料) about Pompeii.
Experts (專家) worry that Pompeii is not well cared for.
Officials hope Spot will change that.
So, in today's News Bites:
Democracies around the world get to choose the people they want to work in
Taiwan gets to do that too.
Now the government is hoping the people will allow the law to be changed, so
that people can begin voting when they turn 18.
April 9th is a special day for unicorn lovers.
That's when the world gets to celebrate National Unicorn Day.
Unicorn fans mark the day by making cakes and cookies, with bright colors and
Officials in Italy are using a robot dog to help them monitor the ancient
site of Pompeii.
The robot dog named Spot helps archaeologists by identifying and recording
data from places that might need fixing.
Researchers have complained that the ancient volcanic site is not well cared
And that's today's episode of News Bites!
Have Your Say
This week, we want you to have your say about time travel.
It's fun to learn about the past and what life was like back then. It's also
fun to imagine what the future will be like, and how very different our lives
might be. But what if you could really see for yourself?
If you had a time machine, and could go anywhere in time, where would you go?
Record your message and send it to with your name and
age, and if you like, the name of your school.
Make sure to send us your recording by Thursday at noon, and you might hear
your message on our show on Friday!
News Bites Special-Have Your Say!聽聽你怎麼說!
同學們!最近你有聽到任何趣聞(fun fact)、笑話或者有趣的新聞嗎?
趕快用英語錄下你的 30 秒回答,Email 到, 詳細投稿方式請參考:,你的回答內容就有可能在週五節目中 Live 播出,還有機會獲得 ICRT 精選禮品哦!