TPE48 Announces Qualifying Members
The first round of qualifying members for future girl band TPE48 has been announced. The 45 girl group hopefuls were selected over a 5-month-long process, out of 3000 girls aged between 11 and 23. Those who made the cut include Chen Ling, the daughter of former CPBL player Chen Chih-yuan. TPE48 managers say the group...Continue reading

Taiwan’s Ma Jialing Charms at AKB48 Meet and Greet
Ma Jia-ling, the Taiwan member of Japanese girl group AKB48 charmed fans at a meet and greet in Tokyo yesterday. This was the 19-year-old’s second appearance as an official group member at one of the band’s fan meetings. The Taichung native was available for handshakes at the event, and several fans commented on her open...Continue reading

S.H.E Teases New Collaboration
Taiwan girl group S.H.E has hinted ever-so-tantalizingly of a new joint project in the works. Selina, Hebe, and Ella haven’t put out an album together since 2012’s “Blossomy”. So it was no surprise that when the long-running trio posted a colorful photo of paper flowers on Facebook today, fans immediately demanded to know if an album or...Continue reading

Puff Guo Remains Tight-lipped on “Dream Girls” Discord
Singer Puff Guo (right) of Taiwan Girl Group “Dream Girls” remains tight-lipped on the rumours of discord between bandmate Emily Song (middle) and the group’s former handler. Earlier this week, Song took to Facebook and revealed that there was conflict between her and the group’s former manager “Elsa”. Song also discounted long-running reports of friction...Continue reading

Girl Group ‘Twice’ with ROC National Debuts Music Video
A new South Korean girl group featuring an ROC national released its first music video Tuesday. Twice has drawn attention here in Taiwan because of local teenager, Chou Tzuyu. Members of the group were selected from the South Korean TV talent show “Sixteen” earlier this year. The show saw girls from different countries showing off...Continue reading
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