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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-09-16 | ![]() |
Keeping Taiwan's Coastline Clean
The last time I was at this beach, it was covered in garbage! There was so
much garbage I couldn't even walk along the water.
There were glass bottles, old boxes, and a lot of plastic garbage. Those are
not things that should be on a beach.
Some experts say as much as 150,000 bags of garbage can be found on Taiwan's
coastlines every year.
That is about 650 tons worth of garbage. Do you know how much 650 tons
weighs? That's the weight of about 160 full grown Asian elephants!
That's why it is so important for people to volunteer to clean all the
garbage up! If we don't help keep our coastlines clean, we won't be able to
go to the beach and play in the water.
Tomorrow, September 17th, is Coastal Cleanup Day.
And I am going to spend the day volunteering to pick up garbage that I see on
the beach!
If everyone helps out a little, it shouldn't be too hard for all of us to
keep Taiwan's coastlines clean.
1. beach 海灘
Let's go to the beach on Sunday. 我們星期天去海灘吧。
No, it's too hot. 不去,太熱。
Let's leave at 5 PM. 我們五點出發。
And watch the sunset on the beach. 然後到海灘看夕陽。
2. clean 乾淨的
The beach is often dirty. 海灘常常很髒。
No, it's clean now. 不,現在很乾淨。
People picked up the garbage last weekend, remember?
3. pick up 撿起來
See, it's so nice here! 看吧,這裡很舒服吧!
Yeah, if you pick up all these bottles. 是啊,要是你把這些瓶子都撿起來的話。
4. garbage 垃圾
I can't believe there's already so much garbage. 真不敢相信又這麼多垃圾了。
beach 海灘
clean 乾淨的
pick up 撿起來
garbage 垃圾
1. How much garbage ends up on Taiwan's coastline every year?
A: 150,000 bags worth
B: 1,500 bags worth
C: 150 bags worth
2. About how much does all that garbage weigh?
A: 650 kilograms
B: 650 grams
C: 650 tons
3. When is Coastal Cleanup Day?
A: Tomorrow
B: Today
C: It passed this year already
1. A
2. C
3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-09-22 | ![]() |
California Says No to Gas Cars
Today is World Car Free Day! It's a time when some people stop driving their
cars for a whole day.
Cars make a lot of pollution. There are lots of other ways to stop cars from
making so much pollution. Like in California… they want to stop selling gas
cars by 2035.
California won't stop selling all cars. They will just stop selling cars that
use gas, which make lots of pollution. They will still sell cars that use
electricity, of course.
Other states in America also want to ban the sale of gas cars. This means the
air in these places will be cleaner.
And now, Taiwan says it wants to ban the sale of gas cars too! Wow! That's
great. Taiwan won't stop selling them as soon as California, though. Taiwan
plans to stop selling gas cars by 2040. That's five years later than
Try walking home today, or taking the MRT! Have a happy and healthy World Car
Free Day everybody!
1. sell 賣
Do they sell electric bikes here? 他們這裡有賣電動腳踏車嗎?
I think so. 我想有吧。
They're also selling cute little bikes for children.
2. stop 停止
People really should stop driving gas cars. 大家真的應該停止駕駛用汽油的車。
I'm driving a scooter. 我是用摩托車。
An electric one? 是電動的嗎?
Oh, yes. 是的。
3. drive 駕駛
Do you enjoy driving? 你喜歡開車嗎?
I do. 喜歡。
I feel free when driving. 我開車的時候覺得很自由。
4. ban 禁止
In Saudi Arabia, they ban women from driving. 沙烏地阿拉伯禁止女性開車。
Not anymore. 現在不會了。
The ban is over. 禁令結束了。
sell 賣
stop 停止
drive 駕駛
ban 禁止
1. What happens on World Car Free Day?
A: Some people stop selling cars
B: Some people stop buying cars
C: Some people stop driving cars
2. Where do they want to stop selling gas cars?
A: California
B: France
C: India
3. When do they want to stop selling gas cars?
A: By next August
B: By 2035
C: By 2040
1. C
2. A
3. B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-10-03 | ![]() |
Milestone in Ocean Clean Up
Do you know what a "milestone" is? In Chinese, it's 【里程碑】.
There are many kinds of milestones. When you become 18 years old, that's a
milestone. When you get your first job, that's a milestone. And, if you get
married or have a baby, those are milestones, too.
Today, I want to talk about a different kind of milestone. This one is about
plastic. The milestone is about cleaning up a lot of plastic in the ocean.
First, I need to tell you about something called the Great Pacific Garbage
Patch. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a really big pile of plastic
floating in the ocean. Most of that plastic is in very small pieces. It can
hurt fish and other animals in the ocean.
Some people are trying very hard to clean up the plastic from the ocean. One
of these people is a man named Boyan Slat. He made a special type of machine
to clean up plastic from the ocean.
一個叫做 Boyan Slat 做了一台清理塑膠的機器。
This year, his machine hit a milestone. It cleaned up 220,000 pounds of
plastic from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. That's almost the same weight
as a blue whale, the biggest animal on earth!
Wow! Congratulations!
1. get married 結婚
Tom says he's getting married when he's 21. 湯姆說他要21歲時結婚。
But he's only 10 now! 但是他現在才十歲!
2. try 努力
Well, he says he'll try hard to save money. 他說他要努力存錢。
How much has he saved? 他存了多少了?
About one hundred NT. 大約一百塊吧。
He has to try harder. 他得再努力一點。
3. milestone 里程碑
I think for him, 1,000 NT would be a milestone.
That shouldn't be too hard. 那應該沒那麼困難。
4. job 工作
Maybe he can get a job. 也許他可以找個工作。
He's too young to have a real job. 他太小了,不能真的去工作。
He can water my plants. 他可以幫我的植物澆水。
These are very useful words.
get married 結婚
try 努力
milestone 里程碑
job 工作
1. What is a milestone?
A: An important day
B: A heavy rock
C: A kind of shoe
2. What is 'The Great Pacific Garbage Patch'?
A: A small pile of floating trash
B: A breed of dog
C: A big pile of floating trash
3. What did Boyan Slat do?
A: Made a machine to clean the ocean
B: Named 'The Great Pacific Garbage Patch'
C: Weighed a Blue Whale
1. A
2. C
3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-10-05 | ![]() |
Teen Makes New Electric Motor
Look at that bus! It looks really cool! And it's so quiet!
Do you know why it's so quiet? It's an electric bus. It uses an electric
Electric motors are great! They don't make all that smelly smoke that's bad
for the air… and bad for people, too.
But, there is one problem with electric motors. An electric motor needs some
very special things inside it to make it work.
Electric motors need special metals, and other things that you can only find
by digging in the ground.
And, there isn't enough of those things in the ground for the future... one
day they will all be gone, and then how will we make electric motors?
Well, guess what? A 17-year-old student in America may have found the answer.
His name is Robert.
Robert is working on a new way to make electric motors that don't need any
special metals! And scientists say his idea could work!
美國一個叫做 Robert 的學生,在研究一種不用特別的金屬,就可以做電動馬達的方法!
That's amazing! Robert is only 17 years-old, but he's already changing the
What would you like to make? Maybe one day you will have an idea that can
change the world too! You could build an even better motor, or a cool new
1. world 世界
Can you name 2 things that changed the world? 你能說出兩種改變世界的東西嗎?
Sure, computers and cellphones. 當然,電腦和手機。
That's true. We used pen and paper before. Not anymore.
2. work 工作
What if your computer doesn't work? 要是你的電腦不中用怎麼辦?
I'll just have to go to bed. You? 那我只好上床睡覺了。你呢?
I'll get it fixed right away. 我會馬上找人修理。
3. special 特別的
I know someone special who can fix computers. 我認識很特別的人會修電腦。
Lucky you! I don't have such a special friend.
4. electric 電動的
Yes, he knows a lot about electric things. 他對電器懂很多。
world 世界
work 工作
special 特別的
electric 電動的
1. How old is Robert?
A: 170 years-old
B: 17 years-old
C: 70 years-old
2. What did Robert make?
A: A new kind of electric motor
B: A new spaceship
C: A new flying motorcycle
3. Why are electric motors better?
A: They don't make bad smoke
B: They are super heavy
C: They are delicious
1. B
2. A
3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-10-11 | ![]() |
More Tigers in Nepal
Hi students! Do you know what year it is? Sure, it's 2022. But it's also
another year. Let me give you a hint. Yep, it's the Year of the Tiger. Tigers
are special animals.
They are the biggest of the big cats. Lions are also big cats. So are
leopards... But tigers are endangered. That means tigers are in danger of
becoming extinct.
Why are tigers endangered? One reason is that some people hunt these big
cats. It's illegal to hunt tigers, but some bad people still do it.
About 100 years ago, there used to be about 100,000 tigers in Asia. But
today, there are fewer than 4,000.
Because tigers are endangered, some people are trying to save them. In Nepal,
there is some good news for tigers. Nepal is a country in Asia. In 2009,
there were only about 120 tigers in Nepal. Today, Nepal has 355 tigers. Wow!
That's almost three times as many tigers!
How did Nepal increase the number of tigers? They worked harder to stop
people from hunting and killing them. They also protected the places tigers
Good job, Nepal!
1. animal 動物
Many animals live around us. 很多動物住在我們的周圍。
You mean cats, dogs and birds? 你是指貓和狗,還有鳥嗎?
Yeah, and rats, ants and spiders. 對啊,還有老鼠,螞蟻和蜘蛛。
2. in danger of 有危險
Those animals are not in danger of extinction. 那些動物都沒有絕種的危險。
No, they are not. 是沒有。
3. extinct 絕種的
Why do some animals go extinct? 為什麼有的動物會絕種?
Sometimes it's because the environment changed. 有時候是因為環境改變了。
4. hunt 狩獵
And sometimes people hunt them. 有時候是人類獵殺牠們。
Right, people love the animal's meat or skin too much.
animal 動物
in danger of 有危險
extinct 絕種的
hunt 狩獵
1. What are tigers, lions, and leopards called?
A: Asian cats
B: Danger cats
C: Big cats
2. If an animal is "endangered" what does that mean?
A: It could die out
B: It is a dangerous animal
C: It has a disease
3. Why are there more tigers in Nepal now?
A: More tigers moved there
B: Nepal helped to protect them
C: Some new zoos opened in Nepal
1. C
2. A
3. B
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